Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

On the funny side, this report is the biggest pile of crap Ive ever seen from the UN!!! Off the reservation lunatic......but certainly what you would expect.

Its akin to a fly on an elephants ass though..........will have zero impact on public policy and thats the only thing that matters.
UN needs more money, so the fear and propaganda campaign has begun.
But not one of you ignoramouses can refute any of the scientific evidence demonstrating the effects we have already felt from the warming.

Here is what you are saying. 95% to 97% of all the scientists in the world are in on a conspriracy. Scientists from all the nations and differant political systems in the world. But none of you can even give a coherant reason for such a conspiracy. Or how such a massive conspriracy involving millions of scientists would be organized. Millions of scientist in all the differant disciplines of science. You guys really need to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats.
But not one of you ignoramouses can refute any of the scientific evidence demonstrating the effects we have already felt from the warming.

Here is what you are saying. 95% to 97% of all the scientists in the world are in on a conspriracy. Scientists from all the nations and differant political systems in the world. But none of you can even give a coherant reason for such a conspiracy. Or how such a massive conspriracy involving millions of scientists would be organized. Millions of scientist in all the differant disciplines of science. You guys really need to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats.

Your peddling a generator as your tapping away at your PC? Sell your car yet? eat raw food?

What are you doing to make a change,other than pointing fingers and calling names?
And they have a frikken NERVE to call people who don't bow to them, IGNORANT

they make me sick

and Matt has no problems with that one...he making me sick too

he hates us and our country

Ignorant, and willfully so. Mean of spirit and small of soul. You people only bow down to Mammon.

The evidence is overwhelming that we have changed the climate. And that the change will negatively impact all of us. The science is settled. Actually was settled a long time ago, but the denialists continue to lie about what science has said and even what science is.

And yet while this mantra is consistent, the only other constant is the LACK of any evidence to support the claim.

There has always been "climate change". The Earth wasn't static until 20 years ago when you morons dreamed up this CO2 trace-gas boogeyman that you can not predict, can not reasonably prove and yet continue to claim as real.

I've known children that claim the boogeyman is in their closet, too. Then when you open the closet and there is no boogeyman, suddenly Im told he's under the bed, then when checked, back in the closet....round and round we go.

So you want to prove the depths of your ignorance. The science is a bit more than 20 years old, you senile old fart. Joseph Fourier first noted that something in the atmosphere was absorbing outgoing heat in the 1820's. John Tyndall first measured the absorption of heat by various atmospheric gases in 1859. And Arrhenius of Sweden first quantified the affects in 1896.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Before flapping your silly yap and proving what an ignorant fool you truly are, perhaps a little research would be in order.
Well,, for such overwhelming confidence the evidence is pretty lack luster.

I haven't seen anything that rises to the level of "evidence". What they have is coincidence that they call evidence.

Of course you have not. You avoid reading real science like a plague. Instead you simply regurgitate whatever the "Conservative" political machine puts out there, no matter how ridiculous.
But not one of you ignoramouses can refute any of the scientific evidence demonstrating the effects we have already felt from the warming.

Here is what you are saying. 95% to 97% of all the scientists in the world are in on a conspriracy. Scientists from all the nations and differant political systems in the world. But none of you can even give a coherant reason for such a conspiracy. Or how such a massive conspriracy involving millions of scientists would be organized. Millions of scientist in all the differant disciplines of science. You guys really need to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats.

Your peddling a generator as your tapping away at your PC? Sell your car yet? eat raw food?

What are you doing to make a change,other than pointing fingers and calling names?

Well, for one thing, pointing out what is real science and refuting the lies concerning what is happening. As more of the affects become evident in the lives of all, there are going to have to be changes made in the way we produce power. And people like me, that have actually read the science, will be voting for people that will do the neccessary things to make those changes happen. And people like you, that avoid facing reality no matter how bad that reality is biting you, will go on flapping yap, and denying what is right in front of you.
But not one of you ignoramouses can refute any of the scientific evidence demonstrating the effects we have already felt from the warming.

There is no scientific evidence to refute....and what effects have we already felt resulting from a fraction of a degree (adjusted heavily) over the past century.

And do tell me you f'ing idiot, what do you consider to be the optimum temperature for life on this planet and upon what do you base your answer?

is what you are saying. 95% to 97% of all the scientists in the world are in on a conspriracy..

And that straw man is getting damned old. In the early part of the last century, 97% of scientists believed that the idea of tectonic plates and moving continents was wrong. Were they involved in some grand conspiracy or were they simply wrong? They supposedly had science on their side till they didn't. There were those who bucked the consensus and it turned out they were right. They saw that the evidence the consensus based their position upon was wrong and saw clear evidence (that apparently was invisible to the consensus) that the continents were, in fact, moving around.

More recently, at least 97% of doctors would have agreed that stomach ulcers were the result of stress. Were they involved in some grand conspiracy or were they just wrong? They had what they thought was all the evidence necessary to tell you that stress was causing ulcers but the evidence was false. Do you think they deliberately conspired to sell anti stress meds...or zantac...or tums?....or were they just wrong and the evidence they thought they had wasn't. There were those who had been bucking the consensus for a couple of decades. They saw that the evidence the consensus had based their position upon was wrong and saw clear evidence (that apparently was invisible to the consensus) that stomach ulcers were, in fact, being caused by bacteria.

Up till a couple of years ago, at least 97% of scientists would have agreed that there was no such thing as a quasicrystal. Were they conspiring to keep quasicrystals a secret from the world at large? Were they trying to corner the market on quasicrystals? Or was the evidence they thought they had just wrong and as a result....they were just wrong. There were a very few who saw evidence (that was apparently invisible to the consensus) that quasicrystals exist and it turned out that they were, in fact right and the consensus was, in fact wrong.

I could go on nearly endlessly regarding topics that a scientific consensus believed was right till it turned out that they were wrong. In most cases, there was no conspriacy to keep the truth covered up, or to prolong the time that passed before the truth came out....the consensus was simply wrong. Climate science is in its infancy. As time passes, more and more predictions made based upon the hypothesis fail to materialize...more and more research comes out calling into questions what climate science believed a couple of decades ago....Your hysterical claims that skeptics believe some vast conspiracy is happening are blatantly dishonest, and amount to nothing more than an ad hominem fallacy. The fact is that climate science is, as has often been the case where scientific consensus is concerned....wrong.
Ignorant, and willfully so. Mean of spirit and small of soul. You people only bow down to Mammon.

The evidence is overwhelming that we have changed the climate. And that the change will negatively impact all of us. The science is settled. Actually was settled a long time ago, but the denialists continue to lie about what science has said and even what science is.

And yet while this mantra is consistent, the only other constant is the LACK of any evidence to support the claim.

There has always been "climate change". The Earth wasn't static until 20 years ago when you morons dreamed up this CO2 trace-gas boogeyman that you can not predict, can not reasonably prove and yet continue to claim as real.

I've known children that claim the boogeyman is in their closet, too. Then when you open the closet and there is no boogeyman, suddenly Im told he's under the bed, then when checked, back in the closet....round and round we go.

So you want to prove the depths of your ignorance. The science is a bit more than 20 years old, you senile old fart. Joseph Fourier first noted that something in the atmosphere was absorbing outgoing heat in the 1820's. John Tyndall first measured the absorption of heat by various atmospheric gases in 1859. And Arrhenius of Sweden first quantified the affects in 1896.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Before flapping your silly yap and proving what an ignorant fool you truly are, perhaps a little research would be in order.

You keep posting that bit of dogma. I, and others have asked before where in that link, or the links provided within that link is anything that amounts to evidence. It is claims, and possibilities, and maybes, and all form of prognostication...but nothing that rises to the level of actual evidence. Would you care to point out anything in there that should convince anyone of anything?
Well,, for such overwhelming confidence the evidence is pretty lack luster.

I haven't seen anything that rises to the level of "evidence". What they have is coincidence that they call evidence.

Of course you have not. You avoid reading real science like a plague. Instead you simply regurgitate whatever the "Conservative" political machine puts out there, no matter how ridiculous.

I read everything rocks...including that bit of dogma you keep posting. I have asked repeatedly what you see in there that looks like evidence and you keep not replying. As many times as I have asked, and as many times as you have not answered, the only rational conclusion one can reach is that you don't see anything in there that looks like actual evidence either...but you keep posting it merely in the hopes of fooling someone.
But not one of you ignoramouses can refute any of the scientific evidence demonstrating the effects we have already felt from the warming.

Here is what you are saying. 95% to 97% of all the scientists in the world are in on a conspriracy. Scientists from all the nations and differant political systems in the world. But none of you can even give a coherant reason for such a conspiracy. Or how such a massive conspriracy involving millions of scientists would be organized. Millions of scientist in all the differant disciplines of science. You guys really need to stock up on aluminum foil for your little tin hats.

Your peddling a generator as your tapping away at your PC? Sell your car yet? eat raw food?

What are you doing to make a change,other than pointing fingers and calling names?

Well, for one thing, pointing out what is real science and refuting the lies concerning what is happening. As more of the affects become evident in the lives of all, there are going to have to be changes made in the way we produce power. And people like me, that have actually read the science, will be voting for people that will do the neccessary things to make those changes happen. And people like you, that avoid facing reality no matter how bad that reality is biting you, will go on flapping yap, and denying what is right in front of you.

In the process rocks, you tell far more lies than you refute. To bad you can't see that. Every time you post a link to that stupid site claiming it is somehow proof of AGW, you are telling a lie. How many times have you posted it?
So you want to prove the depths of your ignorance. The science is a bit more than 20 years old, you senile old fart. Joseph Fourier first noted that something in the atmosphere was absorbing outgoing heat in the 1820's. John Tyndall first measured the absorption of heat by various atmospheric gases in 1859. And Arrhenius of Sweden first quantified the affects in 1896.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Before flapping your silly yap and proving what an ignorant fool you truly are, perhaps a little research would be in order.
Golly, somebody discovered that the Earth is a greenhouse. Who knew?
Silly arguement on several fronts. First, the one concerning tectonics is plain wrong. Wegenor's Continental Drift was discussed in a geology text I read in the early '50's. And it was pointed out in the text, while there was strong evidence for the connection of South America and Africa, there was no known mechanism that would cause the continents to drift. Land bridges were the favored explanation of the time, because we could see one such between South America and North America. And one that existed when the contintental glaciers existed, between Asia and North America. It was not until we had the seismic maps of the subduction zones and the magnetic maps of the rift zones that the answer as to what the mechanism for drift was became clear.

But this, like your other examples, was a territorial debate within one discipline. Global warming has affects that cut across almost every scientific discipline. Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Biology, the whole of science and scientists of every kind are publishing articles daily about what they are seeing as the result of the warming. The consensus for global warming is equal to that of the consensus for evolution. And the same type of person that denies evolution is denying that we are creating the warming.
Right, except there hasn't been any warming for 15+ years now. But you then tell us the boogeyman has taken refuge in the ocean, contrary to physics. Then tell us we're denying reality.

Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

BBC News - Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

The impacts of global warming are likely to be "severe, pervasive and irreversible", a major report by the UN has warned.

Scientists and officials meeting in Japan say the document is the most comprehensive assessment to date of the impacts of climate change on the world.

Members of the UN's climate panel say it provides overwhelming evidence of the scale of these effects.

Natural systems now bear the brunt, but a growing impact on humans is feared.

Our health, homes, food and safety are all likely to be threatened by rising temperatures, the summary says.

The report was agreed after almost a week of intense discussions here in Yokohama.

This is the second of a series from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) due out this year that outlines the causes, effects and solutions to global warming.

This latest Summary for Policymakers document highlights the fact that the amount of scientific evidence on the impacts of warming has almost doubled since the last report in 2007.
Be it the melting of glaciers or warming of permafrost, the summary highlights the fact that on all continents and across the oceans, changes in the climate have caused impacts on natural and human systems in recent decades.

In the words of the report, "increasing magnitudes of warming increase the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts".

"Nobody on this planet is going to be untouched by the impacts of climate change,'' IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri told journalists at a news conference in Yokohama.

Dr Saleemul Huq, a convening lead author on one of the chapters, commented: "Before this we thought we knew this was happening, but now we have overwhelming evidence that it is happening and it is real."

Michel Jarraud, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, said that, previously, people could have damaged the Earth's climate out of "ignorance".

"Now, ignorance is no longer a good excuse," he said.

Mr Jarraud said the report was based on more than 12,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies. He said this document was "the most solid evidence you can get in any scientific discipline".

The report details significant short-term impacts on natural systems in the next 20 to 30 years. It details five reasons for concern that would likely increase as a result of the warming the world is already committed to.

These include threats to unique systems such as Arctic sea ice and coral reefs, where risks are said to increase to "very high" with a 2C rise in temperatures.

The summary document outlines impacts on the seas and on freshwater systems as well. The oceans will become more acidic, threatening coral and the many species that they harbour.

On land, animals, plants and other species will begin to move towards higher ground or towards the poles as the mercury rises.

Humans, though, are also increasingly affected as the century goes on.

April 1st......

...Happy Birthday, M&M
Silly arguement on several fronts. First, the one concerning tectonics is plain wrong. Wegenor's Continental Drift was discussed in a geology text I read in the early '50's. And it was pointed out in the text, while there was strong evidence for the connection of South America and Africa, there was no known mechanism that would cause the continents to drift. Land bridges were the favored explanation of the time, because we could see one such between South America and North America. And one that existed when the contintental glaciers existed, between Asia and North America. It was not until we had the seismic maps of the subduction zones and the magnetic maps of the rift zones that the answer as to what the mechanism for drift was became clear. are you saying that today, we have a complete understanding of how energy moves through the system of earth...and understand every possible forcing...and know how one change in the system affects all the others? Are you saying that we know it all now or are we, in fact, just scratching the surface as the consensus who didn't buy tectonic movement was at the time.

this, like your other examples, was a territorial debate within one discipline. Global warming has affects that cut across almost every scientific discipline. Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Biology, the whole of science and scientists of every kind are publishing articles daily about what they are seeing as the result of the warming. The consensus for global warming is equal to that of the consensus for evolution. And the same type of person that denies evolution is denying that we are creating the warming.

The APS is questioning its position on AGW based on the actual evidence. If their position statement on AGW changes in any significant way, you can be sure that all of the other scientific bodies will be rushing to change theirs as well. If that happens, how will your position on AGW change? I mean, after all, for quite some time now, you have pointed to those bodies as if their position represented proof that AGW was real and dangerous. If they change their position based on the available evidence, does your position change as well?
The consensus for global warming is equal to that of the consensus for evolution. And the same type of person that denies evolution is denying that we are creating the warming.
"The consensus" has been wrong many times in the past. The same type that claims that consenus is science misuses science. The consensus once said the universe was in a steady state and ridiculed an alternative theory jokingly calling it "The Big Bang".
No. Don't be foolish. His position is "the science is settled". If APS changes their position then they are wrong. The evidence is overwhelming. The science is settled. the debate is over. Remember?

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