Clean energy makes big gains.

There aren't tens of thousands of wind turbines in California. If you can actually post a link stating this I'd like to see it. I'll wait. I hope it's not the same place where you got your information about the government spending 100 trillion on green energy. :laugh::laugh:

Gee mr brain, i did not say there are tens 9f thousands in calufornia today. Although there may be.

What was said is there were. I guess the details escape your level of brain activity
Oh noes!! God forbid!! And......why would that be a huge deal, if true, tell me, lol. Not that I'm taking your word for it, because I can find no literature that actually states this as a fact. Panels can potentially go without cleaning for much longer periods than a month, if not months. I guess I wouldn't have the same information you get from your facebook groups. :laugh:
You dont have the sane info as my facebook groups? That is easy when you dont have any information

You posted no information, I am sure you went looking, to see if dusty solar panels need cleaning. You came up with nothing.

Commercial solar panels, have regurarly scheduled maitenance. Unless of course they are only installed for the tax incentives, then you are right. The solar company collects its subsidies and then goes bankrupt. No need to clean at all.
WRONG. What you are talking about may eventually happen in 100 years. Kind of like telling people of 1922 to abandon the telegraph and post office because some day we'd have the internet!
Please reassess each statement.
They've avoided them so far. telling people to not charge their EV's...not run any big appliances...and keeping their houses at 78 degrees! I've got friends in Cuba...that's how things are there...I never thought I'd ever see it here in the US! Thank you, Democrats! You're turning us into a Third World country!
If it is worth their while. In China with no EPA who doesn't care either way, doubtful. So then blame China instead of the coal.
If we could burn 'clean coal' economically we'd have coal plants all over the place. telling people to not charge their EV's...not run any big appliances...and keeping their houses at 78 degrees! I've got friends in Cuba...that's how things are there...I never thought I'd ever see it here in the US! Thank you, Democrats! You're turning us into a Third World country!
Most of the U.S. grid is ok. Our worst vulnerability is sabotage by Russia or China.
If we could burn 'clean coal' economically we'd have coal plants all over the place.
While we're shutting down our coal fired plants China is building lots of them. Would someone explain to me how that helps with climate change?
Who would sign an accord that increases energy costs for themselves while letting their chief economic rival continue to pollute for DECADES? It's so idiotic that only a Progressive would think it made sense!
Both parties are likely guilty.
Both parties are likely guilty.
What? The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to back us out of the Paris Accord! That was a Democratic thing. I don't think they got any GOP votes for that at all. Now Joe Biden wants to put us back into it which once again illustrates how much of an idiot he really is!
But are coal plants doing it?
What's ridiculous is that OUR coal plants use "air scrubbers" and other tech to limit emissions while the Chinese could care less! So we shut down our "clean" coal fired plants while we let them build dirty coal fired plants for the next two decades? Who are the morons that thought that was going to do ANYTHING to clean up the environment?
What's ridiculous is that OUR coal plants use "air scrubbers" and other tech to limit emissions while the Chinese could care less! So we shut down our "clean" coal fired plants while we let them build dirty coal fired plants for the next two decades? Who are the morons that thought that was going to do ANYTHING to clean up the environment?
Wicked spirits in high places. :omg:
What? The first thing Trump did when he got into office was to back us out of the Paris Accord! That was a Democratic thing. I don't think they got any GOP votes for that at all. Now Joe Biden wants to put us back into it which once again illustrates how much of an idiot he really is!
Both parties have cozied up commercially to our enemies for decades.

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