Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to '2014 warmest year ever' nonsense

I was pretty stoked to see a thread that was going to talk about the science behind global warming 'hottest years evah'. but as usual it is just 10 pages of personal attacks and nonsense. oh well.

BTW evolution is just a tool that adapts lifeforms. it has no explanations as to how life came into being in the first place. life is either an astronomically improbable fluke or ......

This thread started out with a news article that stated that 2013 was the hottest year on record.

It was pointed out that the claim was made because of an extremely minute difference.

Then there was some discussion on how unreliable global temperature data is.

Then it was mention how the AGW scam artists have manipulated data to fix their models. This was all exposed in Climategate.

This is a typical AGW threat. The Moon Bats have a religious like cult following on the subject and despite all the evidence to the contrary absolutely refuses to believe in the scam.

I'll give you the bottom line on this issue.

Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hocky stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected.

The assumptions about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere was mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in Medieval times.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue . Too bad it has turned from a valid science discussion into a division between the Left and the Right.
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I was pretty stoked to see a thread that was going to talk about the science behind global warming 'hottest years evah'. but as usual it is just 10 pages of personal attacks and nonsense. oh well.

BTW evolution is just a tool that adapts lifeforms. it has no explanations as to how life came into being in the first place. life is either an astronomically improbable fluke or ......

This thread started out with a news article that stated that 2013 was the hottest year on record.

It was pointed out that the claim was made because of an extremely minute difference.

Then there was some discussion on how unreliable global temperature data is.

Then it was mention how the AGW scam artists have manipulated data to fix their models. This was all exposed in Climategate.

This is a typical AGW threat. The Moon Bats have a religious like cult following on the subject and despite all the evidence to the contrary absolutely refuses to believe in the scam.

I'll give you the bottom line on this issue.

Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hocky stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected.

The assumptions about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere was mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in Medieval times.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue . Too bad it has turned from a valid science discussion into a division between the Left and the Right.

All good points.

I would add that the Vostok Ice Cores provides an 800,000 year data set showing that CO2 lags temperature on both the increase and decline.

The science and the data is irrelevant to the AGWCult because they are the sock puppets of EnviroMarxist who want to run down the US economy.
It's like they rely on stupid people in mass to dupe them, Just like gruber and obama care, what ever it takes to get their way and real motives. No wonder they wish conservatives would just die out.
All good points.

I would add that the Vostok Ice Cores provides an 800,000 year data set showing that CO2 lags temperature on both the increase and decline.

The science and the data is irrelevant to the AGWCult because they are the sock puppets of EnviroMarxist who want to run down the US economy.

It is amazing what the Moon Bats have ignored or distorted in perpetuating this scam.

I think the Moon Bats are so stupid that they have no idea how economies will be destroyed if we implement significant changes to accommodate the silly theories on AGW. They think we can just start using solar power (you know, Solyndra solar cells) and then we can all sit around Walden Pond singing "Imagine" and everything will be groovy.
Speaking of solar it has been around for 150 years and the most expensive energy technology That the US government subsidies, the tech still sucks and the tax it cost is hidden in our power bill.
Just like electric cars Have been around since gasoline cars were invented and they still suck.
Its ridiculous
I was pretty stoked to see a thread that was going to talk about the science behind global warming 'hottest years evah'. but as usual it is just 10 pages of personal attacks and nonsense. oh well.

BTW evolution is just a tool that adapts lifeforms. it has no explanations as to how life came into being in the first place. life is either an astronomically improbable fluke or ......

This thread started out with a news article that stated that 2013 was the hottest year on record.

It was pointed out that the claim was made because of an extremely minute difference.

Then there was some discussion on how unreliable global temperature data is.

Then it was mention how the AGW scam artists have manipulated data to fix their models. This was all exposed in Climategate.

This is a typical AGW threat. The Moon Bats have a religious like cult following on the subject and despite all the evidence to the contrary absolutely refuses to believe in the scam.

I'll give you the bottom line on this issue.

Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hocky stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected.

The assumptions about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere was mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in Medieval times.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue . Too bad it has turned from a valid science discussion into a division between the Left and the Right.

All good points.

I would add that the Vostok Ice Cores provides an 800,000 year data set showing that CO2 lags temperature on both the increase and decline.

The science and the data is irrelevant to the AGWCult because they are the sock puppets of EnviroMarxist who want to run down the US economy.

As I've pointed out several times just common sense should make "scientists" skeptical...(I KNOW oxymoron ''common sense and scientists") regarding temperature reading accuracy over the decades because of eyeballs reading the very minute differences, i.e. 69.9° versus 69.2° and then transcribing errors that exist...(look how people on this forum ignore even the simple spell check red dotted underline) and then extrapolating these temperature recording differences which over the past century...
(That might not sound like much of a change—surface temperatures rose about 1.4º F (0.78º C) over the past century—)Oceans warm faster and may hold the key to climate change
1.4° increase.
If you can't make anything better in a hundred years with all the worlds scientist, engineers, capitalist, government grants paying for it, give it up never going to work cheap
All good points.

I would add that the Vostok Ice Cores provides an 800,000 year data set showing that CO2 lags temperature on both the increase and decline.

The science and the data is irrelevant to the AGWCult because they are the sock puppets of EnviroMarxist who want to run down the US economy.

It is amazing what the Moon Bats have ignored or distorted in perpetuating this scam.

I think the Moon Bats are so stupid that they have no idea how economies will be destroyed if we implement significant changes to accommodate the silly theories on AGW. They think we can just start using solar power (you know, Solyndra solar cells) and then we can all sit around Walden Pond singing "Imagine" and everything will be groovy.

It's not that they're stupid, it's that their Communist masters have complete control of how they think and what they think about. That's how they ignore Climategate and any and all the evidence we've shown that they're living and believing a fraud. I went to the same schools and listen to the same LMSM so I don't know HOW it was so effective, but there's a large portion of the adult population who simply believe whatever get poured into the hivemind. Their minds have been shut and they only parrot back talking points
I was pretty stoked to see a thread that was going to talk about the science behind global warming 'hottest years evah'. but as usual it is just 10 pages of personal attacks and nonsense. oh well.

BTW evolution is just a tool that adapts lifeforms. it has no explanations as to how life came into being in the first place. life is either an astronomically improbable fluke or ......

This thread started out with a news article that stated that 2013 was the hottest year on record.

It was pointed out that the claim was made because of an extremely minute difference.

Then there was some discussion on how unreliable global temperature data is.

Then it was mention how the AGW scam artists have manipulated data to fix their models. This was all exposed in Climategate.

This is a typical AGW threat. The Moon Bats have a religious like cult following on the subject and despite all the evidence to the contrary absolutely refuses to believe in the scam.

I'll give you the bottom line on this issue.

Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hocky stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected.

The assumptions about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere was mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in Medieval times.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue . Too bad it has turned from a valid science discussion into a division between the Left and the Right.

All good points.

I would add that the Vostok Ice Cores provides an 800,000 year data set showing that CO2 lags temperature on both the increase and decline.

The science and the data is irrelevant to the AGWCult because they are the sock puppets of EnviroMarxist who want to run down the US economy.

As I've pointed out several times just common sense should make "scientists" skeptical...(I KNOW oxymoron ''common sense and scientists") regarding temperature reading accuracy over the decades because of eyeballs reading the very minute differences, i.e. 69.9° versus 69.2° and then transcribing errors that exist...(look how people on this forum ignore even the simple spell check red dotted underline) and then extrapolating these temperature recording differences which over the past century...
(That might not sound like much of a change—surface temperatures rose about 1.4º F (0.78º C) over the past century—)Oceans warm faster and may hold the key to climate change
1.4° increase.
Great point I ignore spell check all the time, but I am not paid to write.
I was pretty stoked to see a thread that was going to talk about the science behind global warming 'hottest years evah'. but as usual it is just 10 pages of personal attacks and nonsense. oh well.

BTW evolution is just a tool that adapts lifeforms. it has no explanations as to how life came into being in the first place. life is either an astronomically improbable fluke or ......

This thread started out with a news article that stated that 2013 was the hottest year on record.

It was pointed out that the claim was made because of an extremely minute difference.

Then there was some discussion on how unreliable global temperature data is.

Then it was mention how the AGW scam artists have manipulated data to fix their models. This was all exposed in Climategate.

This is a typical AGW threat. The Moon Bats have a religious like cult following on the subject and despite all the evidence to the contrary absolutely refuses to believe in the scam.

I'll give you the bottom line on this issue.

Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hocky stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected.

The assumptions about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere was mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in Medieval times.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue . Too bad it has turned from a valid science discussion into a division between the Left and the Right.

All good points.

I would add that the Vostok Ice Cores provides an 800,000 year data set showing that CO2 lags temperature on both the increase and decline.

The science and the data is irrelevant to the AGWCult because they are the sock puppets of EnviroMarxist who want to run down the US economy.

As I've pointed out several times just common sense should make "scientists" skeptical...(I KNOW oxymoron ''common sense and scientists") regarding temperature reading accuracy over the decades because of eyeballs reading the very minute differences, i.e. 69.9° versus 69.2° and then transcribing errors that exist...(look how people on this forum ignore even the simple spell check red dotted underline) and then extrapolating these temperature recording differences which over the past century...
(That might not sound like much of a change—surface temperatures rose about 1.4º F (0.78º C) over the past century—)Oceans warm faster and may hold the key to climate change
1.4° increase.
Great point I ignore spell check all the time, but I am not paid to write.

Nor am I but I do find the simple step of making clarity i.e. correct use of words and spelling does add to credibility!

For example one idiot defending Solyndra said the $500m investment was a "poultry" amount! Yes it was chicken feed I'm sure!
I was pretty stoked to see a thread that was going to talk about the science behind global warming 'hottest years evah'. but as usual it is just 10 pages of personal attacks and nonsense. oh well.

BTW evolution is just a tool that adapts lifeforms. it has no explanations as to how life came into being in the first place. life is either an astronomically improbable fluke or ......

This thread started out with a news article that stated that 2013 was the hottest year on record.

It was pointed out that the claim was made because of an extremely minute difference.

Then there was some discussion on how unreliable global temperature data is.

Then it was mention how the AGW scam artists have manipulated data to fix their models. This was all exposed in Climategate.

This is a typical AGW threat. The Moon Bats have a religious like cult following on the subject and despite all the evidence to the contrary absolutely refuses to believe in the scam.

I'll give you the bottom line on this issue.

Scientist first came up with a theory that because burning fossil fuels produces CO2 gasses then the CO2 will produce a greenhouse effect on earth raising temperatures.

That was a valid theory. They even looked at preliminary data that showed a correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and world wide temperatures and it showed a rise in both.

However, then is where the real science began to fall apart and the scam began.

Because the initial correlation showed rise in CO2 levels and temperature there was a lot of money put into research. The research mostly consisted of computer modeling.

The science was distorted in order to provide the computer models with the data to support the theory.

For instance, the data that shows historically that CO2 levels lag temperature was ignored.

Data showing that in the past the CO2 levels were ten times higher but yet the earth was much cooler and data showing that at times the CO2 levels were lower but yet the earth was warmer were mostly ignored in the computer models.

World wide temperature data was manipulated like we saw in Al Gore's hocky stick picture where data was cherry picked. When the scientist used all the data then the picture was different.

Assumptions were made about historical temperatures that were indefensible based upon the sparse data collected.

The assumptions about how CO2 really chemically reacts in the atmosphere was mostly ignored. CO2 does not react the same in real life that it does in the theoretical computer models.

Then there was the Climategate revelations that data was manipulated by the scientists in order to prove what could not be proven with real data. This really blew the whistle on the scam.

Then you have the fact that after 30 years of this theory there is no credible evidence that the the climate on earth is getting warmer due to man made influence. In fact the climate has been relatively stable for the last 15 years despite counties like China putting out tremendous more amounts of CO2 gasses. There is very credible evidence that the earth may be moving back into another mini ice age like happens every few hundred years. The last one was in Medieval times.

AGW is just bad science because it has become a political issue . Too bad it has turned from a valid science discussion into a division between the Left and the Right.

All good points.

I would add that the Vostok Ice Cores provides an 800,000 year data set showing that CO2 lags temperature on both the increase and decline.

The science and the data is irrelevant to the AGWCult because they are the sock puppets of EnviroMarxist who want to run down the US economy.

As I've pointed out several times just common sense should make "scientists" skeptical...(I KNOW oxymoron ''common sense and scientists") regarding temperature reading accuracy over the decades because of eyeballs reading the very minute differences, i.e. 69.9° versus 69.2° and then transcribing errors that exist...(look how people on this forum ignore even the simple spell check red dotted underline) and then extrapolating these temperature recording differences which over the past century...
(That might not sound like much of a change—surface temperatures rose about 1.4º F (0.78º C) over the past century—)Oceans warm faster and may hold the key to climate change
1.4° increase.
Great point I ignore spell check all the time, but I am not paid to write.

Nor am I but I do find the simple step of making clarity i.e. correct use of words and spelling does add to credibility!

For example one idiot defending Solyndra said the $500m investment was a "poultry" amount! Yes it was chicken feed I'm sure!
Lol, yea I know but it is just like with texts you have to read between the lines, I always know when a poster is losing an argument when they can not attack my message but the grammar and spelling
No time to care
But it is funny when they want to post smart and spell wrong or use the wrong words, I never care because I worked with the japeneese for years and they trash speaking english, but they are very smart so you have to be able to comprehend~if you want to learn
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Am 80 year old read neck Man taught me this lesson, when a guy has something to say, you listen very close and comprehend what he has to say, don't focus on how he talks, listen to the message
It's like my friend Sparky at work he is 60 can not read well, or comprehend blue prints, hydraulic schematics, but he has a heart of gold and 40 years of working with machine knowledge, 60 years of wisdom you can not teach what he knows and if you slow down you can learn from him what books can not teach you
If you really want to know the depth of theis AGW scam just follow the money.

There is a legitimate need for about five Climatologists worldwide. The rest are teaching in some college some place where they need research grants.

This AGW scam has brought in a lot of money to the college researchers from governments and private grants. College professors who had nothing before now can get lucrative grants and not even be held accountable for the results. That is why these clowns are turning out so much peer review garbage. It is big business for the people that otherwise would have little or nothing in the way of research.
Can you find undisputed research from a scientist who hasn't been debunked or paid off (by Oil companies) with a peer reviewed paper that has irrefutable evidence against man made climate change?

We have it on our side..

Can you wait 10 or 15 years for them to come up with something? They'll pray for the right answer and the right scientist. It'll just take awhile.

15 years from now the science and the evidence will be so irrefutable that I fully expect the Republicans to embrace the idea that global warming is real, they have always said it was real and it is ALL the Democrats, and especially Obama's fault that nothing was done about it.

And you idiots claim you're not religious. This post is the modern day version of the religious nutter with the sandwich board claiming "the end is nigh!"

The planet has been much warmer than the present day for the VAST majority of its existence. Nothing happened other than life bloomed. Go ahead. Read a book. You claim you're not a religious zeaolot so go read a book that describes how life was back when it was warmer.
If you really want to know the depth of theis AGW scam just follow the money.

There is a legitimate need for about five Climatologists worldwide. The rest are teaching in some college some place where they need research grants.

This AGW scam has brought in a lot of money to the college researchers from governments and private grants. College professors who had nothing before now can get lucrative grants and not even be held accountable for the results. That is why these clowns are turning out so much peer review garbage. It is big business for the people that otherwise would have little or nothing in the way of research.

All the money wasted on Climate "Science" yet they never have any lab work
If you really want to know the depth of theis AGW scam just follow the money.

There is a legitimate need for about five Climatologists worldwide. The rest are teaching in some college some place where they need research grants.

This AGW scam has brought in a lot of money to the college researchers from governments and private grants. College professors who had nothing before now can get lucrative grants and not even be held accountable for the results. That is why these clowns are turning out so much peer review garbage. It is big business for the people that otherwise would have little or nothing in the way of research.
It is just like college football, hell I didnt know my local college Clemson paid that much to ass. coaches $400,000 grand a year to a defensive line backer coach in college? Seriously? Read about the salarys in a local paper

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