Climate alarmists predicted CATASTROPHY by 2015!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
How ghey?

So.....back in 2009, ABC News, long a huge supporter of the bomb throwing AGW climate alarmists did a huge TV special about how the world would get to no turning back catastrophy by July of usual suspects were part of the TV special including hard core progressives Chris Cuomo and Bob Woodruff!!!:gay: But like the Gore predictions of no arctic ice by 2013 and no snow by 2010 THATS...............A LOSS!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Flashback: ABC News Envisioned Apocalyptic 2015 Triggered By Climate Change [VIDEO]

Top story on DRUDGE right now!!!!:up:

How ghey?

So.....back in 2009, ABC News, long a huge supporter of the bomb throwing AGW climate alarmists did a huge TV special about how the world would get to no turning back catastrophy by July of usual suspects were part of the TV special including hard core progressives Chris Cuomo and Bob Woodruff!!!:gay: But like the Gore predictions of no arctic ice by 2013 and no snow by 2010 THATS...............A LOSS!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Flashback: ABC News Envisioned Apocalyptic 2015 Triggered By Climate Change [VIDEO]

Top story on DRUDGE right now!!!!:up:

Skooks, Old Rocks adjusted the data so the ice caps are all gone

Problem solved
2015 isn't over. lol

Just Google "2015 September disaster predictions" That shit is everywhere right now. It's due in September dude. Let's hope self-fulfilling prophecy isn't true in this case, or else we're toast. The "Illuminati" have apparently rigged the economic system to implode and WWIII is being planned as we speak. Added to that, there is a super volcano under Yellowstone getting ready to pop and an Asteroid is on it's way.

We should be so lucky if the only thing we had to worry up was a little bump up in the thermostat. Wouldn't that be nice? :lmao:

The Earth won't have time to melt down when it's being torn asunder. lol

It's OK, the world WON'T end in September: Nasa forced to address radical claims a giant asteroid will soon destroy humanity
  • Claim first made by self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efrain Rodriguez
  • He says an asteroid will strike near Puerto Rico triggering earthquakes
  • His claims have gone viral, forcing the space agency to speak up
  • 'The probability of a major collision is quite small,' according to Nasa
This is just one example of the literally hundreds of articles and videos out there if you Google what I suggested. The probability is "quite small." Really? That's comforting to know an ELE is "quite small." lol I'll bet the elites are prepared for their own survival none the less.

There is no small amount of things they will use to make you fear to manipulate you with. It's best to ignore it all and just get on with enjoying your life, one day at a time.

. . . . oh, some folks are worried about what is going down at CERN too now, did I mention that one? Seem a lot of this silly scare shit has connections with these elites overloads being a large percentage make up of Jewish Heritage,

The Shemitah: The Biblical Pattern Which Indicates That A Financial Collapse May Be Coming In 2015
The Shemitah: The Biblical Pattern Which Indicates That A Financial Collapse May Be Coming In 2015

2015 isn't over. lol

Just Google "2015 September disaster predictions" That shit is everywhere right now. It's due in September dude. Let's hope self-fulfilling prophecy isn't true in this case, or else we're toast. The "Illuminati" have apparently rigged the economic system to implode and WWIII is being planned as we speak. Added to that, there is a super volcano under Yellowstone getting ready to pop and an Asteroid is on it's way.

We should be so lucky if the only thing we had to worry up was a little bump up in the thermostat. Wouldn't that be nice? :lmao:

The Earth won't have time to melt down when it's being torn asunder. lol

It's OK, the world WON'T end in September: Nasa forced to address radical claims a giant asteroid will soon destroy humanity
  • Claim first made by self-proclaimed prophet Rev Efrain Rodriguez
  • He says an asteroid will strike near Puerto Rico triggering earthquakes
  • His claims have gone viral, forcing the space agency to speak up
  • 'The probability of a major collision is quite small,' according to Nasa
This is just one example of the literally hundreds of articles and videos out there if you Google what I suggested. The probability is "quite small." Really? That's comforting to know an ELE is "quite small." lol I'll bet the elites are prepared for their own survival none the less.

There is no small amount of things they will use to make you fear to manipulate you with. It's best to ignore it all and just get on with enjoying your life, one day at a time.

. . . . oh, some folks are worried about what is going down at CERN too now, did I mention that one? Seem a lot of this silly scare shit has connections with these elites overloads being a large percentage make up of Jewish Heritage,

The Shemitah: The Biblical Pattern Which Indicates That A Financial Collapse May Be Coming In 2015
The Shemitah: The Biblical Pattern Which Indicates That A Financial Collapse May Be Coming In 2015


We're far more likely to survive a direct hit by an asteroid the size of Mars than we can survive President Hillary or Bush
Skook is again using ABC News as his science source. I don't think it's possible to fail harder than that.

Stuff that 'effin stupid is literally all the deniers have left. Those bedwetting sissies just don't have the 'nads to admit how wrong they were about everything, so they keep trying to deflect by recycling all of their previous stupid deflections.
NASA has only mapped the trajectories of about 10 percent of the Solar systems asteroids.

There's still a chance that something like that could happen, and come out of the blue.
NASA has only mapped the trajectories of about 10 percent of the Solar systems asteroids.

There's still a chance that something like that could happen, and come out of the blue.

While that is true, it's obvious you don't understand how the orbital trajectory of the asteroid belt works. Even if it was 100% mapped, it changes every year. The same is true of the Ort cloud.

Where do folks get their information? How is it their education and understanding of the solar system and the forces that affect the Earth is so dismal?

I guess that is why it is so easy to sell them this AGW bill of goods, eh?
Skook is again using ABC News as his science source. I don't think it's possible to fail harder than that.

Stuff that 'effin stupid is literally all the deniers have left. Those bedwetting sissies just don't have the 'nads to admit how wrong they were about everything, so they keep trying to deflect by recycling all of their previous stupid deflections.

Yeah! ABC is a right wing outfit right? Right?!
Well, yes, ABC rivals FOX in their conservative mania, but that's not the real point. The real point is that one should get science info from scientists, not pop journalism. And if one does choose pop journalism, they can't expect to be taken seriously by the grownups.
Skook is again using ABC News as his science source. I don't think it's possible to fail harder than that.

Stuff that 'effin stupid is literally all the deniers have left. Those bedwetting sissies just don't have the 'nads to admit how wrong they were about everything, so they keep trying to deflect by recycling all of their previous stupid deflections.

Yeah! ABC is a right wing outfit right? Right?!

Any outlet that doesn't use real scientist,,,yeah.
Vig, pasting all those fake predictions simply makes you a liar.

But then, what else can you do? Your cult says lie, so you're going to lie.
While that is true, it's obvious you don't understand how the orbital trajectory of the asteroid belt works. Even if it was 100% mapped, it changes every year. The same is true of the Ort cloud.

Holy shit, that's stupid. Beale thinks we just map positions, and don't map orbits.

If 100% of the objects were mapped, we'd know 100% if earth was going to be a target of any impact in the next few hundred years. We couldn't extend predictions out to infinity, of course, as to some extent the solar system is a type of chaotic system, and very small perturbations could make for much bigger changes way down the line. A comet burps gas in one direction, it might change the orbit, swing it nearer another body, and change the orbit more.

Where do folks get their information? How is it their education and understanding of the solar system and the forces that affect the Earth is so dismal?

I guess that is why it is so easy to sell them this AGW bill of goods, eh?

That sort of belligerent ignorance is typical of those afflicted with Dunning-Kruger Syndrome. Most deniers are simply too goddamned stupid to understand how goddamned stupid they are.
Well, the denialists are going to try to find the most outlandish predictions, whether by a real scientist or not, to try to say that is what the majority of the scientists are saying, when that is not a fact at all.

However, I was struck by one prediction for 2015. Hundreds of square miles in flames. Hmmmmmmmmmm.............

Soda Fire, Idaho, 443 square miles.
Canyon Creek Complex, Oregon, still growing, 159 square miles.
Cornet-Windy Ridge Fire, 160 square miles, Oregon
Okanogan Complex, 476 square miles, still growing, Washington state.
Chelan Complex, Washington, 145 square miles.
Carpenter Road Fire, Washington, 100 square miles.
Grizzely Bear Complex, 115 square miles, Washington.
Kettle Complex, 103 square miles, Washington.

These are just the fires that there are people on at present. Those completely out or less than 100 square miles not included. And I am sure I have missed some 100+ square mile fires in Montana and Idaho.

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