Climate Change Experts Kill World's Oldest Living Creature

I've witnessed first hand biologists destroying nesting bird sites [via running over them with their Government issued truck] in their haste to reach other nesting sites.
The phrase 'studied to death' comes to mind. In public hearings I've also witnessed the presentation of 'data' utilizing fraudulent and indaquate methodology by the same team.
Government funded science is a dicey proposition, in my experience.

I got rid of a Dover book on raptors that described "researchers" as shooting dozens of a species and destroying many many nests in order to study them. Inexcusable.

Maybe this animal should not have been killed but as I wrote above, unless this is an endangered species, its a non-issue and nothing more than an excuse for rw's to rant against science.

Its ASSSSinine for people who constantly post in favor of taking food away from children, to suddenly get all kinds of worried and concerned about ONE CLAM.

Killing what was the oldest living animal on earth is a non-issue?

Thanks for clearing that up.
I saw this earlier linked on the Drudge Report, and then I noticed the link pointed to Breitbarf. So I assumed it was untrue.

My assumption was correct . . . this is far from being "the world's oldest living creature."

You right wingers are flipping stupid.

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