Claudine Gay remains at Harvard, earning $1 million a year

She's almost as overpaid as most corporate CEOs.

What makes you believe that this is wrong?


The question isn't why she was forced to "resign" but how she got the position in the first place.
Seems Harvard could defend itself easily: She plagarized 50 times, and retaining an academic fraud as a professor will embolden her students to cheat as well since she can’t punish them for something she herself got a pass on. As such, the reputation of Harvard is greatly diminished.

Yes, it would sure seem that way, but she's of the holy race that thou must never disparage, so she gets to stay.
If a liar, cheater and anti-Semite rates a million-dollar salary at Harvard, then Harvard has too much money. Time to cut all federal aid to them.
Their endowment is so large that they could offer free tuition forever.
Says the pussy who now just has questions.

No. It's about how Gay has a million dollar job teaching at Havard and how frail whites are salty over it because they feel she's a plagiarizing antisemtie.

What question? I'll happily answer it in a way that embarrasses your intellect and dismisses your emotions, opinions and concerns.
Jerk Chicken is really flailin’ and failin’ now.

The poor pathetic racist bitch still can’t get me raised up.

Another wild swing. Another massive miss.

I love watching the vermin defend the academic cheater.

By the way, your beloved Potato was also an academic cheater.

You sure know how to pick ‘em you pathetic racist tard. 🤣😆
You got it twisted. She got HIRED because she was an anti-white black, and she got FIRED because she refused to condemn calls by Harvard students to genocide the Jews.
As a white Aryan white supremacist, isn't the genocide of the Jews exactly what you want?
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Ha. I call out antisemites
No, you claim anyone that calls you out for your racist remarks as antisemitic. Anyone that doesn't agree with you or is down for the Jewish cause you try and label as antisemitic.
. And there’s nothing racist about wanting a Harvard president who approves of calls to genocide Jews OUT. You seem to think that Jews should just accept Harvard students screaming “Death to Jews” and defend the president who approves it….because she’s black.
Who we go again with the lies, now where did I claim that Jewish folks should accept someone screaming for their death? When did I say that the president did the right thing? Please post if for all to read.

The truth is that she NEVER would have been president if she were white, and there’s nothing racist about saying that. Harvard brought her in specifically to choose blacks over whites. It’s right in job application.

Please point out all the nonwhite presidents on this list.

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