Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

And they have a frikken NERVE to call people who don't bow to them, IGNORANT

they make me sick

and Matt has no problems with that one...he making me sick too

he hates us and our country

Ignorant, and willfully so. Mean of spirit and small of soul. You people only bow down to Mammon.

The evidence is overwhelming that we have changed the climate. And that the change will negatively impact all of us. The science is settled. Actually was settled a long time ago, but the denialists continue to lie about what science has said and even what science is.

Yet more religious quotes I see from the devout followers of the NEW religion. Let's see, we DON'T want to spend money, and you want to spend 76 trillion dollars (of other peoples money)'s bowing down to Mammon?

But not one of you ignoramouses can refute any of the scientific evidence demonstrating the effects we have already felt from the warming.

Here is what you are saying. 95% to 97% of all the scientists in the world are in on a conspriracy. Scientists from all the nations and differant political systems in the world. But none of you can even give a coherant reason for such a conspiracy. Or how such a massive conspriracy involving millions of scientists would be organized. Millions of scientist in all the differant disciplines of science. You guys really need to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats.

Sure we can, we've already exposed that 95% meme to be bullshit. The rest of your argument falls apart after that so why bother wasting time on a parrot?
And yet while this mantra is consistent, the only other constant is the LACK of any evidence to support the claim.

There has always been "climate change". The Earth wasn't static until 20 years ago when you morons dreamed up this CO2 trace-gas boogeyman that you can not predict, can not reasonably prove and yet continue to claim as real.

I've known children that claim the boogeyman is in their closet, too. Then when you open the closet and there is no boogeyman, suddenly Im told he's under the bed, then when checked, back in the closet....round and round we go.

So you want to prove the depths of your ignorance. The science is a bit more than 20 years old, you senile old fart. Joseph Fourier first noted that something in the atmosphere was absorbing outgoing heat in the 1820's. John Tyndall first measured the absorption of heat by various atmospheric gases in 1859. And Arrhenius of Sweden first quantified the affects in 1896.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Before flapping your silly yap and proving what an ignorant fool you truly are, perhaps a little research would be in order.

You keep posting that bit of dogma. I, and others have asked before where in that link, or the links provided within that link is anything that amounts to evidence. It is claims, and possibilities, and maybes, and all form of prognostication...but nothing that rises to the level of actual evidence. Would you care to point out anything in there that should convince anyone of anything?

And don't forget that those prognostications are remarkably devoid of measurable items...just vague "the end is nigh" nonsense...
Silly arguement on several fronts. First, the one concerning tectonics is plain wrong. Wegenor's Continental Drift was discussed in a geology text I read in the early '50's. And it was pointed out in the text, while there was strong evidence for the connection of South America and Africa, there was no known mechanism that would cause the continents to drift. Land bridges were the favored explanation of the time, because we could see one such between South America and North America. And one that existed when the contintental glaciers existed, between Asia and North America. It was not until we had the seismic maps of the subduction zones and the magnetic maps of the rift zones that the answer as to what the mechanism for drift was became clear.

But this, like your other examples, was a territorial debate within one discipline. Global warming has affects that cut across almost every scientific discipline. Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Biology, the whole of science and scientists of every kind are publishing articles daily about what they are seeing as the result of the warming. The consensus for global warming is equal to that of the consensus for evolution. And the same type of person that denies evolution is denying that we are creating the warming.

And it wasn't accepted save in the LOWER echelons of the educational arena. The Readers Digest Atlas of 1962 STILL promulgated the tale that mountains were created by the shrinking of the Earth so take your "recollection" and shove it where the rest of your crap goes.

The fact remains that Harry Hess proposed the modern Plate Tectonic theory in a poem in 1962 because he didn't want to offend the CONSENSUS masters.

As usual you are completely WRONG.
I fully expect the APS position to be even stronger than it is today. You guys are once again making fools of yourselves.

Guess you didn't read the transcript of the panel discussion. There were people looking like fools there, but it wasn't the skeptics. Seems the IPCC "experts" couldn't answer the questions I posted here any more than you guys could.
That's funny. I thought Hess published his work in a peer-reviewed paper in 1962.

But hey, if Westwall says he wrote a poem because he was scared to publish, I guess that settles it. Must be a forged paper.

Yes, after the poem was used to prime the pumps, then yes indeed Harry released the study (why do you think I told you the year:eusa_whistle:). At the exact same time that Readers Digest was still claiming that mountains were formed by the shrinking Earth.

You lose yet again. I give you points for at least googling his name. Did you google Vine and Mathews as well? They're a favorite of olfraud but my hero is J. Tuzo Wilson. He's the guy that put it all together.

You should read up more, who knows, you might actually learn something.
Right, except there hasn't been any warming for 15+ years now. But you then tell us the boogeyman has taken refuge in the ocean, contrary to physics. Then tell us we're denying reality.


No warming in 15 years. Yet in these years are the warmest 12 years on record. And the 20 warmest years on record have all occured since 1987.

List of Warmest Years on Record Globally | True Cost - Analyzing our economy, government policy, and society through the lens of cost-benefit

Just absolutely amazing how stupid your posts are.
That's funny. I thought Hess published his work in a peer-reviewed paper in 1962.

But hey, if Westwall says he wrote a poem because he was scared to publish, I guess that settles it. Must be a forged paper.

Yes, after the poem was used to prime the pumps, then yes indeed Harry released the study (why do you think I told you the year:eusa_whistle:). At the exact same time that Readers Digest was still claiming that mountains were formed by the shrinking Earth.

You lose yet again. I give you points for at least googling his name. Did you google Vine and Mathews as well? They're a favorite of olfraud but my hero is J. Tuzo Wilson. He's the guy that put it all together.

You should read up more, who knows, you might actually learn something.

Yes, Wilson put it all together with his recognition of the many cycles of continental assembly. However, Vine and Mathews published where it counted, and their names will be remembered for that. While the Wilsonian Cycles are the name for the cycles of building and disassembling the super continents.
That's funny. I thought Hess published his work in a peer-reviewed paper in 1962.

But hey, if Westwall says he wrote a poem because he was scared to publish, I guess that settles it. Must be a forged paper.

Yes, after the poem was used to prime the pumps, then yes indeed Harry released the study (why do you think I told you the year:eusa_whistle:). At the exact same time that Readers Digest was still claiming that mountains were formed by the shrinking Earth.

You lose yet again. I give you points for at least googling his name. Did you google Vine and Mathews as well? They're a favorite of olfraud but my hero is J. Tuzo Wilson. He's the guy that put it all together.

You should read up more, who knows, you might actually learn something.

Yes, Wilson put it all together with his recognition of the many cycles of continental assembly. However, Vine and Mathews published where it counted, and their names will be remembered for that. While the Wilsonian Cycles are the name for the cycles of building and disassembling the super continents.

Gosh, you so try and trivialize the man. In the world of geology he is more respected than Vine or Mathews. Hell, THEY KNOW his work describing and defining the transverse faults is what brought plate tectonics to maturity. Before him there was no mechanism, after him it all came together seamlessly.

That's the difference between a internet expert and a geologist olfraud.
Here is exactly why the IPCC report was presented with mental case levels of alarm >>>

Follow the money s0ns, as they say.......and in this case, the investment money in green energy that has been falling like a stone for years now.........

The IPCC needed to go nuclear!!!
No warming in 15 years. Yet in these years are the warmest 12 years on record. And the 20 warmest years on record have all occured since 1987.

Is that according to raw or "adjusted" data?
That's the difference between a internet expert and a geologist olfraud.

We are getting quite the crop of fake experts aren't we. Old Rocks the fake geologist..abraham the fake ocean engineer who can't read a graph of ocean temperatures and understand what it means. What other fakes are representing the warmers?
That's the difference between a internet expert and a geologist olfraud.

We are getting quite the crop of fake experts aren't we. Old Rocks the fake geologist..abraham the fake ocean engineer who can't read a graph of ocean temperatures and understand what it means. What other fakes are representing the warmers?

Don't forget mamooth, "the admiral" as we now refer to him, the "nuclear watch officer".

Orogenicman claimed to be a geologist when he first came on here, but he is actually old rocks's sock.

Saigon claimed to be Finnish, but didn't know basic Finnish geography.

There were a whole rash of socks on here a few months ago but they have all disappeared.
Well,, for such overwhelming confidence the evidence is pretty lack luster.

I haven't seen anything that rises to the level of "evidence". What they have is coincidence that they call evidence.

Of course you have not. You avoid reading real science like a plague. Instead you simply regurgitate whatever the "Conservative" political machine puts out there, no matter how ridiculous.

Dude if it was so obvious, why would I have to go read the science? Please tell me that. It should be a focus on every major paper in the world, with pictures of the chronic state we live in. Post it, I'm dying to see it.

Get it dying?
Silly arguement on several fronts. First, the one concerning tectonics is plain wrong. Wegenor's Continental Drift was discussed in a geology text I read in the early '50's. And it was pointed out in the text, while there was strong evidence for the connection of South America and Africa, there was no known mechanism that would cause the continents to drift. Land bridges were the favored explanation of the time, because we could see one such between South America and North America. And one that existed when the contintental glaciers existed, between Asia and North America. It was not until we had the seismic maps of the subduction zones and the magnetic maps of the rift zones that the answer as to what the mechanism for drift was became clear.

But this, like your other examples, was a territorial debate within one discipline. Global warming has affects that cut across almost every scientific discipline. Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Biology, the whole of science and scientists of every kind are publishing articles daily about what they are seeing as the result of the warming. The consensus for global warming is equal to that of the consensus for evolution. And the same type of person that denies evolution is denying that we are creating the warming.
the consensus? Why isn't there proof then? It is simple to see this as the result of global warming caused by man. Show me. Please show me, I want to believe. Right now, you have zip, nadda, nothing. And you keep writing on here like you do. Please present the evidence, not links to scientific web sites, the pictures, photos, videos that show the ice shiting in greenland, the ship manuevering in the arctic wih no ice. Where, where is it all? I know there was a ship that was stuck in ice in the Antarctic. LOL. sort of the opposite of what you need, but it is currently evidence to push your montra down.
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But not one of you ignoramouses can refute any of the scientific evidence demonstrating the effects we have already felt from the warming.

Here is what you are saying. 95% to 97% of all the scientists in the world are in on a conspriracy. Scientists from all the nations and differant political systems in the world. But none of you can even give a coherant reason for such a conspiracy. Or how such a massive conspriracy involving millions of scientists would be organized. Millions of scientist in all the differant disciplines of science. You guys really need to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats.

So show me the equation. I want to see how many scientist divided by the number that gives you the 97% you claim. I want to see your math statement with the numbers. You have it?
Don't forget mamooth, "the admiral" as we now refer to him, the "nuclear watch officer".

Orogenicman claimed to be a geologist when he first came on here, but he is actually old rocks's sock.

Saigon claimed to be Finnish, but didn't know basic Finnish geography.

There were a whole rash of socks on here a few months ago but they have all disappeared.

Reported again. Stalking, harassment and calling people socks are all violations of board rules.
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