Clint’s Eastwood Go Ahead –“Write My Slogan Contest!” Open to all.


Jan 26, 2012
Do you feel you’ve got the balls to write a slogan to save the night for the RNC.
If you can’t muster up enough to write the slogan than just take a shot at guessing it’s orgasmic flavor.

I say something of tall ships, this is neutral.

“Our ships sails have been fluttering, turn into the wind"
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mumblemumblemumbleSOCIALISMmumblemumblemumbleCOMMUNISMmumblemumblemumbleKENYANmumblemumblemumbleMUSLIMmumblemumblemumbleFREEDOM! Thankyougoodnightandgodbless.
Obama sucks and Obama sucks more and Obama sucks some more...........did you realize Obama sucks??
In keeping with the essence of Romney, the slogan should be

"Right turn, Clyde...

no wait! Left! No, right!! Stop! Go straight! Now right! There! Now left!! Aw fuck it!!"

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