Climate scientist blows the lid off the ‘manufactured consensus’

Maybe it's a matter of separating the scientific question from the political orthodoxy. I see the issues as separate, and you appear to keep them bound together. Of course real life is a mix, life always has many factors. I'm in logic/reason where I artificially sort things out.

Bottom line, both approaches are right.
The politically funded alarmists bind the issues together. For money and security.
I listen to all sides from experts as I admit I’m a layman.
Democrats, OTOH, are all honorary doctors of atmospherics.
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You were asked to ID one single "good person" who pushes the Co2 FRAUD, and instead of doing that, you went on a pathetic "lecture" of bullshit to avoid answering the question...

You are parroting something called "Milankovich Cycles" aka McBullshit which has been destroyed here already...

Ah, now we're on a sour binge. I'm not too good at this sort of thing so you can go on w/o me on this.
The politically funded alarmists bind the issues together. For money and security.
I listen to all sides from experts as I admit I’m a layman.
Democrats, OTOH, are all honorary doctors of atmospherics.
Every single leftist I've talk to on this subject (over many years) presents an elaborate logic structure to defend his AGW beliefs and ultimately will admit that what I say makes sense but each always prefers to just accept his faction's experts w/o question.
Ah, now we're on a sour binge. I'm not too good at this sort of thing so you can go on w/o me on this.

You claimed "good people" support the Co2 FRAUd. It is hilarious YOU CANNOT ID ONE!!!

Every single leftist I've talk to on this subject (over many years) presents an elaborate logic structure to defend his AGW beliefs and ultimately will admit that what I say makes sense but each always prefers to just accept his faction's experts w/o question.

A typical science invalid parrot who does not understand the difference between data and fudge.
You claimed "good people" support the Co2 FRAUd. It is hilarious YOU CANNOT ID ONE!!!

A typical science invalid parrot who does not understand the difference between data and fudge.
Please understand that most folks I know don't even CARE about global warming. Most just say that they're willing to let the ruling class experts rule because that's what they're doing. Sure, anyone who's seriously thought about it and looked into it debunks it really fast, but like I said most folks couldn't care less.

Our problem is not w/ those who go along. Our problem is w/ the leaders.
Please understand that most folks I know don't even CARE about global warming. Most just say that they're willing to let the ruling class experts rule because that's what they're doing. Sure, anyone who's seriously thought about it and looked into it debunks it really fast, but like I said most folks couldn't care less.

Our problem is not w/ those who go along. Our problem is w/ the leaders.

A lot of treasonous liars like the Co2 FRAUD, and they are not "good people," not at all...
Please understand that most folks I know don't even CARE about global warming. Most just say that they're willing to let the ruling class experts rule because that's what they're doing. Sure, anyone who's seriously thought about it and looked into it debunks it really fast, but like I said most folks couldn't care less.

Our problem is not w/ those who go along. Our problem is w/ the leaders.
Anyone who is indifferent about AGW should be forced into math classes and taught how much money they’re costing themselves and others by the alarmist extremism. They need to be informed of the deaths and biohazards they abet.
Anyone who is indifferent about AGW should be forced into math classes and taught how much money they’re costing themselves and others by the alarmist extremism. They need to be informed of the deaths and biohazards they abet.
--and I'm glad ur not running the government.

In the first place, as crazy and the U.S. seems it's only a 20th of the world's population. The vast majority of the other 95% doesn't do what we do. Second, most of the U.S. silliness is just talk. Sure, we spend upwards to a $billion on Solyndra but that's out of $trillions in annual spending.

Real life is just not anywhere as dramatic as the newspapers say it is.
--and I'm glad ur not running the government.

In the first place, as crazy and the U.S. seems it's only a 20th of the world's population. The vast majority of the other 95% doesn't do what we do. Second, most of the U.S. silliness is just talk. Sure, we spend upwards to a $billion on Solyndra but that's out of $trillions in annual spending.

Real life is just not anywhere as dramatic as the newspapers say it is.
Energy prices are a global dynamic. Hardship created by bad US energy policy translates into starvation in less fortunate parts of the globe.
Perhaps you should enroll in one of those math classes I suggested.
A lot of treasonous liars like the Co2 FRAUD, and they are not "good people," not at all...
Wait, you can't possibly be saying that every single one of that majority of the AGW guys saying "yeah whatever" are "treasonous liars" are u?
Energy prices are a global dynamic. Hardship created by bad US energy policy translates into starvation in less fortunate parts of the globe.
Perhaps you should enroll in one of those math classes I suggested.
--and global energy prices are not going anywhere. OK, so they are volatile but right now adjusted for inflation gasoline costs less now than what it did in the 1930's.
--and global energy prices are not going anywhere. OK, so they are volatile but right now adjusted for inflation gasoline costs less now than what it did in the 1930's.
I don’t care about the 1930’s here in the 2020’s.
There is no reason to create unnecessary economic hardships on purpose except for corrupt people to gain control.
You must be on the corrupt side.
A group of 1,600 climate experts rejected the notion of a climate emergency. The Global Climate Intelligence Group signed a declaration refuting politicians’ radical climate policies. The group of climate scientists is shutting down all the exaggerated predictions and politicizing of the issue, saying that politics and a journalistic frenzy has propelled a doomsday climate change hysteria. The signatories also ask other scientists to "address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming."
find the article here: More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth
find the source here: World Climate Declaration There is no climate emergency pdf available on this site
A group of 1,600 climate experts rejected the notion of a climate emergency. The Global Climate Intelligence Group signed a declaration refuting politicians’ radical climate policies. The group of climate scientists is shutting down all the exaggerated predictions and politicizing of the issue, saying that politics and a journalistic frenzy has propelled a doomsday climate change hysteria. The signatories also ask other scientists to "address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming."
find the article here: More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth
find the source here: World Climate Declaration There is no climate emergency pdf available on this site
Good! I'll sleep better tonight.
I don’t care about the 1930’s here in the 2020’s.
There is no reason to create unnecessary economic hardships on purpose except for corrupt people to gain control.
You must be on the corrupt side.
lol!! OK, Seems I've been tried, sentenced, and you're punishing me. If that's the case then it looks like we're done.

Been fun.
A group of 1,600 climate experts rejected the notion of a climate emergency.
No where in the linked articles are the 1,600 signatories identified as climate experts.
The Global Climate Intelligence Group signed a declaration refuting politicians’ radical climate policies. The group of climate scientists is shutting down all the exaggerated predictions and politicizing of the issue, saying that politics and a journalistic frenzy has propelled a doomsday climate change hysteria. The signatories also ask other scientists to "address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming."
find the article here: More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth
find the source here: World Climate Declaration There is no climate emergency pdf available on this site
No where in the linked articles are the 1,600 signatories identified as climate experts.
Here is the text from CLINTEL's webpage

Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) is an independent foundation that operates in the fields of climate change and climate policy. CLINTEL was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. CLINTEL’s main objective is to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change as well as the effects of climate policy. To this end:

1. The Foundation tries to communicate objectively and transparently to the general public what facts are available about climate change and climate policy and also where facts turn into assumptions and predictions.

2. The Foundation conducts and stimulates a public debate about this and carries out investigative reporting in this field.

3. The Foundation wants to function as an international meeting place for scientists with different views on climate change and climate policy.

4. The Foundation will also carry out or finance its own scientific research into climate change and climate policy.

CLINTEL wants to take the role of independent ‘climate watchdog’, both in the field of climate science and climate policy.

World Climate Declaration
The climate view of CLINTEL can be easily summarized as: There is no climate emergency. Guus Berkhout therefore initiated the World Climate Declaration, a one-page summary of the view of many climate realists in the world. The Declaration is a living document that is frequently changed based on input from all its ambassadors and other experts. The most up-to-date version of both the Declaration and the list of signatories can be found on

I find it interesting that they say they want to communicate objectively and transparently, they wish to conduct and stimulate a public debate and do investigative reporting in the field, they want to serve as a meeting place for scientists with different (differing?) views on climate change and policy and finally that they want to be a climate watchdog for both science and policy.

THEN, they put out a statement essentially claiming that 99% of the world's scientists are lying.

Anyone see a bit of a conflict there?
Cuba is the ONLY nation on earth classified as "sustainable," and yet that virtue-seeking lunacy is being parroted by hundreds if not thousands of American businesses, especially the giants.

Cuba only sustainable country.jpg

All you Cultists who want to live in destitution, like Cubans, have at it today.

1. Sell your cars and never ride in a car again.
2. Don't eat any more meat, poultry, fish or eggs.
3. Don't eat any more dairy products.
4. No more vacations for you, ever.
5. Limit your clothing purchases to three items per year.

These are a few of the restrictions already approved by fourteen cities in the United States.

These 14 American cities plan to ban meat, dairy and private vehicles by 2030 – is yours on the list?
08/22/2023 // Ethan Huff // Views


By the year 2030, the following 14 cities in the United States are planning to completely outlaw all meat and dairy consumption, as well as all private vehicle ownership and use, in order to conform to the "green" climate standards of the so-called C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group:
• Austin, Texas
• Boston, Massachusetts
• Chicago, Illinois
• Houston, Texas
• Los Angeles, California
• Miami, Florida
• New Orleans, Louisiana
• New York City, New York
• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
• Phoenix, Arizona
• Portland, Oregon
• San Francisco, California
• Washington, D.C.
• Seattle, Washington
All 14 of these cities are part of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which has an "ambitious target" of achieving "0 kg [of] meat consumption," "0 kg [of] dairy consumption," only "3 new clothing items per person per year," "0 private vehicles" owned, and only "1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person."
This is all outlined in "The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World" report, which was originally published in 2019 and "reemphasized" in 2023, the year of what appears to be a major financial collapse and possible transition into a new world order.
(Related: A lot of meat is becoming unsafe to consume anyway due to cattle being injected with mRNA "vaccines.")

While you starve to death in poverty, billionaires like Michael Bloomberg will be living high on the hog as usual​

Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who ran for president with almost zero support, is the primary funder of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. In addition to the aforementioned 14 U.S. cities that are involved, at least 86 other cities around the world are also on the list for no more meat and dairy, very few clothing purchases allowed, no more private vehicle ownership, and almost no more flying on airplanes come 2030.
Bloomberg, of course, will continue to gorge on expensive meals filled with fancy meat, as well as unlimited private plane ownership and use. The peons underneath him, though, will be reduced to mere cattle in his envisioned new world order.
If the C40 Cities goals are new to you, it is probably because very few media outlets are reporting on it. In fact, there is an aggressive "fact checking" war being waged on all news about C40 Cities and what the plan entails that aims to "debunk" it is a "conspiracy theory."
The AFP Fact Check service went after conservative commentator Glenn Beck for this very thing recently, claiming that his mention of the C40 Cities plan to ban meat, dairy, cars, and clothing consumption are "not policy recommendations."
"This report does not advocate for the wholesale adoption of these more ambitious targets in C40 cities; rather, they are included to provide a set of reference points that cities, and other actors, can reflect on when considering different emission-reduction alternatives and long-term urban visions," the AFP Fact Check claims.
The C40 Cities report's use of the term "target," though, implies that this is a "desired goal" of the initiative, which means that eventually it will be codified into policy and law and forced on the masses as the final solution to climate change.
"IF these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them 'ambitious targets,'" writes Evita Duffy-Alfonso for The Federalist.
"Right now, hedge funds and private billionaires are buying up residential homes and farmland all over the world. At the same time, unrealistic zero-emissions policies are impoverishing Westerners and annihilating the middle class, which is fueling reliance on centralized government."
If you live in one of the above cities and plan to be around in 2030, then perhaps you may wish to consider moving somewhere freer?
The "green" life is one marked by tyranny, poverty, forced veganism, and utter misery. Learn more at
Cuba is the ONLY nation on earth classified as "sustainable," and yet that virtue-seeking lunacy is being parroted by hundreds if not thousands of American businesses, especially the giants.

View attachment 826834

All you Cultists who want to live in destitution, like Cubans, have at it today.

1. Sell your cars and never ride in a car again.
2. Don't eat any more meat, poultry, fish or eggs.
3. Don't eat any more dairy products.
4. No more vacations for you, ever.
5. Limit your clothing purchases to three items per year.

These are a few of the restrictions already approved by fourteen cities in the United States.

These 14 American cities plan to ban meat, dairy and private vehicles by 2030 – is yours on the list?
08/22/2023 // Ethan Huff // Views


By the year 2030, the following 14 cities in the United States are planning to completely outlaw all meat and dairy consumption, as well as all private vehicle ownership and use, in order to conform to the "green" climate standards of the so-called C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group:
• Austin, Texas
• Boston, Massachusetts
• Chicago, Illinois
• Houston, Texas
• Los Angeles, California
• Miami, Florida
• New Orleans, Louisiana
• New York City, New York
• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
• Phoenix, Arizona
• Portland, Oregon
• San Francisco, California
• Washington, D.C.
• Seattle, Washington
All 14 of these cities are part of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which has an "ambitious target" of achieving "0 kg [of] meat consumption," "0 kg [of] dairy consumption," only "3 new clothing items per person per year," "0 private vehicles" owned, and only "1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person."
This is all outlined in "The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World" report, which was originally published in 2019 and "reemphasized" in 2023, the year of what appears to be a major financial collapse and possible transition into a new world order.
(Related: A lot of meat is becoming unsafe to consume anyway due to cattle being injected with mRNA "vaccines.")

While you starve to death in poverty, billionaires like Michael Bloomberg will be living high on the hog as usual​

Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who ran for president with almost zero support, is the primary funder of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. In addition to the aforementioned 14 U.S. cities that are involved, at least 86 other cities around the world are also on the list for no more meat and dairy, very few clothing purchases allowed, no more private vehicle ownership, and almost no more flying on airplanes come 2030.
Bloomberg, of course, will continue to gorge on expensive meals filled with fancy meat, as well as unlimited private plane ownership and use. The peons underneath him, though, will be reduced to mere cattle in his envisioned new world order.
If the C40 Cities goals are new to you, it is probably because very few media outlets are reporting on it. In fact, there is an aggressive "fact checking" war being waged on all news about C40 Cities and what the plan entails that aims to "debunk" it is a "conspiracy theory."
The AFP Fact Check service went after conservative commentator Glenn Beck for this very thing recently, claiming that his mention of the C40 Cities plan to ban meat, dairy, cars, and clothing consumption are "not policy recommendations."
"This report does not advocate for the wholesale adoption of these more ambitious targets in C40 cities; rather, they are included to provide a set of reference points that cities, and other actors, can reflect on when considering different emission-reduction alternatives and long-term urban visions," the AFP Fact Check claims.
The C40 Cities report's use of the term "target," though, implies that this is a "desired goal" of the initiative, which means that eventually it will be codified into policy and law and forced on the masses as the final solution to climate change.
"IF these were not their goals, they would not have labeled them 'ambitious targets,'" writes Evita Duffy-Alfonso for The Federalist.
"Right now, hedge funds and private billionaires are buying up residential homes and farmland all over the world. At the same time, unrealistic zero-emissions policies are impoverishing Westerners and annihilating the middle class, which is fueling reliance on centralized government."
If you live in one of the above cities and plan to be around in 2030, then perhaps you may wish to consider moving somewhere freer?
The "green" life is one marked by tyranny, poverty, forced veganism, and utter misery. Learn more at
Would it be okay if I asked you why you support the American Nazi Party?

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