Cleveland Guardians Name To Become Official Tomorrow

Coyote fusses at us for speaking frankly --- but says nothing about IM2's consistently filthy, dirty posts. Hmmmmmmmmm. Double standards, I'm not too interested in cooperating with any of that, either.

Yeah, I noticed that too. She's nice and all, but she's way too sensitive. At least towards us.
You can say Indian if you do say Indian. I always do. Don't let other people intimidate your language, I'd say. I think it's important to keep these words, and if anyone complains, face them right the hell down. They absolutely don't get to censor what I say. They can walk away, but they cannot change my words.

I would just laugh if MLB took a major hit from the fans (what few are left) as they go all PC on us.
Coyote fusses at us for speaking frankly --- but says nothing about IM2's consistently filthy, dirty posts. Hmmmmmmmmm. Double standards, I'm not too interested in cooperating with any of that, either.
I don’t read every thread or post, and I avoid threads that go down into the gutter. You can speak “frankly”. It is a free country. Never said you couldn’t.

When did rudeness morph into “speaking frankly?
She called me a MURDERER (and much more) just the other day. Then when I tore into her for her statement, she claimed she was only speaking generally. :eusa_whistle:

That just ain't right.

Sorry, I like you and all but I don't get involved in other people's fights. It sounded like that's what she was saying to me too, but I only have her word for it that she wasn't. I fight too many of my own fights on here though than to get involved with anybody else's.
I'm really curious how Coyote would respond to this topic. She didn't seem to agree with that in my one race topic.
IMO this is when political correctness goes to far. Why not keep the name but add something that respects it’s origins in fan messaging. Do they get upset with the Minnesota Vikings?
I don’t read every thread or post, and I avoid threads that go down into the gutter. You can speak “frankly”. It is a free country. Never said you couldn’t.

Well then, frankly speaking I like you and all but sometimes you go off the deep end with your opinions,.. but,.. I still want to know what you think about this topic.
IMO this is when political correctness goes to far. Why not keep the name but add something that respects it’s origins in fan messaging. Do they get upset with the Minnesota Vikings?

Never mind lol
She called me a MURDERER (and much more) just the other day. Then when I tore into her for her statement, she claimed she was only speaking generally. :eusa_whistle:

That just ain't right.
No, I didn’t as I explained. But you are going to make grieva ce out of it. It’s why I just ignore you,
Well then, frankly speaking I like you and all but sometimes you go off the deep end with your opinions,.. but,.. I still want to know what you think about this topic.
You know, when it comes to deep ends, you do a pretty good too. Problem is too many people consider have a different opinion from theirs to be a sign of evil and depravity, I comp,etely understand why some choose to troll rather than converse.
Sorry, I like you and all but I don't get involved in other people's fights. It sounded like that's what she was saying to me too, but I only have her word for it that she wasn't. I fight too many of my own fights on here though than to get involved with anybody else's.
There is you, specific, and you general, like you guys. Fuck it.
Well then, frankly speaking I like you and all but
Sorry, I like you and all but

I think we need to stick to neutral topics everyone can agree on, like this is what Danny Radcliffe looks like after he takes all his make-up off! :omg:

Screen Shot 2021-11-18 at 6.22.30 PM.png
I comp,etely understand why some choose to troll rather than converse.

Like you right now for instance?

There is you, specific, and you general, like you guys. Fuck it.

Like I said, it just looked like it to me geesh! There's no need for attitude. You're really wanting me to stay friends with you when all I'm guilty of is being honest. :rolleyes:
Anyways, let's try to stay on topic without killing each other shall we?
No, I didn’t as I explained.
Well, ya, you did. Why don't you copy and paste your post here and we will take a vote on it? You said (talking to me): "You are a murderer (and a whole bunch of other things), the context being that I am no better than or part of the gang that rioted at the Capitol just because I often defend/support Trump. There is no general form of the word "you" unless you phrase it in the context of a group (like "you people"). But what would I know being a published professional writer with three technical books in my CV?

At any rate, I consider it water over the damn now-- -- -- about par for the course on a forum where the most active writers here now are JimH152, odanny, jbander, and skews13.
But you are going to make grieva ce out of it. It’s why I just ignore you,

So you've ignored me for almost five years for a legitimate comment I just made in my defense just a week ago? I see. And here I thought I've always been very fair in my comments to you. I even including you in my friends list last Christmas. Oh well.

Maybe I should treat you like everyone else here does now--- at least once they've been here long enough to get to know the real you.

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