Climate Change and the Death of Science


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Climate Change and the Death of Science

While reading this afternoon i came across this old article which was published prior to the CRU/EAU records release. It was highlighting the fundamental errors of the alarmist, IPCC, EPA and CAGW movements.

Remember this was before the release on November 11, 2009. Little did the author know how relevant it was and how correct he was in many of the assumptions made about the movement.

"What has become of science? We thought that science was about the pursuit of truth. Then we became perplexed at how quickly scientists have prostituted themselves in the service of political agendas. We have seen the unedifying spectacle of scientists refusing to share their data, fiddling their results, and resorting to ad hominem attacks on those who have exposed their work to be fraudulent. We have seen the Royal Society becoming a shamelessly crude advocacy society. We have seen President Obama choosing notorious climate alarmists and liars to be his personal advisors. We have seen the peer review process and journal editors colluding to prevent publication of results that do not serve the politically-correct agenda, and scientists refusing to consider results that demolish their pet theories. What is going on here?"

Truly enlightening how a look back shows us what they are trying to do today going forward and the lies they are trying to put forth...

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The preface sums it up nicley...

[Note: the following was written on October 31 and updated November 3, before the ‘Climategate’ CRU email scandal broke, and it is all the more pertinent in the light of those disclosures. The CRU emails show how science has been perverted into a political movement, and how scientists conspired to serve a ‘post-normal’ agenda where truth is trampled – exactly as the proponents of ‘post-normal’ science had anticipated. With the association between ‘post-normal’ science developed by Ravetz and its application in climate science by Hulme now widely exposed by this present post, Ravetz and Hulme jointly authored an article, published by the BBC on December 1, entitled ‘Show Your Working': What ‘ClimateGate’ means in which they sought to promote post-normal science further by capitalizing on the public disgust at the corruption of ‘normal’ science. This is cynical because normal science was corrupted by covertly introducing post-normal activities in the first place.]"
The Unibomber has nothing on the rambling crank text of that website.

Billy, don't you find it troubling that your side has been reduced to fudged data, paranoid conspiracy theories and incomprehensible manifestos?
The Unibomber has nothing on the rambling crank text of that website.

Billy, don't you find it troubling that your side has been reduced to fudged data, paranoid conspiracy theories and incomprehensible manifestos?

What I find disturbing are the numbers of useful idiots who think they are doing good and being feed this CAGW crap and then tying to give up my freedoms and my earnings for their feel good crap lies... But then you use crank liar web sites for your proof.. at least this mans site has references and verifiable quotes unlike your cranks who lie for agenda and theft from hard working Americans...

It doesn't surprise me that a hairball like you would support "post normal science" and political agenda driven whoring of scientists and colleges.. You didn't even read the article, you just started blabbing crap... Blithering Idiot hairball...
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rigging the data = non-science.

These people are frauds. They've been doing this shit for 25 years and pawning it off as "science".

Why do you think that tens of thousands of scientists are on record calling BS on climate science? Because it is very personal to them, just as you would expect of real scientists. Meanwhile, to a person, every AGW climate crusader calls these people "fake scientists".

Scientific fraud = :gay:
Make no mistake..........progressives will lie, cheat, steal, fake, rig................anything to achieve their objectives. In their own minds, they are the anointed, thus, believe deeply that the ends justify the means. Every single climate scientist feels 100% they rig the data!!! Their advocates find their fraudulent efforts...................noble.
The Unibomber has nothing on the rambling crank text of that website.

Billy, don't you find it troubling that your side has been reduced to fudged data, paranoid conspiracy theories and incomprehensible manifestos?

What I find disturbing are the numbers of useful idiots who think they are doing good and being feed this CAGW crap and then tying to give up my freedoms and my earnings for their feel good crap lies... But then you use crank liar web sites for your proof.. at least this mans site has references and verifiable quotes unlike your cranks who lie for agenda and theft from hard working Americans...

It doesn't surprise me that a hairball like you would support "post normal science" and political agenda driven whoring of scientists and colleges.. You didn't even read the article, you just started blabbing crap... Blithering Idiot hairball...

Your freedoms? Where is it written that anyone has a right to polluted?
The Unibomber has nothing on the rambling crank text of that website.

Billy, don't you find it troubling that your side has been reduced to fudged data, paranoid conspiracy theories and incomprehensible manifestos?

What I find disturbing are the numbers of useful idiots who think they are doing good and being feed this CAGW crap and then tying to give up my freedoms and my earnings for their feel good crap lies... But then you use crank liar web sites for your proof.. at least this mans site has references and verifiable quotes unlike your cranks who lie for agenda and theft from hard working Americans...

It doesn't surprise me that a hairball like you would support "post normal science" and political agenda driven whoring of scientists and colleges.. You didn't even read the article, you just started blabbing crap... Blithering Idiot hairball...

Your freedoms? Where is it written that anyone has a right to polluted?

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