Clinical Lycanthropy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Clinical Lycanthropy is the medical term for people who think they are animals.

In Daniel 4:33 we see the Biblical story of king Nebuchadnezzar who was humbled by God as he went insane and thought he was an animal.

For those that it effects today, should these people have surgeries like Bruce Jenner to "fix" their physical state to match their mental state? Should, for example, someone who thinks they are a dog have surgeries to alter their appearance to make them look more like a dog?
I was once diagnosed with clinical lycanthropy, but then they realized I was just hangry.
In my younger days, some young ladies called me a wolf, but I never grew hair and fangs.
if it were possible to change ones physical appearance mentally what would anyone be ?

Clinical Lycanthropy is the medical term for people who think they are animals.

In Daniel 4:33 we see the Biblical story of king Nebuchadnezzar who was humbled by God as he went insane and thought he was an animal.

For those that it effects today, should these people have surgeries like Bruce Jenner to "fix" their physical state to match their mental state? Should, for example, someone who thinks they are a dog have surgeries to alter their appearance to make them look more like a dog?
It doesn't say he thought he was an animal. He ate grass like an ox and he let his grooming go by letting his hair and nails grow long. Have you deliberately misunderstood this?
Clinical Lycanthropy is the medical term for people who think they are animals.

In Daniel 4:33 we see the Biblical story of king Nebuchadnezzar who was humbled by God as he went insane and thought he was an animal.

For those that it effects today, should these people have surgeries like Bruce Jenner to "fix" their physical state to match their mental state? Should, for example, someone who thinks they are a dog have surgeries to alter their appearance to make them look more like a dog?
It doesn't say he thought he was an animal. He ate grass like an ox and he let his grooming go by letting his hair and nails grow long. Have you deliberately misunderstood this?
It didn't say he 'let his hair grow'.

Daniel 4:33 kjv
"The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws."

Doesn't say he thought he was an animal. He basically became an animal. Votto

Having said this if you were to become an animal also you would think you're an animal but that's besides the point.

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