Clinton: Being A Capitalist Probably Hurt Me In 2016 Because So Many Democrats Are Socialists

The socialist rhetoric is so overdone. How many voters actually support socialism? 100 maybe. There is nothing in America that resembles anything socialist not is there any threat to capitalism.
Bernie is a self described socialist who embraces Communism. He would have been the Dem nominee if the elite hadn't rigged the election for Hillary.
The Blame Everyone But Me Tour continues. But I find this one hilarious because it’s at least partially true.

Another tRumpkin who should really let someone else rent that space in his/her head.

Clinton is no longer relevant.

Hillary is busy campaigning for Republicans.

Nope, she's keeping you occupied while we get set to sweep the midterms and remove Cheeto Jesus and company.

That's funny.
The Blame Everyone But Me Tour continues. But I find this one hilarious because it’s at least partially true.

Another tRumpkin who should really let someone else rent that space in his/her head.

Clinton is no longer relevant.

Hillary is busy campaigning for Republicans.

Nope, she's keeping you occupied while we get set to sweep the midterms and remove Cheeto Jesus and company.

That's funny.

I'm glad you think so. Keep looking over there, we'll handle things here.
Wait. She's not using her "Black" voice. Oh yeah, the audience must be White. She keeps saying stupid stuff. We'll keep commenting. The Libs are so embarrassed by her it is laughable.
The Blame Everyone But Me Tour continues. But I find this one hilarious because it’s at least partially true.

We can Only imagine, all of the fine and wonderful, left wing pander that would actually be in progress, due to the left wing actually having some Constitutional clue, and some Constitutional Cause.
The Blame Everyone But Me Tour continues. But I find this one hilarious because it’s at least partially true.

Another tRumpkin who should really let someone else rent that space in his/her head.

Clinton is no longer relevant.

Hillary is busy campaigning for Republicans.

Nope, she's keeping you occupied while we get set to sweep the midterms and remove Cheeto Jesus and company.

Since the Democrats have no affirmative agenda right now, I think you're living in a dream world.
The Blame Everyone But Me Tour continues. But I find this one hilarious because it’s at least partially true.

At least Hillary broadly admits that the DNC base are all socialists, but as a "capitalist," apparently she's not very good at that either as everytime I look, she is declaring bankruptcy.
The Blame Everyone But Me Tour continues. But I find this one hilarious because it’s at least partially true.

Another tRumpkin who should really let someone else rent that space in his/her head.

Clinton is no longer relevant.

Hillary is busy campaigning for Republicans.

Nope, she's keeping you occupied while we get set to sweep the midterms and remove Cheeto Jesus and company.

Dem platform: Raise taxes, Open borders, freebies to illegals.

Yeah, I’m shaking.
The Blame Everyone But Me Tour continues. But I find this one hilarious because it’s at least partially true.

Another tRumpkin who should really let someone else rent that space in his/her head.

Clinton is no longer relevant.

Hillary is busy campaigning for Republicans.

Nope, she's keeping you occupied while we get set to sweep the midterms and remove Cheeto Jesus and company.

Dem platform: Raise taxes, Open borders, freebies to illegals.

Yeah, I’m shaking.

Dems 2018: Fuck you, America! We're coming for your money and your guns and not necessarily in that exact order

hiLIARy ain't nowhere's near a tarred Capitalist.

She a Crime Syndicate Grifter.
You’re right. They have never run a business in their lives. They get rich off of their political positions and their community organizations. Rather off the backs of all the suckers out there.

Indeed. "Nice reputation you've got there. Would be a shame if anything happened to it" they say while they get ready to launch the fake dossier oppo dirt to their henchthugs in the press.

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