Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms

The problem with what you're saying is that this whole global warming hoax is politically motivated in the first place.

But the only person who think so are right wing extremists.

Conservative parties right around the world are up to speed on climate change - it's only the extremists who deny it.
That's because it's the left-wing extremists who are perpetrating the hoax, dumbass. Of course THEY'RE not gonna claim it's a hoax. Duh.

I don't think you understand what I posted.

Right wing CONSERVATIVE politicians and parties right around the world accept that human activity plays a part in climate change. We see this in Germany, in the UK, in New Zealand, in Finland and Denmark. There are dozens of other examples.

The only politicians who deny climate change are the extremists.

I don't think you understand what I posted.

Right wing CONSERVATIVE politicians and parties right around the world accept that human activity plays a part in climate change. We see this in Germany, in the UK, in New Zealand, in Finland and Denmark. There are dozens of other examples.

The only politicians who deny climate change are the extremists.
Stop trying to present your opinions as facts.
Oh but they are. In the climate issue, it's nothing but politics.
Look at the proposals elicited by those supporting the theory of man made climate change.
All proposals contain some sort of penalty. Whether they be additional taxation, more government oversight on the business of individuals, more draconian regulations on commerce.

One's political views have no effect on the validity of any aspect of any scientific work. To think so is, if I might make a personal statement, ridiculously self-serving. As a note, very little of the above is even about what is termed climate science, and more about what one reads in the news, and about politicians and politics, which again is not relevant.

The government could exist entirely to only do what you, he who goes by the handle 'thereisnospoon,' and it still wouldn't mean that the world would have or would not have a certain characteristic, or a certain nature.
The problem with what you're saying is that this whole global warming hoax is politically motivated in the first place.

Again, one's political beliefs, or similar, do not have any effect on the validity of any scientific work, as regards what was originally called global warming or otherwise. And if you're not even talking about the science, but about, again, politicians and what sees in the news, then it's just irrelevant.

And given the definition of 'hoax,' I'll say again that there is nothing essentially wrong with that which is called 'climate science,' certainly not so much for it to be a 'hoax,' regardless of what politicians say in speeches.

I don't think you understand what I posted.

Right wing CONSERVATIVE politicians and parties right around the world accept that human activity plays a part in climate change. We see this in Germany, in the UK, in New Zealand, in Finland and Denmark. There are dozens of other examples.

The only politicians who deny climate change are the extremists.
Stop trying to present your opinions as facts.

If we're all talking about the same thing, see last post.

I don't think you understand what I posted.

Right wing CONSERVATIVE politicians and parties right around the world accept that human activity plays a part in climate change. We see this in Germany, in the UK, in New Zealand, in Finland and Denmark. There are dozens of other examples.

The only politicians who deny climate change are the extremists.
Stop trying to present your opinions as facts.

Please try and post sensibly.

It is A FACT that most conservative parties in the developed world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change. You can easily establish this yourself.

Here is the policy from the UK conservative party:

• We have published ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions, setting an example to our competitors in Europe. However, we will not put British industry at risk, so we will revisit the targets we have set if other countries fail to match our ambition.

• At the Durban climate conference in December 2011, we were instrumental in delivering a ground breaking global agreement on climate change. More than 120 countries formed a 'coalition of high ambition' in support of a roadmap to a legally-binding deal, to be in place by 2015.

The Conservative Party | Policy | Where we stand | Climate Change and Energy

I don't think you understand what I posted.

Right wing CONSERVATIVE politicians and parties right around the world accept that human activity plays a part in climate change. We see this in Germany, in the UK, in New Zealand, in Finland and Denmark. There are dozens of other examples.

The only politicians who deny climate change are the extremists.
Stop trying to present your opinions as facts.

Please try and post sensibly.

It is A FACT that most conservative parties in the developed world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change. You can easily establish this yourself.

Here is the policy from the UK conservative party:

• We have published ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions, setting an example to our competitors in Europe. However, we will not put British industry at risk, so we will revisit the targets we have set if other countries fail to match our ambition.

• At the Durban climate conference in December 2011, we were instrumental in delivering a ground breaking global agreement on climate change. More than 120 countries formed a 'coalition of high ambition' in support of a roadmap to a legally-binding deal, to be in place by 2015.

The Conservative Party | Policy | Where we stand | Climate Change and Energy
The UK isn't the U.S. Nuff said.

No one said the UK is the US, but try to understand the basic point.

Conservative parties right around the world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change.

This is not an opinion - it is a fact.

The only political parties denying climate change are right wing extremists.

No one said the UK is the US, but try to understand the basic point.

Conservative parties right around the world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change.

This is not an opinion - it is a fact.

The only political parties denying climate change are right wing extremists.
And that's your fucking opinion, which isn't worth shit except to you.
Stop trying to present your opinions as facts.

Please try and post sensibly.

It is A FACT that most conservative parties in the developed world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change. You can easily establish this yourself.

Here is the policy from the UK conservative party:

• We have published ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions, setting an example to our competitors in Europe. However, we will not put British industry at risk, so we will revisit the targets we have set if other countries fail to match our ambition.

• At the Durban climate conference in December 2011, we were instrumental in delivering a ground breaking global agreement on climate change. More than 120 countries formed a 'coalition of high ambition' in support of a roadmap to a legally-binding deal, to be in place by 2015.

The Conservative Party | Policy | Where we stand | Climate Change and Energy
The UK isn't the U.S. Nuff said.

I'm saddened by the fact that you treat a statement about the beliefs or plans of some people, who you might otherwise identify with, as a real criteria for what to think, regarding a claim about an aspect of nature, or in other words some aspect of the physical world.

No one said the UK is the US, but try to understand the basic point.

Conservative parties right around the world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change.

This is not an opinion - it is a fact.

The only political parties denying climate change are right wing extremists.
And that's your fucking opinion, which isn't worth shit except to you.

No, it is NOT an opinion. It is a fact. You can go and check the policies of the other conservative parties yourself if you like. There's also a thread on this in this forum, which I just bumped for you.

No one said the UK is the US, but try to understand the basic point.

Conservative parties right around the world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change.

This is not an opinion - it is a fact.

The only political parties denying climate change are right wing extremists.
And that's your fucking opinion, which isn't worth shit except to you.

No, it is NOT an opinion. It is a fact. You can go and check the policies of the other conservative parties yourself if you like. There's also a thread on this in this forum, which I just bumped for you.
Saigon, you're full of shit. Just because you buy the global warming hoax, hook, line, and sinker, doesn't make everyone who doesn't buy it, an extremist. That's just your one-sided opinion, which as I said before, isn't worth shit to anyone but you.

This may be a literacy issue, but if you genuinely can not understand the FACT that most conservative parties around the world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change, then there is no hope for you.

It has nothing to do with what I think or believe.

This may be a literacy issue, but if you genuinely can not understand the FACT that most conservative parties around the world have stated that human acitivity causes climate change, then there is no hope for you.

It has nothing to do with what I think or believe.
Ok, whatever. Have it your way. :talk2hand:
One's political views have no effect on the validity of any aspect of any scientific work. To think so is, if I might make a personal statement, is ridiculously self-serving. And as a note, very little of the above is even about what is termed climate science, and more about what one reads in the news, and about politicians and politics, which again is not relevant.

The government could exist entirely to only do what you, he who goes by the handle 'thereisnospoon,' want and it still wouldn't mean that the world would have or would not have a certain characteristic, or a certain nature.

Government may have no effect on scientific reality, but it does affect what scientists say about reality. that became obvious with the advent of Lysenkoism in the USSR, and with Nazi racial theories in Germany. IN the modern era government provides most of funding for science which means politicians and bureaucrats decide which ideas get funded and which don't. Anyone who believes their biases don't influence the proces is incredibly naive.
One's political views have no effect on the validity of any aspect of any scientific work. To think so is, if I might make a personal statement, ridiculously self-serving. As a note, very little of the above is even about what is termed climate science, and more about what one reads in the news, and about politicians and politics, which again is not relevant.

Exactly that - and it is no coincidence that most of the climate sceptics on this board hold such incredibly extreme political views that one is currently claiming that the UK Conservative Party is not conservative.

Such people seem to assume that everyone is as incredibly extreme and biased as they are, whereas in reality most scientists are more interested in science than they are in politics.

I have no problem with people holding extreme political views, but people should be honest about that extremism. If you are so right wing that Hitler starts to look left wing - as at least one poster has claimed - the problem in perspective probably isn't that of the scientists.

Scientists may be interested in science, but they are also interested in getting their work funded, and bureaucrats and politicians are the ones who dish out the money. The later are interested in expanding their power. AGW provided a good vehicle for that, so naturally the bureaucrats send all the funding to "scientists" who conclude that AGW is a problem. Skeptics of AGW receive no funding.

It's as simple as that. Anyone who denies it is either a fool or a liar.
IN the modern era government provides most of funding for science which means politicians and bureaucrats decide which ideas get funded and which don't

In the US there may be an element of truth in this, but as I explained last week, in Europe this is not true, because government has no role in saying what research is conducted, nor does it fund research projects directly.

Universities here were set up with a system which disallowed the possibiity of governments using them for their own purposes.

It's also worth keeping in mind that plenty of conservative governments around the world were forced to backtrack on their climate change policies as the science began to build up against them. So on the one hand you claim governments only fund the research they want, and on the other hand we see governments funding research that goes completely against what they might have wanted to see.
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The problem with what you're saying is that this whole global warming hoax is politically motivated in the first place.

But the only person who think so are right wing extremists.

Conservative parties right around the world are up to speed on climate change - it's only the extremists who deny it.

"Up to speed" is a euphemism meaning "they're also drinking the Kool-Aid."
The problem with what you're saying is that this whole global warming hoax is politically motivated in the first place.

But the only person who think so are right wing extremists.

Conservative parties right around the world are up to speed on climate change - it's only the extremists who deny it.
That's because it's the left-wing extremists who are perpetrating the hoax, dumbass. Of course THEY'RE not gonna claim it's a hoax. Duh.

AGW benefits the left so why would you find any skeptics there? Saigon is basically arguing the research into AGW isn't biased because everyone on the left supports it.

I don't think you understand what I posted.

Right wing CONSERVATIVE politicians and parties right around the world accept that human activity plays a part in climate change. We see this in Germany, in the UK, in New Zealand, in Finland and Denmark. There are dozens of other examples.

The only politicians who deny climate change are the extremists.

To the best of my knowledge, most conservatives in the UK believe AGW is a hoax. James Delinpool is one of the most famous skeptics, and he's British. A lot of the original skepticism about the AGW con originated in Britain.

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