Claudine Gay remains at Harvard, earning $1 million a year

In the midst of cheering that an incompetent, plagarizing Harvard president who condoned Nazi-era antisemitism to flourish on her campus has been forced out because of it, have people missed the following:

She will retain her nearly $1 million a year salary and return to being a professor (or some other academic post)? Why is Harvard retaining someone as a professor whose numerous instances of plagarism get her own students expelled?

Why is Harvard giving a pass to this woman? She should be out entirely.

What the hell does she do for a million a year ......
Why is she still employed
What is she an" expert "at :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Shit .......woman probably never did an honest days work in her life ...
When dey wuz slaves you could get an honest day out of em

Just sayin
That stupid hateful worthless plagiarist DEI hire is making $900K a year.

Anybody concerned about student debt should question why universities pays worthless assholes like that such a ridiculous salary.
That stupid hateful worthless plagiarist DEI hire is making $900K a year.

Anybody concerned about student debt should question why universities pays worthless assholes like that such a ridiculous salary.
She’s laughing all the way to the bank. She doesn’t have to correct her statement that it’s OK to call for the genocide of Jews AND she gets away with massive plagarism.

If blacks want equal consideration to be hired as whites, then we need to stop accepting lower standards for keeping them employed after unacceptable behavior. All this case shows is that once you hire a black, it will be impossible to get rid of him or her no matter how horrendous their actions or behavior.
She’s laughing all the way to the bank. She doesn’t have to correct her statement that it’s OK to call for the genocide of Jews AND she gets away with massive plagarism.

If blacks want equal consideration to be hired as whites, then we need to stop accepting lower standards for keeping them employed after unacceptable behavior. All this case shows is that once you hire a black, it will be impossible to get rid of him or her no matter how horrendous their actions or behavior.
You can't blame her for playing the DEI card and scamming tons of money out of stupid White people. What is pathetic are the stupid White Gilt dumbasses that hired her worthless DEI ass and pay her the ridiculous money.
You can't blame her for playing the DEI card and scamming tons of money out of stupid White people. What is pathetic are the stupid White Gilt dumbasses that hired her worthless DEI ass and pay her the ridiculous money.

Time is coming.

We need to stay busy on building those mental institutions.

MAGA tards won't tolerate a plagiarist, but boy do they love them a rapist who steals from cancer kids and attempted a coup!
MAGA tards won't tolerate a plagiarist, but boy do they love them a rapist who steals from cancer kids and attempted a coup!
And libsters tolerate the head of an Ivy League university who gives her stamp of approval to calls to genocide Jews….because she’s Black.
And libsters tolerate the head of an Ivy League university who gives her stamp of approval to calls to genocide Jews….because she’s Black.
She did not give her approval, twit.

But you do approve of a rapist who steals from cancer kids and attempted a coup.

Not just approve, you worship at his feet!

I wonder how you can stand your own stench.
She’s laughing all the way to the bank. She doesn’t have to correct her statement that it’s OK to call for the genocide of Jews AND she gets away with massive plagarism.

If blacks want equal consideration to be hired as whites, then we need to stop accepting lower standards for keeping them employed after unacceptable behavior. All this case shows is that once you hire a black, it will be impossible to get rid of him or her no matter how horrendous their actions or behavior.
Fail whites like you are just salty that any sort of standards disqualifies MAGAts.
She did not give her approval, twit.

But you do approve of a rapist who steals from cancer kids and attempted a coup.

Not just approve, you worship at his feet!

I wonder how you can stand your own stench.
Yes, she did. She was asked if calling for the genocide of Jews is against Harvard’s code of behavior, and she refused to say it was. That’s approval.

And I don’t worship Trump. I just recognize he was a good president.
Likely this is to prevent the massive lawsuits that would come if she were completely forced out.
Possibly, but chances are nobody is going to enroll in her class except for the couple of "marginalized students" she was probably sponsoring with that salary.
She did not give her approval, twit.

But you do approve of a rapist who steals from cancer kids and attempted a coup.

Not just approve, you worship at his feet!

I wonder how you can stand your own stench.

She’s laughing all the way to the bank. She doesn’t have to correct her statement that it’s OK to call for the genocide of Jews AND she gets away with massive plagarism.

If blacks want equal consideration to be hired as whites, then we need to stop accepting lower standards for keeping them employed after unacceptable behavior. All this case shows is that once you hire a black, it will be impossible to get rid of him or her no matter how horrendous their actions or behavior.
The claims of plagarism are bullshit from political hacks out to get her.

The fact you're injecting race into it makes you look just a little bit racist.
@Rawley :
“Harvard is a hedge fund masquerading as a school.”

Today only innocents think of our great universities as simply “schools.” They are in fact almost all corporations — but corporations which must balance the demands of incredibly different internal constituencies while maintaining income sources from many varied sources. The President of these universities are best understood as the CEO of unique private corporations, struggling to manage all the above and stay atop powerful internal boards of directors.

Harvard openly boasts: “The President and Fellows of Harvard College (also called the Harvard Corporation or just the Corporation) is the smaller and more powerful of Harvard University's two governing boards. It refers to itself [accurately] as the oldest [still existing] corporation in the Western Hemisphere.”

When you consider that Harvard operating annual revenues are now over 6.1 billion dollars, it is hardly to be expected that a resigning CEO should be dumped as driftwood to be dried out and burned as a witch at the next political “auto-da-fe.”

Most University Presidents have much more to worry about than satisfying public indignation from one side or another in all the culture wars and political wars going on as another tragic episode in the mutually violent and deadly conflict between Israelis and Palestinians continues. For generations no force has been able to meet the demands of both sides, the U.S. is deeply involved on one, and passions are high.

During the Vietnam War we had the same thing, but that war more directly and massively effected both students and the nation as a whole. I remember “sitting-in” at an Ivy League President’s office over war-related policies of our institution and its Pres. & powerful Board members who both supported the war and were presidents of corporations who supported it.

At that time there were one sided cries from rightwing (and liberal) war-supporting politicians about “free speech” and protecting university “autonomy,” but the weight of progressive anti-war forces among faculty & students and the changing of public opinion was too great to resist — at least until half a million U.S. troops withdrew from this French Colonial & anti-communist redux.

This controversy is really over Israel’s extreme — and extremely provoked — devastation of Gaza and where it fits in the long history of Israeli/Arab Palestinian conflict. Looked at another way, it is sort of like asking “Who is really ‘genociding’ who in Gaza?” or “Who wants to drive who out of Israel/Palestine?”

In fact both “right” and “left” have diverse views on this conflict, and it — in my opinion — is terribly inappropriate for American Jews, Muslims, Christians, Dems or Repubs to expect University CEOs to perfectly handle or articulate a line on these matters where they themselves are often incapable or unwilling to maintain a balanced and objective view.
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