Clinton campaign running misleading adds on TV.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
You would have to explain the missing context in these quotes:

30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes

These two quotes of Donald pretty much sum up why Donald is not getting the women's vote:

3. “Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

Trump always has charming things to say about successful, prominent women – but he stooped particularly low with this comment about Huffington Post founder.

4. “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”

Read more at 30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes

Libs have predicted Donald's demise at least 30 times since he started running. They were wrong every time.

Hell that many times just in the first week of his campaign.
Hey in the world of politics I say toughen up ladies or get out the frying pan. No place for weak kneed individuals in the arena... To much evilness going on in the world to be crying so much about someone who attacks you because you attacked them.[/QUOTE

These attacks - were guns used or just knives. A President has people criticize everything they say and everything they do. Trump is so busy lashing out at anyone who disagrees with him, when will he ever have time to govern.

Instead of prepped for this debate, he's making a circus of trying to psych out his opponent, and feeling insulted because someone is doing to him what he did to Obama.
Hey in the world of politics I say toughen up ladies or get out the frying pan. No place for weak kneed individuals in the arena... To much evilness going on in the world to be crying so much about someone who attacks you because you attacked them.[/QUOTE

These attacks - were guns used or just knives. A President has people criticize everything they say and everything they do. Trump is so busy lashing out at anyone who disagrees with him, when will he ever have time to govern.

Instead of prepped for this debate, he's making a circus of trying to psych out his opponent, and feeling insulted because someone is doing to him what he did to Obama.
. Trying to psych out his opponent eh ? LOL... Your kidding me right ?? So Hillary needs to be defended or be highly worried about that big bad mean ole DONALD TRUMP eh ? Well at this point what difference does it MAKE ???? LOL. Maybe we'll get to see Bill and Donald go at it (no holds barred), you know when Bill comes out to defend his little ole wife. I'm buying tickets.
I was watching TV when I saw this add where these young girls were standing at the mirror, and then it showed Trump saying things in which were directed at Rosie O'Donnel because of the attacks Rosie had made on Trump, but in the add it was being manipulated to make people think that Trump would say these things about women or girls in general. Then it has Trump talking about how women who have small boobs were not usually considered a ten, but surely this was tech talk concerning the part of the competition found in the Miss America Beauty pageant he ran. The fact of it all, is that he was right on that point...Hey the women know it well, and they know that part of the competition will be judged like that, but that it's not the overall judgement in which is good.. Now it is the physical part of it, but not about the whole person which is understood by all the participants... Taking things out of context in order to play the American electorate as a bunch of dummies would be out right hilarious if it wasn't so sad. How much longer will the Americans fall for this crap ??

Hillary has to lie to win, that's how it has always worked for her.
Hey in the world of politics I say toughen up ladies or get out the frying pan. No place for weak kneed individuals in the arena... To much evilness going on in the world to be crying so much about someone who attacks you because you attacked them.[/QUOTE

These attacks - were guns used or just knives. A President has people criticize everything they say and everything they do. Trump is so busy lashing out at anyone who disagrees with him, when will he ever have time to govern.

Instead of prepped for this debate, he's making a circus of trying to psych out his opponent, and feeling insulted because someone is doing to him what he did to Obama.
. Trying to psych out his opponent eh ? LOL... Your kidding me right ?? So Hillary needs to be defended or be highly worried about that big bad mean ole DONALD TRUMP eh ? Well at this point what difference does it MAKE ???? LOL. Maybe we'll get to see Bill and Donald go at it (no holds barred), you know when Bill comes out to defend his little ole wife. I'm buying tickets.

A caller on the Laura Ingraham show said today that if Hillary starts grilling Trump about his foreign policy knowledge he should say "At this point, what difference does it make?" I hope he uses that line at some point.
Hey in the world of politics I say toughen up ladies or get out the frying pan. No place for weak kneed individuals in the arena... To much evilness going on in the world to be crying so much about someone who attacks you because you attacked them.[/QUOTE

These attacks - were guns used or just knives. A President has people criticize everything they say and everything they do. Trump is so busy lashing out at anyone who disagrees with him, when will he ever have time to govern.

Instead of prepped for this debate, he's making a circus of trying to psych out his opponent, and feeling insulted because someone is doing to him what he did to Obama.
. Trying to psych out his opponent eh ? LOL... Your kidding me right ?? So Hillary needs to be defended or be highly worried about that big bad mean ole DONALD TRUMP eh ? Well at this point what difference does it MAKE ???? LOL. Maybe we'll get to see Bill and Donald go at it (no holds barred), you know when Bill comes out to defend his little ole wife. I'm buying tickets.

A caller on the Laura Ingraham show said today that if Hillary starts grilling Trump about his foreign policy knowledge he should say "At this point, what difference does it make?" I hope he uses that line at some point.
. Yes, and then wink at the audience before covering all the screw ups Hillary and Obama made, and especially the ones Obama made in which she supported.

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