Climate change: 2015 will be the hottest year on record 'by a mile', experts say

According to the NCEP reanalysis data, August 2015 was the warmest on record by 0.08C.


2015 16.149
2014 16.069
2012 16.039
2003 16.021
2013 16.012
There WAS severe monkey biz pissed on that chart. Anyone that can drive MS Office can tell how to scale graphs and pad them to accentuate or attenuate features of the data. Putting an irrelevent 100 years of past temperature on the left side in the final version made the errors look smaller by a factor of five. No conspiracy.. 30+ years of science and engineering tells me that.. And THEN -- cutting off the projections to go ONLY to 2015 instead of continuing them out as ORIGINALLY PRESENTED -- was done for spite and to avoid major embarrassment. If ya WANT --- I'll show you the originals and put those actual temps on top of it.. But if you're really in science -- you would already KNOW how to lie with graphs and statistics.. Or defend yourself against those that play to lie with graphs and statistics..

If you think that the very tops of those errors hitting SOME of the projected region is a true wonder and success -- you need to realize that the temp. data ends in 2010 (?) when the report came out. And since then --- the temps have walked off of ALL of those estimates..

This is nonsensical. The data and ranges clearly fall in the ranges that were predicted, aside from a few outlier years, which is to be expected in the short run.

Temps have generally been higher since 2010, so we can be sure that most of those years will be well into the predicted range.

All in all, an excellent graph.

See, only people who can't interpret data think that the look of the graph matters. The data is the data, and that data shows remarkable correlation between predicted ranges and observed temps.

No they haven't. Temp levels have flatlined for the last 18 years. Only through the magic of computer derived science fiction do climatologists come up with fanciful tales of .38 degree rises in temperature. A number that is not measurable in the real world.
No, temperatures have increased.

You must be referring to the RSS satellite data set, the one that cuts off the upper latitudes and southern latitudes and measures the upper troposphere rather than the surface.

But you don't know the difference or care, because deniers tell you it's not warming.

Scientists who study this are pretty clear.

Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
You're one of those.. *sigh*

Yep. I'm a scientist who actually demands empirical data. Terrible I know, you who have staked pretty much your whole religious belief on computer models. Models that are so poor that well known charlatans have a better predictive rate. That's just pathetic.
This is nonsensical. The data and ranges clearly fall in the ranges that were predicted, aside from a few outlier years, which is to be expected in the short run.

Temps have generally been higher since 2010, so we can be sure that most of those years will be well into the predicted range.

All in all, an excellent graph.

See, only people who can't interpret data think that the look of the graph matters. The data is the data, and that data shows remarkable correlation between predicted ranges and observed temps.

No they haven't. Temp levels have flatlined for the last 18 years. Only through the magic of computer derived science fiction do climatologists come up with fanciful tales of .38 degree rises in temperature. A number that is not measurable in the real world.
No, temperatures have increased.

You must be referring to the RSS satellite data set, the one that cuts off the upper latitudes and southern latitudes and measures the upper troposphere rather than the surface.

But you don't know the difference or care, because deniers tell you it's not warming.

Scientists who study this are pretty clear.

Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
You're one of those.. *sigh*

Yep. I'm a scientist who actually demands empirical data. Terrible I know, you who have staked pretty much your whole religious belief on computer models. Models that are so poor that well known charlatans have a better predictive rate. That's just pathetic.
I'm a self proclaimed genius as well, want a cookie? *Yawn* The computer model conspiracy bullshit, I'll trust the majority of scientists, the UN, etc..
This is nonsensical. The data and ranges clearly fall in the ranges that were predicted, aside from a few outlier years, which is to be expected in the short run.

Temps have generally been higher since 2010, so we can be sure that most of those years will be well into the predicted range.

All in all, an excellent graph.

See, only people who can't interpret data think that the look of the graph matters. The data is the data, and that data shows remarkable correlation between predicted ranges and observed temps.

No they haven't. Temp levels have flatlined for the last 18 years. Only through the magic of computer derived science fiction do climatologists come up with fanciful tales of .38 degree rises in temperature. A number that is not measurable in the real world.
No, temperatures have increased.

You must be referring to the RSS satellite data set, the one that cuts off the upper latitudes and southern latitudes and measures the upper troposphere rather than the surface.

But you don't know the difference or care, because deniers tell you it's not warming.

Scientists who study this are pretty clear.

Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
You're one of those.. *sigh*

Yep. I'm a scientist who actually demands empirical data. Terrible I know, you who have staked pretty much your whole religious belief on computer models. Models that are so poor that well known charlatans have a better predictive rate. That's just pathetic.
You may very well be a scientist, but I can't take your word for it.
Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
Love the confident statements.

But I would trust a link more.

And let's make it a scientific link, not some denier website.

Oh, heck you wouldn't pay any attention to those anyway. You're a creature of Skeptical Science and those charlatans.

Here's a simple news story that sets the ground for you. It's simple so even a simple person like you should be able to understand what we're talking about.

I know it's difficult so here it is. NASA states that they are accurate to one tenth of a degree. The "record" though, is five times lower than what NASA claims they can measure.

See the problem? Nope, I didn't think you would. That would be honest and we all know that you are intellectually dishonest.

The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter.

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. NOAA says that the record was set by eight one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over that set in July 1998. NASA calculates that July 2015 beat what they assert was the previous warmest month (July 2011) by two one-hundredths of a degree.

But government spokespeople rarely mention the inconvenient fact that these records are being set by less than the uncertainty in the statistics.NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set. NASA says that their data is typically accurate to one tenth of a degree, five times the amount by which their new record was set.

TOM HARRIS: Global warming: Deceptive temperature record claims - Washington Times
Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
Love the confident statements.

But I would trust a link more.

And let's make it a scientific link, not some denier website.

Oh, heck you wouldn't pay any attention to those anyway. You're a creature of Skeptical Science and those charlatans.

Here's a simple news story that sets the ground for you. It's simple so even a simple person like you should be able to understand what we're talking about.

I know it's difficult so here it is. NASA states that they are accurate to one tenth of a degree. The "record" though, is five times lower than what NASA claims they can measure.

See the problem? Nope, I didn't think you would. That would be honest and we all know that you are intellectually dishonest.

The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter.

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. NOAA says that the record was set by eight one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over that set in July 1998. NASA calculates that July 2015 beat what they assert was the previous warmest month (July 2011) by two one-hundredths of a degree.

But government spokespeople rarely mention the inconvenient fact that these records are being set by less than the uncertainty in the statistics.NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set. NASA says that their data is typically accurate to one tenth of a degree, five times the amount by which their new record was set.

TOM HARRIS: Global warming: Deceptive temperature record claims - Washington Times
So, in other words, you get to ignore all studies done by other countries and believe that NOAA/NASA are wrong on every calculation despite the clear evidence that the temperature is rising?
You stated that their statements were out of date, and did not reflect current knowledge. Is the statement from the Royal Society up to date enough for you? 21July15.

Then you want to call these statements just press releases. Well of course, that is what you create a statement for, to release to the general public through the press what the consensus of opinion is on a subject within that Scientific Society.
Climate Change
An Information Statement of the American Meteorological Society
(Adopted by AMS Council 20 August 2012)

pdf version

The following is an AMS Information Statement intended to provide a trustworthy, objective, and scientifically up-to-date explanation of scientific issues of concern to the public at large.


This statement provides a brief overview of how and why global climate has changed over the past century and will continue to change in the future. It is based on the peer-reviewed scientific literature and is consistent with the vast weight of current scientific understanding as expressed in assessments and reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.S. Global Change Research Program. Although the statement has been drafted in the context of concerns in the United States, the underlying issues are inherently global in nature.

How is climate changing?

Warming of the climate system now is unequivocal, according to many different kinds of evidence. Observations show increases in globally averaged air and ocean temperatures, as well as widespread melting of snow and ice and rising globally averaged sea level. Surface temperature data for Earth as a whole, including readings over both land and ocean, show an increase of about 0.8°C (1.4°F) over the period 1901─2010 and about 0.5°C (0.9°F) over the period 1979–2010 (the era for which satellite-based temperature data are routinely available). Due to natural variability, not every year is warmer than the preceding year globally. Nevertheless, all of the 10 warmest years in the global temperature records up to 2011 have occurred since 1997, with 2005 and 2010 being the warmest two years in more than a century of global records. The warming trend is greatest in northern high latitudes and over land. In the U.S., most of the observed warming has occurred in the West and in Alaska; for the nation as a whole, there have been twice as many record daily high temperatures as record daily low temperatures in the first decade of the 21st century.

The effects of this warming are especially evident in the planet’s polar regions. Arctic sea ice extent and volume have been decreasing for the past several decades. Both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have lost significant amounts of ice. Most of the world’s glaciers are in retreat.

Other changes, globally and in the U.S., are also occurring at the same time. The amount of rain falling in very heavy precipitation events (the heaviest 1% of all precipitation events) has increased over the last 50 years throughout the U.S. Freezing levels are rising in elevation, with rain occurring more frequently instead of snow at mid-elevations of western mountains. Spring maximum snowpack is decreasing, snowmelt occurs earlier, and the spring runoff that supplies over two-thirds of western U.S. streamflow is reduced. Evidence for warming is also observed in seasonal changes across many areas, including earlier springs, longer frost-free periods, longer growing seasons, and shifts in natural habitats and in migratory patterns of birds and insects.

My goodness, this statement is three years old. How terribly out of date, right?

Evidently AMS was considering letting the cats out of the bag and herding them because they commissioned a poll in 2012 of their membership.. Want to know the CONSENSUS?? Only real consensus was that the earth is warming and there is a LARGE conflict within AMS about the whole topic that needs to be aired...

Shock Poll: Meteorologists Are Global Warming Skeptics

Other questions solidified the meteorologists’ skepticism about humans creating a global warming crisis. For example, among those meteorologists who believe global warming is happening, only a modest majority (59%) believe humans are the primary cause. More importantly, only 38% of respondents who believe global warming is occurring say it will be very harmful during the next 100 years.

With substantially fewer than half of meteorologists very worried about global warming or expecting substantial harm during the next 100 years, one has to wonder why environmental activist groups are sowing the seeds of global warming panic. Does anyone really expect our economy to be powered 100 years from now by the same energy sources we use today? Why immediately, severely, and permanently punish our economy with costly global warming restrictions when technological advances and the free market will likely address any such global warming concerns much more efficiently, economically and effectively?

In another line of survey questions, 53% of respondents believe there is conflict among AMS members regarding the topic of global warming. Only 33% believe there is no conflict. Another 15% were not sure. These results provide strong refutation to the assertion that “the debate is over.”

Now will you testimonial idolizers please tell me again the MEANING of an endorsement for Global Warming from AMS given the views of their members above? You think with only 59% responding that "humans are the primary cause" that's a sweeping consensus statement? And what does "primary cause" mean? Is is 51% of the warming or 80% of the warming.. Apparently over 30% of respondents wouldn't even go for PRIMARY...

Let's get this right now.. Because I don't want to put the Forbes summary out there... The actual poll results on that question..

3. Do you think that the global warming that has occurred over the past 150 years has been caused... [Asked if answer to Question 1 is “Yes”]

Mostly by human activity 59%

More-or-less equally by human activity and natural events 11%

Mostly by natural events 6%

I do not believe we (scientists) know enough yet to determine the degree of human or natural causation, even in the general terms stated in the categories above 23%

I don’t know 1%

Furthermore If 53% of them tell you there is CONFLICT about Global Warming WITHIN the society -- how much are YOU willing to grovel to go shoving the AMS "statement" out there in people's faces as your PRIMARY consensus proof???

Don't forget GoldiRocks -- About the THIRD TIME I've given this to you. You always seem to let out the other ear and never respond.. Maybe THIS TIME --- you will...
Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
Love the confident statements.

But I would trust a link more.

And let's make it a scientific link, not some denier website.

Oh, heck you wouldn't pay any attention to those anyway. You're a creature of Skeptical Science and those charlatans.

Here's a simple news story that sets the ground for you. It's simple so even a simple person like you should be able to understand what we're talking about.

I know it's difficult so here it is. NASA states that they are accurate to one tenth of a degree. The "record" though, is five times lower than what NASA claims they can measure.

See the problem? Nope, I didn't think you would. That would be honest and we all know that you are intellectually dishonest.

The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter.

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. NOAA says that the record was set by eight one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over that set in July 1998. NASA calculates that July 2015 beat what they assert was the previous warmest month (July 2011) by two one-hundredths of a degree.

But government spokespeople rarely mention the inconvenient fact that these records are being set by less than the uncertainty in the statistics.NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set. NASA says that their data is typically accurate to one tenth of a degree, five times the amount by which their new record was set.

TOM HARRIS: Global warming: Deceptive temperature record claims - Washington Times
So, in other words, you get to ignore all studies done by other countries and believe that NOAA/NASA are wrong on every calculation despite the clear evidence that the temperature is rising?

Are you stupid? NASA says they can only measure to a tenth of a degree. THEY say this. How can you then believe their assertions to a record that is five times lower than their admitted ability to measure? Riddle me that Batman. Riddle me that.
Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
Love the confident statements.

But I would trust a link more.

And let's make it a scientific link, not some denier website.

Oh, heck you wouldn't pay any attention to those anyway. You're a creature of Skeptical Science and those charlatans.

Here's a simple news story that sets the ground for you. It's simple so even a simple person like you should be able to understand what we're talking about.

I know it's difficult so here it is. NASA states that they are accurate to one tenth of a degree. The "record" though, is five times lower than what NASA claims they can measure.

See the problem? Nope, I didn't think you would. That would be honest and we all know that you are intellectually dishonest.

The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter.

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. NOAA says that the record was set by eight one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over that set in July 1998. NASA calculates that July 2015 beat what they assert was the previous warmest month (July 2011) by two one-hundredths of a degree.

But government spokespeople rarely mention the inconvenient fact that these records are being set by less than the uncertainty in the statistics.NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set. NASA says that their data is typically accurate to one tenth of a degree, five times the amount by which their new record was set.

TOM HARRIS: Global warming: Deceptive temperature record claims - Washington Times
So, in other words, you get to ignore all studies done by other countries and believe that NOAA/NASA are wrong on every calculation despite the clear evidence that the temperature is rising?

Are you stupid? NASA says they can only measure to a tenth of a degree. THEY say this. How can you then believe their assertions to a record that is five times lower than their admitted ability to measure? Riddle me that Batman. Riddle me that.
I know they say this, and yet, NASA isn't the only one conducting these measurements, and even so, the effects of climate change have been building up since industrialization and are clear, I can care less if they're wrong by 1/10th of a degree, I'll look to other countries/NOAA/etc.. See, the thing is, I hope 2015 isn't the hottest year, that would mean efforts to reduce climate change are going well.
Might as well throw this AMS membership question in there as well..

About 30% of the membership that sees a conflict within the society are reluctant to bring the topic up in AMS meetings and forums..

11. I am reluctant to bring up the topic of global warming in AMS meetings or other AMS forums. [Asked if answer to Question 8 is “Strongly agree” or “Somewhat agree”]

Strongly agree 9%
Somewhat agree 20%
Neither agree nor disagree 27%
Somewhat disagree 17%
Strongly disagree 27%

Yeppers -- that society is WHOLE HOG on the Global Weirding Bandwagon.. Aint they???? :badgrin:

HEY 3Toes (or whatever the newbie name is) --- How about some more MEMBERSHIP views from all those prestigious science endorsements that you and Roxy value so highly.. I love reading them...

I think EVERY ONE of those organization endorsements ought to be accompanied by a membership poll like this one.. Don't you guys???? :2up:
According to the NCEP reanalysis data, August 2015 was the warmest on record by 0.08C.


2015 16.149
2014 16.069
2012 16.039
2003 16.021
2013 16.012

From what happy horseshit does THAT graph come?? There has been no 0.3DegC increase in ANY ACKNOWLEDGED data set between 2000 and today..

What you smoking Matthew? Reanalyzed weed or something??
Last edited:
Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
Love the confident statements.

But I would trust a link more.

And let's make it a scientific link, not some denier website.

Oh, heck you wouldn't pay any attention to those anyway. You're a creature of Skeptical Science and those charlatans.

Here's a simple news story that sets the ground for you. It's simple so even a simple person like you should be able to understand what we're talking about.

I know it's difficult so here it is. NASA states that they are accurate to one tenth of a degree. The "record" though, is five times lower than what NASA claims they can measure.

See the problem? Nope, I didn't think you would. That would be honest and we all know that you are intellectually dishonest.

The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter.

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. NOAA says that the record was set by eight one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over that set in July 1998. NASA calculates that July 2015 beat what they assert was the previous warmest month (July 2011) by two one-hundredths of a degree.

But government spokespeople rarely mention the inconvenient fact that these records are being set by less than the uncertainty in the statistics.NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set. NASA says that their data is typically accurate to one tenth of a degree, five times the amount by which their new record was set.

TOM HARRIS: Global warming: Deceptive temperature record claims - Washington Times
So, in other words, you get to ignore all studies done by other countries and believe that NOAA/NASA are wrong on every calculation despite the clear evidence that the temperature is rising?

You seem to measure progress against Global Warming politically.. So if we build more windmills and the temperatures cool off a bit --- the heroes are those wise and far-seeing politicos that funded them? It's that's easy for you --- don't change a thing. Keep on believing in magic and fairy dust..

NASA GISS (the "space systems" guys) have to IGNORE THEIR OWN SATELLITE data entirely to make those fervent scary press releases about "warmest ever" every month.. Instead they "hand interpret" 100,000 thermometer coverage so that they can "juice stuff up a bit" to make the headline..

Bet you believe the balance in the Soc Sec trust fund, the ObamaCare enrollment numbers, numbers of deported, and the Unemployment figures when they are first announced to make the headline.. You never HEAR about the retractions a couple weeks later.. Which is what NASA has been doing several times a year now with these "records"...

You go ahead and plan your life and finances on ANY numbers coming fresh out of the Fed Govt lately..
Last edited:
Dat's why Uncle Ferd tells Granny to wait...

... `til the cool of the evenin' to cut the grass...

... so's she won't get a heatstroke.
Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
Love the confident statements.

But I would trust a link more.

And let's make it a scientific link, not some denier website.

Oh, heck you wouldn't pay any attention to those anyway. You're a creature of Skeptical Science and those charlatans.

Here's a simple news story that sets the ground for you. It's simple so even a simple person like you should be able to understand what we're talking about.

I know it's difficult so here it is. NASA states that they are accurate to one tenth of a degree. The "record" though, is five times lower than what NASA claims they can measure.

See the problem? Nope, I didn't think you would. That would be honest and we all know that you are intellectually dishonest.

The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter.

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. NOAA says that the record was set by eight one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over that set in July 1998. NASA calculates that July 2015 beat what they assert was the previous warmest month (July 2011) by two one-hundredths of a degree.

But government spokespeople rarely mention the inconvenient fact that these records are being set by less than the uncertainty in the statistics.NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set. NASA says that their data is typically accurate to one tenth of a degree, five times the amount by which their new record was set.

TOM HARRIS: Global warming: Deceptive temperature record claims - Washington Times
So, in other words, you get to ignore all studies done by other countries and believe that NOAA/NASA are wrong on every calculation despite the clear evidence that the temperature is rising?

Are you stupid? NASA says they can only measure to a tenth of a degree. THEY say this. How can you then believe their assertions to a record that is five times lower than their admitted ability to measure? Riddle me that Batman. Riddle me that.
I know they say this, and yet, NASA isn't the only one conducting these measurements, and even so, the effects of climate change have been building up since industrialization and are clear, I can care less if they're wrong by 1/10th of a degree, I'll look to other countries/NOAA/etc.. See, the thing is, I hope 2015 isn't the hottest year, that would mean efforts to reduce climate change are going well.

Take a real close look at where the other countries get their data. Yeppers, it's from NOAA. Go ahead, don't believe me just look it up for yourself. Then go talk to a mathematician at your local university and ask them if claiming a .38 rise OR decrease are equally valid with error bars of that size.

Go ahead...I dare you...
Go find a consensus TODAY... It doesn't exist.. Unless the questions are juvenile and unimportant.. Like is the climate changing? Or does man "have a role" in that change.

A consensus certainly exists today. And it's stronger than its been in the past. Look at the last IPCC. Heck- glance at any scientific journal, from the top ones to Scientific American- they all agree with the NAS, AGU, and the AAAS.

You're living in the hottest year of the hottest decade ever directly recorded. And it was predicted almost 30 years ago, fairly closely. That's pretty good evidence right there.

It was predicted 30 years ago fool?

Post a link?

And if you say you are a "scientist"

Give me day to day data of the oceans temperature between 1870 (when great Britains challenger was launched to for that one year cruise )~ 2004 when we started monitoring the oceans temperatures
Well, here's an even older one, from about 35 years ago.

Here's a good explanation of what it looked like decades later, written by climatologists:

Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection

Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection

From Hansen?

Your high priest ?

Give me something else and I see you can't give me any ocean temperature data from 1870 to 2004...

Ocean temperture records | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Bullshit. The amount of increase that is claimed is so slight that it is impossible for the tools we have to measure that fine. Period. The only way they can come up with those silly reports is to massage the raw data through their computers and voila! They have whatever bullshit number they want. But the numbers are still that...bullshit. Not born out by fact.
Love the confident statements.

But I would trust a link more.

And let's make it a scientific link, not some denier website.

Oh, heck you wouldn't pay any attention to those anyway. You're a creature of Skeptical Science and those charlatans.

Here's a simple news story that sets the ground for you. It's simple so even a simple person like you should be able to understand what we're talking about.

I know it's difficult so here it is. NASA states that they are accurate to one tenth of a degree. The "record" though, is five times lower than what NASA claims they can measure.

See the problem? Nope, I didn't think you would. That would be honest and we all know that you are intellectually dishonest.

The U.S. government is at it again, hyping meaningless records in a parameter that does not exist in order to frighten us about something that doesn’t matter.

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced this week that according to their calculations, July 2015 was the hottest month since instrumental records began in 1880. NOAA says that the record was set by eight one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over that set in July 1998. NASA calculates that July 2015 beat what they assert was the previous warmest month (July 2011) by two one-hundredths of a degree.

But government spokespeople rarely mention the inconvenient fact that these records are being set by less than the uncertainty in the statistics.NOAA claims an uncertainty of 14 one-hundredths of a degree in its temperature averages, or near twice the amount by which they say the record was set. NASA says that their data is typically accurate to one tenth of a degree, five times the amount by which their new record was set.

TOM HARRIS: Global warming: Deceptive temperature record claims - Washington Times
So, in other words, you get to ignore all studies done by other countries and believe that NOAA/NASA are wrong on every calculation despite the clear evidence that the temperature is rising?

You seem to measure progress against Global Warming politically.. So if we build more windmills and the temperatures cool off a bit --- the heroes are those wise and far-seeing politicos that funded them? It's that's easy for you --- don't change a thing. Keep on believing in magic and fairy dust..

NASA GISS (the "space systems" guys) have to IGNORE THEIR OWN SATELLITE data entirely to make those fervent scary press releases about "warmest ever" every month.. Instead they "hand interpret" 100,000 thermometer coverage so that they can "juice stuff up a bit" to make the headline..

Bet you believe the balance in the Soc Sec trust fund, the ObamaCare enrollment numbers, numbers of deported, and the Unemployment figures when they are first announced to make the headline.. You never HEAR about the retractions a couple weeks later.. Which is what NASA has been doing several times a year now with these "records"...

You go ahead and plan your life and finances on ANY numbers coming fresh out of the Fed Govt lately..

Yup they don't care about science like Judith , they just want to justify the ends to the means..they are sick puppys and want to drag the rest of us down with them.

I am so glad billionaires can whisper in politicians ears, to try to stop this fear mongering cult.

I won't give up my dodge ram for a clown car run on batterys, I won't give up my gym shoes and wear shoes made out of wood.
Ah, so all these scientfic societies are in on a huge conspiracy or committing scientific fraud. Somehow, this just doesn't make sense.

Did not say that.. The societal endorsement however means about as much as NASCAR pledging to go green. (Oh you didn't mean "start the race"??) They didn't ask the team owners or drivers until AFTER the campaign was designed and launched.. In this case --- those scientific orgs NEVER involved the membership in those statements and if they DID -- you would have heard about the debates --- like you did with Australia Geophysical Union..

They've been holding those positions for years now. Have we seen any great upheaval in the scientific societies from the membership in disagreement? No.
Realize asspublicans Obama won by 350 electorals in 2012! Do you assholes really think that cut, slash and deregulate will do anything differently in 2016? Assholes?

Ah, so all these scientfic societies are in on a huge conspiracy or committing scientific fraud. Somehow, this just doesn't make sense.

Did not say that.. The societal endorsement however means about as much as NASCAR pledging to go green. (Oh you didn't mean "start the race"??) They didn't ask the team owners or drivers until AFTER the campaign was designed and launched.. In this case --- those scientific orgs NEVER involved the membership in those statements and if they DID -- you would have heard about the debates --- like you did with Australia Geophysical Union..

They've been holding those positions for years now. Have we seen any great upheaval in the scientific societies from the membership in disagreement? No.

So you are saying its the elite that runs the show?

Its bureaucratic bull shit.

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