Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

BBC News - Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

The impacts of global warming are likely to be "severe, pervasive and irreversible", a major report by the UN has warned.

Scientists and officials meeting in Japan say the document is the most comprehensive assessment to date of the impacts of climate change on the world.

Members of the UN's climate panel say it provides overwhelming evidence of the scale of these effects.

Natural systems now bear the brunt, but a growing impact on humans is feared.

Our health, homes, food and safety are all likely to be threatened by rising temperatures, the summary says.

The report was agreed after almost a week of intense discussions here in Yokohama.

This is the second of a series from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) due out this year that outlines the causes, effects and solutions to global warming.

This latest Summary for Policymakers document highlights the fact that the amount of scientific evidence on the impacts of warming has almost doubled since the last report in 2007.
Be it the melting of glaciers or warming of permafrost, the summary highlights the fact that on all continents and across the oceans, changes in the climate have caused impacts on natural and human systems in recent decades.

In the words of the report, "increasing magnitudes of warming increase the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts".

"Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change,'' IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri told journalists at a news conference in Yokohama.

Dr Saleemul Huq, a convening lead author on one of the chapters, commented: "Before this we thought we knew this was happening, but now we have overwhelming evidence that it is happening and it is real."

Michel Jarraud, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, said that, previously, people could have damaged the Earth's climate out of "ignorance".

"Now, ignorance is no longer a good excuse," he said.

Mr Jarraud said the report was based on more than 12,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies. He said this document was "the most solid evidence you can get in any scientific discipline".

The report details significant short-term impacts on natural systems in the next 20 to 30 years. It details five reasons for concern that would likely increase as a result of the warming the world is already committed to.

These include threats to unique systems such as Arctic sea ice and coral reefs, where risks are said to increase to "very high" with a 2C rise in temperatures.

The summary document outlines impacts on the seas and on freshwater systems as well. The oceans will become more acidic, threatening coral and the many species that they harbour.

On land, animals, plants and other species will begin to move towards higher ground or towards the poles as the mercury rises.

Humans, though, are also increasingly affected as the century goes on.
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Likely to be? None yet, but likely to be.....sometime? Their models failed miserably and yet, their confidence increased and they are more sure than ever that gaia is going to spew her venomn over all of us.

When do you stop listening to these people? How many times do they have to be wrong before you stop taking them seriously?
Yep, more Foreigners telling us about how climate change will cause us ALL TO DIE unless we hand over our hard earned monies to THEM

We've survived climate change for hundreds of years I think we can in this day and age...

We need to get of the UN...They don't have our best interest at heart
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Well......since 2007, the whole corrupt climate change business has fallen like a stone in of course, as per usual, the bombs the UN throws only get bigger. Soon enough, they'll be pleading with everybody to start building their own emergency arks to make out like Noah!! Youd think these morons would learn to go to a Plan B after all this time.......but they wont. They get enough stroking from their ruse to keep throwing the bombs. Whats astounding is the amount of people who don't see the UN for what it is.....and really think it is a humanitarian organization interested in lifting people out of poverty!!:D:D:2up:
And they have a frikken NERVE to call people who don't bow to them, IGNORANT

they make me sick

and Matt has no problems with that one...he making me sick too

he hates us and our country
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Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

BBC News - Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

The impacts of global warming are likely to be "severe, pervasive and irreversible", a major report by the UN has warned.

Scientists and officials meeting in Japan say the document is the most comprehensive assessment to date of the impacts of climate change on the world.

Members of the UN's climate panel say it provides overwhelming evidence of the scale of these effects.

Natural systems now bear the brunt, but a growing impact on humans is feared.

Our health, homes, food and safety are all likely to be threatened by rising temperatures, the summary says.

The report was agreed after almost a week of intense discussions here in Yokohama.

This is the second of a series from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) due out this year that outlines the causes, effects and solutions to global warming.

This latest Summary for Policymakers document highlights the fact that the amount of scientific evidence on the impacts of warming has almost doubled since the last report in 2007.
Be it the melting of glaciers or warming of permafrost, the summary highlights the fact that on all continents and across the oceans, changes in the climate have caused impacts on natural and human systems in recent decades.

In the words of the report, "increasing magnitudes of warming increase the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts".

"Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change,'' IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri told journalists at a news conference in Yokohama.

Dr Saleemul Huq, a convening lead author on one of the chapters, commented: "Before this we thought we knew this was happening, but now we have overwhelming evidence that it is happening and it is real."

Michel Jarraud, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, said that, previously, people could have damaged the Earth's climate out of "ignorance".

"Now, ignorance is no longer a good excuse," he said.

Mr Jarraud said the report was based on more than 12,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies. He said this document was "the most solid evidence you can get in any scientific discipline".

The report details significant short-term impacts on natural systems in the next 20 to 30 years. It details five reasons for concern that would likely increase as a result of the warming the world is already committed to.

These include threats to unique systems such as Arctic sea ice and coral reefs, where risks are said to increase to "very high" with a 2C rise in temperatures.

The summary document outlines impacts on the seas and on freshwater systems as well. The oceans will become more acidic, threatening coral and the many species that they harbour.

On land, animals, plants and other species will begin to move towards higher ground or towards the poles as the mercury rises.

Humans, though, are also increasingly affected as the century goes on.


Global warming is down in the noise. Far more important things to focus on

We're all going to DIE die die

Global Warming Will Cause War, Pestilence, Famine and Death, Says New IPCC Report Inevitably

by James Delingpole 31 Mar 2014, 12:00 AM PDT 227 post a comment

Today sees the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) latest findings on the state of "global warming" and the news isn't good.

Here are some of the highlights:

•Giant malarial mosquitoes the size of crane flies may descend en masse and drain us of our blood so quickly with their powerful razor sharp probosces that we won't even have time to be infected - we'll be dead before we hit the floor;
•Bangladesh, Tuvalu, The Maldives and Florida will all be submerged;
•Four horsemen with skulls for faces, glowing red eyes and huge scythes will gallop across the blighted land on skeletal horses spreading fire, pestilence, famine, and disease. Men will pray for the quick release of death. Children will clutch their parents and say: "Why didn't we listen?";
•The populations of horrid things like cockroaches and scorpions will quintuple, while all the cute animals - wrens, robins, meerkats, baby polar bears, kittens, sea otters - will vanish as if they had never been;
•Men will say openly that Christ and His saints slept;
•There will be war, war and more war.

We know this because the Guardian's Suzanne Goldenberg is on the case. She has got in her climate doom predictions early and though she based her report on a leaked sneak preview rather than the finished document, she has undoubtedly captured the general tone, which is this: things are even worse than we thought!

And are things really even worse than we thought?

Not exactly, no. The real take-home story of the new report we already learned last week: that the latest estimates of the economic costs of "climate change" are considerably lower than previous projections; so much lower, in fact, that the costs could be offset by just a month's global economic growth.

It's to obscure this inconvenient truth that the Big Green Propaganda Machine will now be cranking into overdrive. Over the next few days - watch and listen: they'll be all over the MSM like a suppurating pox rash - "expert" after "expert" will be dragged out of the woodwork to testify that, no, this time it's serious and as a measure of the serious seriousness of it all it's really about time we silenced those Big-Oil-funded climate deniers for good. Throw them in jail, at any rate.

Over the weekend we saw none other than the ex-Archbishop of Canterbury, the bearded wizard Rowan Williams, sticking his crozier in:

all of it here
Global Warming Will Cause War, Pestilence, Famine and Death, Says New IPCC Report Inevitably
Did the report speak to Mamooth and Abe building their emergency arks in their backyards??:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

The k00ks will be all stoked up about this report, but nobody cares. All the polls show it......they have a lot more pressing problems on their radar!!:badgrin:

Worldwide, the green energy business has taken a big kick to the balls......especially in the EU. This kind of bomb throwing can be expected. Only the Disney k00ks will think it will add up to anything significant in terms of public politician wants to be running for office this year on a platform of, "I want to double your electric rates, but it will keep the water from rising 2 inches!!!"
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And they have a frikken NERVE to call people who don't bow to them, IGNORANT

they make me sick

and Matt has no problems with that one...he making me sick too

he hates us and our country

Ignorant, and willfully so. Mean of spirit and small of soul. You people only bow down to Mammon.

The evidence is overwhelming that we have changed the climate. And that the change will negatively impact all of us. The science is settled. Actually was settled a long time ago, but the denialists continue to lie about what science has said and even what science is.
We're all going to DIE die die

Global Warming Will Cause War, Pestilence, Famine and Death, Says New IPCC Report Inevitably

by James Delingpole 31 Mar 2014, 12:00 AM PDT 227 post a comment

Today sees the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) latest findings on the state of "global warming" and the news isn't good.

Here are some of the highlights:

•Giant malarial mosquitoes the size of crane flies may descend en masse and drain us of our blood so quickly with their powerful razor sharp probosces that we won't even have time to be infected - we'll be dead before we hit the floor;
•Bangladesh, Tuvalu, The Maldives and Florida will all be submerged;
•Four horsemen with skulls for faces, glowing red eyes and huge scythes will gallop across the blighted land on skeletal horses spreading fire, pestilence, famine, and disease. Men will pray for the quick release of death. Children will clutch their parents and say: "Why didn't we listen?";
•The populations of horrid things like cockroaches and scorpions will quintuple, while all the cute animals - wrens, robins, meerkats, baby polar bears, kittens, sea otters - will vanish as if they had never been;
•Men will say openly that Christ and His saints slept;
•There will be war, war and more war.

We know this because the Guardian's Suzanne Goldenberg is on the case. She has got in her climate doom predictions early and though she based her report on a leaked sneak preview rather than the finished document, she has undoubtedly captured the general tone, which is this: things are even worse than we thought!

And are things really even worse than we thought?

Not exactly, no. The real take-home story of the new report we already learned last week: that the latest estimates of the economic costs of "climate change" are considerably lower than previous projections; so much lower, in fact, that the costs could be offset by just a month's global economic growth.

It's to obscure this inconvenient truth that the Big Green Propaganda Machine will now be cranking into overdrive. Over the next few days - watch and listen: they'll be all over the MSM like a suppurating pox rash - "expert" after "expert" will be dragged out of the woodwork to testify that, no, this time it's serious and as a measure of the serious seriousness of it all it's really about time we silenced those Big-Oil-funded climate deniers for good. Throw them in jail, at any rate.

Over the weekend we saw none other than the ex-Archbishop of Canterbury, the bearded wizard Rowan Williams, sticking his crozier in:

all of it here
Global Warming Will Cause War, Pestilence, Famine and Death, Says New IPCC Report Inevitably

Delingpole is who? And holds what degree in what science relevant to the discussion of global warming?

Another lying 'Conservative' asshole.
And they have a frikken NERVE to call people who don't bow to them, IGNORANT

they make me sick

and Matt has no problems with that one...he making me sick too

he hates us and our country

Ignorant, and willfully so. Mean of spirit and small of soul. You people only bow down to Mammon.

The evidence is overwhelming that we have changed the climate. And that the change will negatively impact all of us. The science is settled. Actually was settled a long time ago, but the denialists continue to lie about what science has said and even what science is.

So what are YOU personally doing to effect a change? beside calling people names and blubbering like a school girl?

Your on a PC by the hour daily,drive a car,how do you heat your house,cook your food?

What are you doing beside pointing fingers and calling names??
And they have a frikken NERVE to call people who don't bow to them, IGNORANT

they make me sick

and Matt has no problems with that one...he making me sick too

he hates us and our country

Ignorant, and willfully so. Mean of spirit and small of soul. You people only bow down to Mammon.

The evidence is overwhelming that we have changed the climate. And that the change will negatively impact all of us. The science is settled. Actually was settled a long time ago, but the denialists continue to lie about what science has said and even what science is.

And yet while this mantra is consistent, the only other constant is the LACK of any evidence to support the claim.

There has always been "climate change". The Earth wasn't static until 20 years ago when you morons dreamed up this CO2 trace-gas boogeyman that you can not predict, can not reasonably prove and yet continue to claim as real.

I've known children that claim the boogeyman is in their closet, too. Then when you open the closet and there is no boogeyman, suddenly Im told he's under the bed, then when checked, back in the closet....round and round we go.
CBS is laying on the global warming thick this morning

drought floods heavy snow no snow

extreme cold extreme hot strong winds no winds

tornadoes lack of tornadoes

all points to global warming

they even had a discovery channel scientist

on to say so
These globull warmers are such two faced hypocrites

like Al Gore, he has NO educational degree in weather, climate, meteorology or ANYTHING of the sort... he live's in a manson, has limo service where others drives him around, fly all over the world to wail about it all the while raking in the dough from companies he has invested in globull warming

how people can fall for this is simply amazing and scary all rolled into one
These globull warmers are such two faced hypocrites

like Al Gore, he has NO educational degree in weather, climate, meteorology or ANYTHING of the sort... he live's in a manson, has limo service where others drives him around, fly all over the world to wail about it all the while raking in the dough from companies he has invested in globull warming

how people can fall for this is simply amazing and scary all rolled into one

Dont get too angst Steph......this play was inevitable. The plight of the green energy assholes has taken a huge step backward in recent years. This latest bomb throwing effort is to create enough angst for some lefty congressman to bring some token bill to the floor that will be laughed out of the chamber in an election year. Makes the k00k constituents feel all warm and fuzzy though. The UN has alot of supporters amongst certain 1%ers who have been taking a big hit with EU countries turning their backs on renewables.

Remember all the talk a month ago about climate change in congress? It was ramped up for about a week and since then, nothing. Because nobody cares.........especially in an election year. You go out on the campaign trail as a mixed district Democrat ( thats many this year ) when people are hurting and start talking about climate change ( yes, your electric bills are going to double ) and next thing you know, you're looking for a job selling boats at the local dock.

Fact is.....there is zero groundswell for any significant climate change legislation in 2014. Zero. This might rile up a handful of dummies but will be forgotten real soon. In terms of voter concerns, all polls show that global warming is loooooooooooooooooooooowww on the list.

Its all theatre Steph......this is actually good news for skeptics.:coffee:
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Climate impacts report: Key findings

A UN report as discussed on BBC News Science & Environment @ BBC News - Climate impacts report: Key findings.

Says it's for “policy makers” there's one thing I noticed – nowhere in the article does it say anything about this being man-made! Of course, I didn't find a link to the actual report so perhaps one of you has it. :eusa_whistle:

So, if Man didn't cause it, who are the world's politicians to blame? And, okay, maybe we need to try to take steps to reduce the overall impact on us. But, how do we do that? :eek:

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