Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms

Yes, it was out of my own pocket. I'm sure it must come as a surprise to you but employers often seek people who aren't uneducated dumb shits. As evidence, I make six figures.
"I make six figures."...No you don't. People of such incomes do not waste their time communicating with the great unwashed masses.
For a moment, let us stipulate you did indeed take these courses.
Now, here is a typical liberal. Your elitism is evident. You just made a blanket statement, a generalization, that all who do not seek higher education are "dumb shits"..
Well, you may be book smart, but you aren't intelligent.
Only a dumb shit would make such an arrogant and pompous claim.
In my travels I have met college grads who are terrific book smart people who are so lacking in common sense that they could not think there way out of a wet paper bag if you spotted them the open end.
So please, spare me the " I make six figures" nonsense. Because anyone on an an internet forum can be anything they wish.
Now, you want to come back at me with more insults. Because I will stop at nothing. I don't give a shot about the forum rules.
You want a discussion? Fine. If you want to take this to the gutter, let's dance. Your call.
This is a test of your self proclaimed level of education. Be careful.

I'm here for two reasons. The first is that this forum provides something to get my mind off the design problem that I'm trying to solve and lets it percolate in the back of my mind for a while. I find that breaks like this help me see a fresh perspective when I return to the issue at hand and that gets me over the hump. Second, having been involved with other sites of this type, I just can't seem to resist the temptation to rattle the cages of the farthest right of the right wingers. I've found a childish level of obstinance - especially when it involves issues like global warming - and although it probably does nothing but elevate a few people's blood pressure, it's a good release for me.

P.S. I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit.

" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.
"I make six figures."...No you don't. People of such incomes do not waste their time communicating with the great unwashed masses.
For a moment, let us stipulate you did indeed take these courses.
Now, here is a typical liberal. Your elitism is evident. You just made a blanket statement, a generalization, that all who do not seek higher education are "dumb shits"..
Well, you may be book smart, but you aren't intelligent.
Only a dumb shit would make such an arrogant and pompous claim.
In my travels I have met college grads who are terrific book smart people who are so lacking in common sense that they could not think there way out of a wet paper bag if you spotted them the open end.
So please, spare me the " I make six figures" nonsense. Because anyone on an an internet forum can be anything they wish.
Now, you want to come back at me with more insults. Because I will stop at nothing. I don't give a shot about the forum rules.
You want a discussion? Fine. If you want to take this to the gutter, let's dance. Your call.
This is a test of your self proclaimed level of education. Be careful.

I'm here for two reasons. The first is that this forum provides something to get my mind off the design problem that I'm trying to solve and lets it percolate in the back of my mind for a while. I find that breaks like this help me see a fresh perspective when I return to the issue at hand and that gets me over the hump. Second, having been involved with other sites of this type, I just can't seem to resist the temptation to rattle the cages of the farthest right of the right wingers. I've found a childish level of obstinance - especially when it involves issues like global warming - and although it probably does nothing but elevate a few people's blood pressure, it's a good release for me.

P.S. I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit.

" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.

Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.
I'm here for two reasons. The first is that this forum provides something to get my mind off the design problem that I'm trying to solve and lets it percolate in the back of my mind for a while. I find that breaks like this help me see a fresh perspective when I return to the issue at hand and that gets me over the hump. Second, having been involved with other sites of this type, I just can't seem to resist the temptation to rattle the cages of the farthest right of the right wingers. I've found a childish level of obstinance - especially when it involves issues like global warming - and although it probably does nothing but elevate a few people's blood pressure, it's a good release for me.

P.S. I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit.

" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.

Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

How many people in the USA get their paychecks from those "evil" large corporations that you hate so much? Do those millions of people get good pay and good benefits? Are the corporations taking advantage of them? Are they free to find other employment if they beleive that the corporation is "evil" ?

Yes, some corporate officers are crooks and assholes and should be jailed, but to demonize the entire corporate structure in the USA is just stupid.
"I make six figures."...No you don't. People of such incomes do not waste their time communicating with the great unwashed masses.
For a moment, let us stipulate you did indeed take these courses.
Now, here is a typical liberal. Your elitism is evident. You just made a blanket statement, a generalization, that all who do not seek higher education are "dumb shits"..
Well, you may be book smart, but you aren't intelligent.
Only a dumb shit would make such an arrogant and pompous claim.
In my travels I have met college grads who are terrific book smart people who are so lacking in common sense that they could not think there way out of a wet paper bag if you spotted them the open end.
So please, spare me the " I make six figures" nonsense. Because anyone on an an internet forum can be anything they wish.
Now, you want to come back at me with more insults. Because I will stop at nothing. I don't give a shot about the forum rules.
You want a discussion? Fine. If you want to take this to the gutter, let's dance. Your call.
This is a test of your self proclaimed level of education. Be careful.

I'm here for two reasons. The first is that this forum provides something to get my mind off the design problem that I'm trying to solve and lets it percolate in the back of my mind for a while. I find that breaks like this help me see a fresh perspective when I return to the issue at hand and that gets me over the hump. Second, having been involved with other sites of this type, I just can't seem to resist the temptation to rattle the cages of the farthest right of the right wingers. I've found a childish level of obstinance - especially when it involves issues like global warming - and although it probably does nothing but elevate a few people's blood pressure, it's a good release for me.

P.S. I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit.

So, you are claiming to be a logical (right-minded) liberal??? LMAO!!!!!

I think that's called an oxymoron...

Well, supposedly it's the left side of the brain that's logical - not the right.

Let me tell you a little about design. It's not a procedure and it's not linear. There are many false starts and many times when your initial assumptions must be re-evaluated. Logic comes in when a possible solution comes to mind and it serves as a check or a test. I don't know any good right wing designers because right wingers tend to be much too inflexible in their thinking.
" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.

Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

How many people in the USA get their paychecks from those "evil" large corporations that you hate so much? Do those millions of people get good pay and good benefits? Are the corporations taking advantage of them? Are they free to find other employment if they beleive that the corporation is "evil" ?

Yes, some corporate officers are crooks and assholes and should be jailed, but to demonize the entire corporate structure in the USA is just stupid.

I should probably clarify. I don't believe that ALL corporations are evil. I keep forgetting how literal you guys are.
I'm here for two reasons. The first is that this forum provides something to get my mind off the design problem that I'm trying to solve and lets it percolate in the back of my mind for a while. I find that breaks like this help me see a fresh perspective when I return to the issue at hand and that gets me over the hump. Second, having been involved with other sites of this type, I just can't seem to resist the temptation to rattle the cages of the farthest right of the right wingers. I've found a childish level of obstinance - especially when it involves issues like global warming - and although it probably does nothing but elevate a few people's blood pressure, it's a good release for me.

P.S. I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit.

" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.

Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

That assumes that pay is a cause of economic problems rather than a symptom. How much people receive isn't nearly as important as what determines how much the receive. If a bunch of parasites are receiving high pay because of government meddling in the economy, that's a bad thing. If people earn a lot because they produce what people want, that's a good thing. It doesn't matter how much they earn. I doubt anyone believes that the billions Steve Jobs earned at Apple are a problem for the economy.
I'm here for two reasons. The first is that this forum provides something to get my mind off the design problem that I'm trying to solve and lets it percolate in the back of my mind for a while. I find that breaks like this help me see a fresh perspective when I return to the issue at hand and that gets me over the hump. Second, having been involved with other sites of this type, I just can't seem to resist the temptation to rattle the cages of the farthest right of the right wingers. I've found a childish level of obstinance - especially when it involves issues like global warming - and although it probably does nothing but elevate a few people's blood pressure, it's a good release for me.

P.S. I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit.

" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.

Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

Well then, logically soeaking you are paid far too much for what you do (based on the fact you waste time here) so you should give 75% of what you make to Planned Parenthood (or any other left leaning charity you prefer) to balance out your absurdly high pay scale.
Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

How many people in the USA get their paychecks from those "evil" large corporations that you hate so much? Do those millions of people get good pay and good benefits? Are the corporations taking advantage of them? Are they free to find other employment if they beleive that the corporation is "evil" ?

Yes, some corporate officers are crooks and assholes and should be jailed, but to demonize the entire corporate structure in the USA is just stupid.

I should probably clarify. I don't believe that ALL corporations are evil. I keep forgetting how literal you guys are.

how do you distinguish between 'good' corps and 'evil' corps.....?

are corps like Solyndra considered 'good' because they are 'green' corps....?
" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.

Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

How many people in the USA get their paychecks from those "evil" large corporations that you hate so much? Do those millions of people get good pay and good benefits? Are the corporations taking advantage of them? Are they free to find other employment if they beleive that the corporation is "evil" ?

Yes, some corporate officers are crooks and assholes and should be jailed, but to demonize the entire corporate structure in the USA is just stupid.

I'm in total agreement. The issue here is, there are some that look to their employer and do their part to make sure the business that employs them succeeds. By looking to their employers best interest, they work and advance themselves to be a valuable asset, knowing a more successful business leads to more job opportunities. That's sort of old school way of thinking, as more and more of the younger generations today only seemed to concern themselves with "me, myself, and I" these days. There's not the same strong hard working work ethic that the older (to include the baby boomers and earlier) generations prided themselves with. Now ask them to start their OWN business so they can run it the way they feel it ought to be run, and you will hear a whole list of various excuses as to why they can't.

To go back to the subject at hand, I have also heard of scientists that hold back or ignore research THEY feel is counterproductive towards their predetermined opinions. That being said, is it really science that's being used here or just what's more acceptable with the current political mainstream or ideological beliefs. To this I'd say it makes Global Warming (Climate Change, or whatever chameleon form they wish to use as an excuse) more a money making opportunity to insight more government intrusion and regulations than anything else.
Last edited:
" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.

Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

That assumes that pay is a cause of economic problems rather than a symptom. How much people receive isn't nearly as important as what determines how much the receive. If a bunch of parasites are receiving high pay because of government meddling in the economy, that's a bad thing. If people earn a lot because they produce what people want, that's a good thing. It doesn't matter how much they earn. I doubt anyone believes that the billions Steve Jobs earned at Apple are a problem for the economy.

Steve Jobs is a special case. So are Richard Branson, Walt Disney, Michael Jackson and a bunch of others. That level of charisma, vision and talent are rare and should be rewarded. They're about as far removed from corporate politics as can be. If you're thinking that most of the guys at the top have gotten there through some sort of meritocracy, think again. A lot of them posess no special skills beyond know whose ass to kiss and how to jockey themselves into positions they can use to climb the ladder. And once there, they have no problem giving themselves a king size portion of the company profits.
" I do realize that not everyone without a formal education is a dumb shit."..
That is the opposite of what you originally posted Just be a stand up guy and own it.
Anyone with a high income who is also a liberal, is siding with an ideology that works against their best interests.
Libs despise wealthy people. Wealthy is triggered by a six figure income.
Chew on that.
Oh, there is no such thing as man made global warming. If there were, not a single scientific approach would result in any other conclusion. As we know, such is not the case.
In fact a few years ago, some scientists were caught falsifying their research and burying data that would call into question the global warming movement's motives.
The fact that the global warming crowd had to change its narrative and rename their movement to "climate change" indicates the idea is politically motivated.
Oh, you CANNOT bother me. You are incapable of doing so.
You may believe yourself to be of superior intellect, but trust me I can go as many rounds as you wish on this matter. Your shortcoming is a belief in a political ideology that has you convinced man made climate change exists. I have facts to the contrary as well as examples of climate cycles that the climate change believers refuse to acknowledge because it defeats their argument.
At this point we are quite through here. No need for you to reply. Any retort by you will be left unread by me. Discussion terminated. I wish you well.

Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

Well then, logically soeaking you are paid far too much for what you do (based on the fact you waste time here) so you should give 75% of what you make to Planned Parenthood (or any other left leaning charity you prefer) to balance out your absurdly high pay scale.

Maybe I should donate to Paul Ryan's campaign so he can work on instituting his 'marvelous' budget and help get retirees with their posh lifestyles off the public dole. This will also help them in gaining their independence from the big, evil government.

Just kidding, that guy is a douchebag.
How many people in the USA get their paychecks from those "evil" large corporations that you hate so much? Do those millions of people get good pay and good benefits? Are the corporations taking advantage of them? Are they free to find other employment if they beleive that the corporation is "evil" ?

Yes, some corporate officers are crooks and assholes and should be jailed, but to demonize the entire corporate structure in the USA is just stupid.

I should probably clarify. I don't believe that ALL corporations are evil. I keep forgetting how literal you guys are.

how do you distinguish between 'good' corps and 'evil' corps.....?

are corps like Solyndra considered 'good' because they are 'green' corps....?

In my mind, good corporations are the ones that play by the rules and produce a product that people want. Evil corporations increase profits short term by outsourcing or downsizing and then split the profits amongst the top tier.
I should probably clarify. I don't believe that ALL corporations are evil. I keep forgetting how literal you guys are.

how do you distinguish between 'good' corps and 'evil' corps.....?

are corps like Solyndra considered 'good' because they are 'green' corps....?

In my mind, good corporations are the ones that play by the rules and produce a product that people want. Evil corporations increase profits short term by outsourcing or downsizing and then split the profits amongst the top tier.

would that be corporations like obama's buddies in GE and GM? Obama is creating the corporate greed that you claim to detest.
Your attitude it typical of those on the right. Pure black-and-white thinking. To say that my attitude works against my best interests conveys a short term thought process that is also very typical of those on the right. Looking long term, I can see that no one is served by gross income disparity but rather than packing up my stuff and moving to an armed, gated community, I'd rather see a resurgence of the middle class. It seems to me that you are the one who is working against your own best interests if you are middle class yet still pull for Wall Street, the banks and the large corporations (with their mythical invisible hand) to chart a course for our future.

Well then, logically soeaking you are paid far too much for what you do (based on the fact you waste time here) so you should give 75% of what you make to Planned Parenthood (or any other left leaning charity you prefer) to balance out your absurdly high pay scale.

Maybe I should donate to Paul Ryan's campaign so he can work on instituting his 'marvelous' budget and help get retirees with their posh lifestyles off the public dole. This will also help them in gaining their independence from the big, evil government.

Just kidding, that guy is a douchebag.

lets get something straight, dipshit. Ryan's budget increases govt spending by 3.5% per year, the dem budget increases gove spending by 5% per year.

spending goes UP under both. Ryan's budget achieves balance in 10 years, the dem budget never achieves balance and the national debt goes up every year forever.
how do you distinguish between 'good' corps and 'evil' corps.....?

are corps like Solyndra considered 'good' because they are 'green' corps....?

In my mind, good corporations are the ones that play by the rules and produce a product that people want. Evil corporations increase profits short term by outsourcing or downsizing and then split the profits amongst the top tier.

would that be corporations like obama's buddies in GE and GM? Obama is creating the corporate greed that you claim to detest.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Now if your follow up is about how much better Romney would have been, Romney would have been like Obama (or Bush) on steroids.
Well then, logically soeaking you are paid far too much for what you do (based on the fact you waste time here) so you should give 75% of what you make to Planned Parenthood (or any other left leaning charity you prefer) to balance out your absurdly high pay scale.

Maybe I should donate to Paul Ryan's campaign so he can work on instituting his 'marvelous' budget and help get retirees with their posh lifestyles off the public dole. This will also help them in gaining their independence from the big, evil government.

Just kidding, that guy is a douchebag.

lets get something straight, dipshit. Ryan's budget increases govt spending by 3.5% per year, the dem budget increases gove spending by 5% per year.

spending goes UP under both. Ryan's budget achieves balance in 10 years, the dem budget never achieves balance and the national debt goes up every year forever.

Dipshit? Moi? How fucking stupid do you have to be to buy into Ryan's plan anyway?
In my mind, good corporations are the ones that play by the rules and produce a product that people want. Evil corporations increase profits short term by outsourcing or downsizing and then split the profits amongst the top tier.

would that be corporations like obama's buddies in GE and GM? Obama is creating the corporate greed that you claim to detest.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Now if your follow up is about how much better Romney would have been, Romney would have been like Obama (or Bush) on steroids.

and you know that how? Romney understands how business works in the USA, Bush and Obama do not.
would that be corporations like obama's buddies in GE and GM? Obama is creating the corporate greed that you claim to detest.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Now if your follow up is about how much better Romney would have been, Romney would have been like Obama (or Bush) on steroids.

and you know that how? Romney understands how business works in the USA, Bush and Obama do not.

Romney didn't provide ample proof of what he'd do to this country? He's the epitome of everything that's wrong with our vulture capitalist system.
Maybe I should donate to Paul Ryan's campaign so he can work on instituting his 'marvelous' budget and help get retirees with their posh lifestyles off the public dole. This will also help them in gaining their independence from the big, evil government.

Just kidding, that guy is a douchebag.

lets get something straight, dipshit. Ryan's budget increases govt spending by 3.5% per year, the dem budget increases gove spending by 5% per year.

spending goes UP under both. Ryan's budget achieves balance in 10 years, the dem budget never achieves balance and the national debt goes up every year forever.

Dipshit? Moi? How fucking stupid do you have to be to buy into Ryan's plan anyway?

OK, 3.5% annual increase vs 5% annual increase. one balances the budget in 10 years, the other never does.

I would like to see the country's fiscal mess fixed, how about you?

there is nothing in Ryans budget that is not in the dem budget, except Ryan would defund the terrible bill known as obamacare and replace it with something that actually makes sense.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Now if your follow up is about how much better Romney would have been, Romney would have been like Obama (or Bush) on steroids.

and you know that how? Romney understands how business works in the USA, Bush and Obama do not.

Romney didn't provide ample proof of what he'd do to this country? He's the epitome of everything that's wrong with our vulture capitalist system.

talking points^^^^^^^^^^^ not based on facts.

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