"Climate dice"......another huge reason the alarmists message is a dud!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
"The greatest barrier to public recognition of human-made climate change is probably the natural variability of local climate. How can a person discern long-term climate change, given the notorious variability of local weather and climate from day to day and year to year?"


So ...................how many years have we all been hearing "weather isn't climate asshole!!"?

Ive been watching the bozos post this talking point up for 10 years now. Unfortunately for the climate obsessed, it hasn't done dick to change the public perception. Only the climate k00ks think that people are going to be more moved by some jackass like Bill Nye on the boob as compared to them walking out of their house and getting an instant freeze of their nut sacks most months of the year.:bye1::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

This is why the EPA is getting its balls kicked in.

This is why Paris got nuked a few months ago.

This is why on any poll of "voters concerns" climate change ranks near or dead last ( out of approximately 20 concerns......will post by request )

This is why solar energy is still a laughable joke in 2017 and will be 25 years from now

This is why electric car sales are laughable.

This is why there has been ZERO climate legislation in the US in over 10 years!!

But you hero's keep pumping out your chest in here with the "weather isn't climate" gheyness................nobody cares.:oops-28:


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