Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms

IN the modern era government provides most of funding for science which means politicians and bureaucrats decide which ideas get funded and which don't

In the US there may be an element of truth in this, but as I explained last week, in Europe this is not true, because government has no role in saying what research is conducted, nor does it fund research projects directly.

Universities here were set up with a system which disallowed the possibiity of governments using them for their own purposes.

It's also worth keeping in mind that plenty of conservative governments around the world were forced to backtrack on their climate change policies as the science began to build up against them. So on the one hand you claim governments only fund the research they want, and on the other hand we see governments funding research that goes completely against what they might have wanted to see.

I happen to know that isn't true in the case of the Hadley CRU. It's funded by the MET office, which is a branch of the British government.

So, right off the bat, your claims turn out to be horseshit.
BriPat -

The UK is the one other country (other than the US) where scepticism seems to have taken root, but mainstream parties also have to deal with the scientific advice they get, and in this case every major political party in Britain has backed climate change science.

Even so, a Guardian poll found:

Asked if climate change was a current or imminent threat, 83% of Britons agreed, with just 14% saying global warming poses no threat.

Public belief in climate change weathers storm, poll shows | Environment |
IN the modern era government provides most of funding for science which means politicians and bureaucrats decide which ideas get funded and which don't

In the US there may be an element of truth in this, but as I explained last week, in Europe this is not true, because government has no role in saying what research is conducted, nor does it fund research projects directly.

Universities here were set up with a system which disallowed the possibiity of governments using them for their own purposes.

It's also worth keeping in mind that plenty of conservative governments around the world were forced to backtrack on their climate change policies as the science began to build up against them. So on the one hand you claim governments only fund the research they want, and on the other hand we see governments funding research that goes completely against what they might have wanted to see.

I happen to know that isn't true in the case of the Hadley CRU. It's funded by the MET office, which is a branch of the British government.

So, right off the bat, your claims turn out to be horseshit.

My claim refers to university research. Obviously not all research is conducted by universities, but most of it is.

btw, Keep in mind that the UK has a CONSERVATIVE government - so the idea that they are part of some global socialist conspiracy doesn't sound terribly likely.
In the US there may be an element of truth in this, but as I explained last week, in Europe this is not true, because government has no role in saying what research is conducted, nor does it fund research projects directly.

Universities here were set up with a system which disallowed the possibiity of governments using them for their own purposes.

It's also worth keeping in mind that plenty of conservative governments around the world were forced to backtrack on their climate change policies as the science began to build up against them. So on the one hand you claim governments only fund the research they want, and on the other hand we see governments funding research that goes completely against what they might have wanted to see.

I happen to know that isn't true in the case of the Hadley CRU. It's funded by the MET office, which is a branch of the British government.

So, right off the bat, your claims turn out to be horseshit.

My claim refers to university research. Obviously not all research is conducted by universities, but most of it is.

btw, Keep in mind that the UK has a CONSERVATIVE government - so the idea that they are part of some global socialist conspiracy doesn't sound terribly likely.
Man, you really drank the kool aid, didn't you?
In the US there may be an element of truth in this, but as I explained last week, in Europe this is not true, because government has no role in saying what research is conducted, nor does it fund research projects directly.

Universities here were set up with a system which disallowed the possibiity of governments using them for their own purposes.

It's also worth keeping in mind that plenty of conservative governments around the world were forced to backtrack on their climate change policies as the science began to build up against them. So on the one hand you claim governments only fund the research they want, and on the other hand we see governments funding research that goes completely against what they might have wanted to see.

I happen to know that isn't true in the case of the Hadley CRU. It's funded by the MET office, which is a branch of the British government.

So, right off the bat, your claims turn out to be horseshit.

My claim refers to university research. Obviously not all research is conducted by universities, but most of it is.

btw, Keep in mind that the UK has a CONSERVATIVE government - so the idea that they are part of some global socialist conspiracy doesn't sound terribly likely.

Only the politicians at the top are conservatives. The lifetime bureaucrats are all hardcore Marxists.

Also, the claim that university research is funded by the university is almost comical. The issue is whether climate research is funded by the government. In Britain, it clearly is. Also, the Hadley CRU is located on a university, so not even the claim that all "university research" (whatever that means) is university funded appears not to be true.

As for the rest of Europe? I don't speak German or French, so it's hard for me to know what goes on in those countries. I'm certainly not going to accept your claims on face value.
BriPat -

The UK is the one other country (other than the US) where scepticism seems to have taken root, but mainstream parties also have to deal with the scientific advice they get, and in this case every major political party in Britain has backed climate change science.

Even so, a Guardian poll found:

Asked if climate change was a current or imminent threat, 83% of Britons agreed, with just 14% saying global warming poses no threat.

Public belief in climate change weathers storm, poll shows | Environment |

The Guardian is so far to the left it makes The Daily Worker look conservative. The experience I have with polls done by leftist American news outlets leaves me with little confidence in the accuracy of any polls by the Guardian.

Even if the poll was accurate, so what? The fact that Europeans are all deluded proves nothing. Public opinion does not determine the facts of reality.
Only the politicians at the top are conservatives. The lifetime bureaucrats are all hardcore Marxists.

Right. Got it.

Because most conservative governments hire hardcore Marxists.

Also, the claim that university research is funded by the university is almost comical.

It's also true, and it's not particularly difficult for you to establish that yourself if you are genuinely interested.

I aren't familiar with the unit you are referring to, so can't comment on its ownership structure but it is a fact that most universities in Europe conduct independent research, and determine both the direction of that research and its funding themselves.

Again, keep in mind that the UK has a CONSERVATIVE government - hence the idea they are part of some nutcase global conspiracy is not something that is going to convince anyone.
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Public opinion does not determine the facts of reality.

No, I agree, but as I explained yesterday, in many countries more than 90% of the population back climate change science because they can see it out of their window.

As I think I mentioned on another thread, that both you and SSDD need to be honest about your own very extreme political views, and admit that those views influence your take on this topic. That doesn't make you wrong, but believing all the bureaucrats in the offices of the UK government are "marxists" is a a very, very extreme point of view.
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Only the politicians at the top are conservatives. The lifetime bureaucrats are all hardcore Marxists.

Right. Got it.

Because most conservative governments hire hardcore Marxists.

Politicians don't hire the bureaucrats. Other bureaucrats do the hiring. It's a like a private club. Once you gain admittance, you're a member for life. Once the left-wingers got control of the club, they made sure to exclude anyone who isn't "the right kind of person." That's also how university faculty works.

Your comments about "conservative governments" only shows how incredibly naive you are about how the government works. As if the conservatives could fire all the bureaucrats the working for the British government the day after an election.

You are hysterical.

Also, the claim that university research is funded by the university is almost comical.

It's also true, and it's not particularly difficult for you to establish that yourself if you are genuinely interested.

Here's a website that discusses funding in Denmark for "climate research." Note that universities are not the source for any of it.

I aren't familiar with the unit you are referring to, so can't comment on its ownership structure but it is a fact that most universities in Europe conduct independent research, and determine both the direction of that research and its funding themselves.

That's what you claim, but I'm not taking your word for it.

Again, keep in mind that the UK has a CONSERVATIVE government - hence the idea they are part of some nutcase global conspiracy is not something that is going to convince anyone.

The bureaucrats are not conservatives, so your point is a non sequitur.
Public opinion does not determine the facts of reality.

No, I agree, but as I explained yesterday, in many countries more than 90% of the population back climate change science because they can see it out of their window.

I look out my window every day, and the climate looks the same to me.

if 90% of Europeans believe AGW is real, it's only because they have been thoroughly brainwashed by their governments.
Politicians don't hire the bureaucrats. Other bureaucrats do the hiring. It's a like a private club. Once you gain admittance, you're a member for life. Once the left-wingers got control of the club, they made sure to exclude anyone who isn't "the right kind of person." That's also how university faculty works.

Ha, ha!! This really is priceless - my God man, what a tinfoil hat-wearer you are!!!

Your comments about "conservative governments" only shows how incredibly naive you are about how the government works.

Oh, absolutely. Because as a journalist I would never actually meet or work with politicians myself, whereas I am sure you spent a lot of time in parliament yourself.
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S.J -

Perhaps so, but I am not the one going around claiming that there is a massive socialist conspiracy run by conservative governments.

On every thread the theories seem to be getting wilder and wilder - now we have conservative governments staffed by Marxists and conservative governments that aren't conservative. I'm sure we are only days away from discovering that climate change was invented by Elvis and the Illuminati.

It is very clear on these threads that you guys have no idea at all how universities operate, how research is conducted, and in particular how government ministries run. These conspiracy theories are just so damn funny...I don't know what else to say.
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S.J -

Perhaps so, but I am not the one going around claiming that there is a massive socialist conspiracy run by conservative governments.

It is very clear on these threads that you guys have no idea at all how universities operate, how research is conducted, and in particular how government ministries run. These conspiracy theories are just so damn funny...I don't know what else to say.
Think what you want, I'm done. Enjoy your panic.
S.J -

Perhaps so, but I am not the one going around claiming that there is a massive socialist conspiracy run by conservative governments.

On every thread the theories seem to be getting wilder and wilder - now we have conservative governments staffed by Marxists and conservative governments that aren't conservative. I'm sure we are only days away from discovering that climate change was invented by Elvis and the Illuminati.

It is very clear on these threads that you guys have no idea at all how universities operate, how research is conducted, and in particular how government ministries run. These conspiracy theories are just so damn funny...I don't know what else to say.

the UK has gone so far left that the British 'conservatives' today are like the Democrats here in the U.S......
David Cameron is a far different 'conservative' than Margaret Thatcher ever was....although attempting to address their deficit they are cutting defense by a drastic 8%but continue to spend as much on their socialized National Health Service...sound familiar? fact Cameron pretty much endorsed Obama....and he ignored Republican candidates....

All one has to do to understand todays 'conservatives' in Britain on 'climate change' is look at their can see they are way to the left of U.S. conservatives...and almost as dumb as our Democrats...

Combating climate change while protecting UK industry
Action to date

• We have set up 'UK Green Investments' to start investing now ahead of the establishment of the Green Investment Bank.

• We have published ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions, setting an example to our competitors in Europe. However, we will not put British industry at risk, so we will revisit the targets we have set if other countries fail to match our ambition.

• At the Durban climate conference in December 2011, we were instrumental in delivering a ground breaking global agreement on climate change. More than 120 countries formed a 'coalition of high ambition' in support of a roadmap to a legally-binding deal, to be in place by 2015.

Planned actions

• By 2015, we will have invested £3 billion of public money in the Green Investment Bank, unleashing a further £15 billion of private investment.

• We will work towards a global deal on climate change to be agreed no later than 2015.

• The Carbon Price Floor will take effect from April 2013, incentivising low-carbon energy.

The Conservative Party | Policy | Where we stand | Climate Change and Energy

and as far as universities do realize that here in the U.S. the Lefties run them.....? there are about 6 lefties to every 1 conservative....
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Eagle -

The fact that the GOP has moved so far to the right that there is now a gulf between it and most other conservative parties around the world has not altered the meaning of the word 'conservative'.

Cameron's Conservatives have a broadly similar platform to Germany's CDU, New Zealand's National or Finland's Kokoomus - it is the GOP that is out of step with that thinking.

This does make anyone right or wrong, but claiming any of the parties mentioned here are not conservative because they think differently to the GOP is nonsense.
Eagle -

The fact that the GOP has moved so far to the right that there is now a gulf between it and most other conservative parties around the world has not altered the meaning of the word 'conservative'.

Cameron's Conservatives have a broadly similar platform to Germany's CDU, New Zealand's National or Finland's Kokoomus - it is the GOP that is out of step with that thinking.

This does make anyone right or wrong, but claiming any of the parties mentioned here are not conservative because they think differently to the GOP is nonsense.

'moved to the right'.....? what do you mean by that....?

as far as we conservatives are concerned the others have moved way to the platforms that lead to world socialism are not compatible with our Constitution....
Politicians don't hire the bureaucrats. Other bureaucrats do the hiring. It's a like a private club. Once you gain admittance, you're a member for life. Once the left-wingers got control of the club, they made sure to exclude anyone who isn't "the right kind of person." That's also how university faculty works.

Ha, ha!! This really is priceless - my God man, what a tinfoil hat-wearer you are!!!

It's 100% accurate. Lefties can't imagine that everyone is as trusting and naive about government as they are. They are always incredulous that anyone would ever question the motives of a bureaucrat or a liberal politician. However, there's a whole school of economics called the "Public Choice School" that examines the decision making process that occurs in government and the incentives that government bureaucrats are presented with.

Your comments about "conservative governments" only shows how incredibly naive you are about how the government works.

Oh, absolutely. Because as a journalist I would never actually meet or work with politicians myself, whereas I am sure you spent a lot of time in parliament yourself.

That's even more reason to believe you're naive. Observation of the Washington press corps shows that the journalists soon lose whatever objectivity they once may have had because they form personal relationships with the people they are supposed to investigating, and they also want to maintain their access.

One doesn't have to work with politicians to know that they are a gang of unscrupulous poltroons.
Eagle -

I mean the Tea Party, really, and the general influence of the religious right within the GOP.

Conservative parties around the world have moved forward considerably since the days of Thatcherism, and even though not everyone likes that idea, it has been necessary for them to remain relevent and win elections. I can't help think the GOP needs to learn from that, and accepting the science on climate change is one of the bitter pills they will need to swallow if they want to win elections this century.

BriPat -

And I'm sure the messages you receive through the static on the TV really are from Elvis.
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Eagle -

I mean the Tea Party, really, and the general influence of the religious right within the GOP.

Conservative parties around the world have moved forward considerably since the days of Thatcherism, and even though not everyone likes that idea, it has been necessary for them to remain relevent and win elections. I can't help think the GOP needs to learn from that, and accepting the science on climate change is one of the bitter pills they will need to swallow if they want to win elections this century.

BriPat -

And I'm sure the messages you receive through the static on the TV really are from Elvis.

when i say 'conservative' i really mean the 'Tea Party' too....the GOP has way too many 'moderates' and 'rinos'....accomodating representatives who compromise our principles to 'get along' with the Left....thus moving 'conservatism' toward the bastardized version we see today so in the countries you mention...

the U.S. was founded by Christian people wanting to practice their religions freely....State sovereignty was of great importance to accomodate various we see way too much power in the hands of the single-minded leftie Feds....the Left keeps chipping away at our Constitution and our Founders are rolling in their graves...

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