Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to '2014 warmest year ever' nonsense

I thought assistant coaches were only paid around 70 grand a year in college

Not 400 grand a year, for what?

All the money wasted on Climate "Science" yet they never have any lab work

That is the best thing. All they have to do are computer models. Shit in and shit out.

When they can't get the shit out they want then they just change the inputs. This is what they admitted doing in the emails that was exposed in Climategate.
Speaking of solar it has been around for 150 years and the most expensive energy technology That the US government subsidies, the tech still sucks and the tax it cost is hidden in our power bill.
Just like electric cars Have been around since gasoline cars were invented and they still suck.
Its ridiculous

It has been five or six years but the last time I looked (prior to teaching a course in Environmental Science) but then wind power was the most heavily subsidized alternative power source. It is so inefficient that there is no way to make it economically viable without massive government subsidizes. Solar power is not far behind.
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Even the Obumanation, in last nights SOTU speech REPEATED this lie....all to promote his Commie plan to go RED....I mean GREEN!
Speaking of solar it has been around for 150 years and the most expensive energy technology That the US government subsidies, the tech still sucks and the tax it cost is hidden in our power bill.
Just like electric cars Have been around since gasoline cars were invented and they still suck.
Its ridiculous

It has been five or six years but the last time I looked (prior to teaching a course in Environmental Science) wind power was the most heavily subsidized alternative power source. It is so inefficient that there is no way to make it economically viable without massive government subsidizes. Solar power is not far behind.
PLUS very few people have studied the pollution caused by "wind power"!
YES pollution!
With the growing number of wind farms there have been few studies regarding how much interference with local weather patterns due to disruptive wind turbines.
Research: Somnath Roy of the University of Illinois conducted the study into climate around wind farms
Roy, whose findings were published in the Sunday Times, added that he believes the turbines causing turbulence and reducing winds speed are the cause.
He also added that the churning of air from low to high can create vortices that could extend the phenomenon for large distances downwind.
Roy's research is supported by a study undertaken by the Iowa State University, who looked at how a 100-turbine farm would affect conditions on farmland.
They found that temperatures on the ground were warmer at night, which in turn allowed plants to breathe more.

Wind farms can actually INCREASE climate change by raising temperatures warn academics Daily Mail Online
The study, published in Nature, found a “significant warming trend” of up to 0.72C (1.37F) per decade, particularly at night-time, over wind farms relative to near-by non-wind-farm regions.

The team studied satellite data showing land surface temperature in west-central Texas.

“The spatial pattern of the warming resembles the geographic distribution of wind turbines and the year-to-year land surface temperature over wind farms shows a persistent upward trend from 2003 to 2011, consistent with the increasing number of operational wind turbines with time,” said Prof Zhou.

However Prof Zhou pointed out the most extreme changes were just at night and the overall changes may be smaller.
Wind farms can cause climate change finds new study - Telegraph
The study, published in Nature, found a “significant warming trend” of up to 0.72C (1.37F) per decade, particularly at night-time, over wind farms relative to near-by non-wind-farm regions.

The team studied satellite data showing land surface temperature in west-central Texas.

“The spatial pattern of the warming resembles the geographic distribution of wind turbines and the year-to-year land surface temperature over wind farms shows a persistent upward trend from 2003 to 2011, consistent with the increasing number of operational wind turbines with time,” said Prof Zhou.

However Prof Zhou pointed out the most extreme changes were just at night and the overall changes may be smaller.
Wind farms can cause climate change finds new study - Telegraph

Unlike Obamanomics In nature "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

If you take energy out of the atmosphere you will change something.
Thanks guys for bringing wind farms up when I drove thorough Texas to Arizona a few years ago they are massive, 50 , 80 of them a hundred feet tall birds crashing into them and the worse part of them it is a scientific fact.most wind happens at night.when demand is low, they don't store energy in massive batterys that energy is lost
Any one notice how The global warming cult don't even want to touch this thread and post in it today?
I thought they were they college educated pricks? you know the smart ones when I wouldn't even let them carry my tool belt, just go in the office and push papers, pencil whip you are useless to me
Any one notice how The global warming cult don't even want to touch this thread and post in it today?
I thought they were they college educated pricks? you know the smart ones when I wouldn't even let them carry my tool belt, just go in the office and push papers, pencil whip you are useless to me

Hey, I have a couple of degrees and I have been posting. Of course being an Environmental Engineer I know a whole more about this subject than any of these Moon Bats.
But I have 30 years of dealing with temperature readings at work so I guess were even

That's part of my job what the private sector pays me to do
If you have the experiments, post the experiments. If you don't have any experiments, say you have consensus and call anyone who questions you a DENIER!!!

sure its not science but it pays well and we have a real chance at destroying the American economy

Can you find undisputed research from a scientist who hasn't been debunked or paid off (by Oil companies) with a peer reviewed paper that has irrefutable evidence against man made climate change?

We have it on our side..
you do, then please provide the link with the experiment that proves 120PPM of CO2 does anything to temperature! Wow, I'm sitting here with excitement. Finally, someone has this. Frank, this dude claims he has it, the one we've been waiting for 12 months for. :woohoo::woohoo:
So interesting that you spell out exactly what the guy thinks without really knowing then attack what YOU post. Really disingenuous.

Hey freewilly. Do you know what this ? symbol means? It means I asked a question. Had that symbol at the end of three sentences I wrote. Yep. Sure did, I asked a question.
You want to try and give an answer or not?
holy crap, you know what ? that means. Ain't you a smart one there, yuk, yuk.. Dude, Liberals have no idea what ? means. They never respond to one and always flip it. yeah, but you go with you know what it means, I mean, blind squirrels and nuts all that you know? Note the ? at the end there.
Can you find undisputed research from a scientist who hasn't been debunked or paid off (by Oil companies) with a peer reviewed paper that has irrefutable evidence against man made climate change?

We have it on our side..

Can you wait 10 or 15 years for them to come up with something? They'll pray for the right answer and the right scientist. It'll just take awhile.

15 years from now the science and the evidence will be so irrefutable that I fully expect the Republicans to embrace the idea that global warming is real, they have always said it was real and it is ALL the Democrats, and especially Obama's fault that nothing was done about it.
Zeke old buddy, you got an experiment that shows what 120 PPM of CO2 does to temperatures in a lab? Note the ?, it means a ......question. Do you know what that means? again another ?. watch out now, don't want to confuse you or anything.
More on Spencer (no pun intended)

"Spencer is a signatory to An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming,[30][31] which states that "Earth and its ecosystems – created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting".

Goddam that's funny, coming from someone claiming to be a scientist.
well friend, what is your belief system? Are you saying that scientists can't believe in God? Seems that is the crux of your post. Hmmmmmmmm So Isaac Newton and Thomas Edison aren't scientists huh?
The environmentalist movement is on the right side of environmental issues, whether there is global warming or not.

Casting doubt on global warming theories is nothing more than a pro-pollution strategy.
right francis!!!!!
Man has never, in the history of mankind, mined and drilled for oil and coal and then burnt that oil and coal (made from carbon BTW) at this pace and for this sustained period of time.

So the very best and most honest opinion that could be given about these actions is that we don't KNOW what will happen from putting all that carbon back into the atmosphere.

It has never been done before. But it ain't looking like it is helping us.
dude, well said. That is a first for you. You are exactly right no one knows. So why is it you boast you do?

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