Clinton campaign running misleading adds on TV.

The flat-chested comment is going to lose Trump a lot of votes.
It is hilarious when Trump's Chumps think an ad which plays Trump's own words is unfair. :lol:
. It's even more hilarious that you can't see the way that this thing was done in a dishonest way. Not unfair, but very telling about the evilness of this kind of tactic, and then to use children in an exploiting manor on top of that.. you people have no shame do you ????
It is hilarious when Trump's Chumps think an ad which plays Trump's own words is unfair. :lol:
. It's even more hilarious that you can't see the way that this thing was done in a dishonest way. Not unfair, but very telling about the evilness of this kind of tactic, and then to use children in an exploiting manor on top of that.. you people have no shame do you ????
There is nothing dishonest about it at all. Trump said those things. He can't deny it. It's what he is.

YOU were dishonest in your OP. You have a lot of nerve.

Trump's going to lose a lot of votes over the flat-chested comment.
"I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers." "She's a slob." "She ate like a pig." - Rosie O'Donnell

"A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10." - Nicolette Sheridan

"Does she have a good body? No. Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely." - Kim Kardashian

Trump is asked, "Do you treat women with respect?"

He answers, "I can't say that either."

And he's spot on....
"I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers." "She's a slob." "She ate like a pig." - Rosie O'Donnell

"A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10." - Nicolette Sheridan

"Does she have a good body? No. Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely." - Kim Kardashian

Trump is asked, "Do you treat women with respect?"

He answers, "I can't say that either."

And he's spot on....
Thank you for proving the validity of Clinton's ad.
"I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers." "She's a slob." "She ate like a pig." - Rosie O'Donnell

"A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10." - Nicolette Sheridan

"Does she have a good body? No. Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely." - Kim Kardashian

Trump is asked, "Do you treat women with respect?"

He answers, "I can't say that either."

And he's spot on....
Thank you for proving the validity of Clinton's ad.

Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob,no debating that.

Some guys are tit men and I'm sure you have your biases when it comes to women....he's just not afraid to say it.

Same with Kartrashyen....

The last one is a little tough to defend if true,but then he did do a bunch of reality TV so I'd have to see the quote in context.
"I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers." "She's a slob." "She ate like a pig." - Rosie O'Donnell

"A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10." - Nicolette Sheridan

"Does she have a good body? No. Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely." - Kim Kardashian

Trump is asked, "Do you treat women with respect?"

He answers, "I can't say that either."

And he's spot on....
Thank you for proving the validity of Clinton's ad.

Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob,no debating that.

Some guys are tit men and I'm sure you have your biases when it comes to women....he's just not afraid to say it.

Same with Kartrashyen....

The last one is a little tough to defend if true,but then he did do a bunch of reality TV so I'd have to see the quote in context.
It's almost as if you have no idea how much you are helping Clinton!

I've said it a hundred times if I have said it once. The pseudocons like yourself are working double overtime to help Clinton get elected, just like you helped get Obama elected. TWICE.
"I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers." "She's a slob." "She ate like a pig." - Rosie O'Donnell

"A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10." - Nicolette Sheridan

"Does she have a good body? No. Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely." - Kim Kardashian

Trump is asked, "Do you treat women with respect?"

He answers, "I can't say that either."

And he's spot on....
Thank you for proving the validity of Clinton's ad.

Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob,no debating that.

Some guys are tit men and I'm sure you have your biases when it comes to women....he's just not afraid to say it.

Same with Kartrashyen....

The last one is a little tough to defend if true,but then he did do a bunch of reality TV so I'd have to see the quote in context.
It's almost as if you have no idea how much you are helping Clinton!

I've said it a hundred times if I have said it once. The pseudocons like yourself are working double overtime to help Clinton get elected, just like you helped get Obama elected. TWICE.

How politically correct of off to your safe space,or perhaps the ball pit.
Grow a set limp wrist. Men and women say this kind of shit all the time,spare me your fake outrage.
"I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers." "She's a slob." "She ate like a pig." - Rosie O'Donnell

"A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10." - Nicolette Sheridan

"Does she have a good body? No. Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely." - Kim Kardashian

Trump is asked, "Do you treat women with respect?"

He answers, "I can't say that either."

And he's spot on....
Thank you for proving the validity of Clinton's ad.

Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob,no debating that.

Some guys are tit men and I'm sure you have your biases when it comes to women....he's just not afraid to say it.

Same with Kartrashyen....

The last one is a little tough to defend if true,but then he did do a bunch of reality TV so I'd have to see the quote in context.
It's almost as if you have no idea how much you are helping Clinton!

I've said it a hundred times if I have said it once. The pseudocons like yourself are working double overtime to help Clinton get elected, just like you helped get Obama elected. TWICE.

How politically correct of off to your safe space,or perhaps the ball pit.
Grow a set limp wrist. Men and women say this kind of shit all the time,spare me your fake outrage.
I am an old school conservative Republican. I hate Trump and you Chumps for infecting my party. When this is over, I hope Trump will have the decency to go back to the Democrats from whence he came. And I hope all of you retards, bigots, racists, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths who have shit all over the conservative movement and the Republican party go with him where you belong.
And he's spot on....
Thank you for proving the validity of Clinton's ad.

Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob,no debating that.

Some guys are tit men and I'm sure you have your biases when it comes to women....he's just not afraid to say it.

Same with Kartrashyen....

The last one is a little tough to defend if true,but then he did do a bunch of reality TV so I'd have to see the quote in context.
It's almost as if you have no idea how much you are helping Clinton!

I've said it a hundred times if I have said it once. The pseudocons like yourself are working double overtime to help Clinton get elected, just like you helped get Obama elected. TWICE.

How politically correct of off to your safe space,or perhaps the ball pit.
Grow a set limp wrist. Men and women say this kind of shit all the time,spare me your fake outrage.
I am an old school conservative Republican. I hate Trump and you Chumps for infecting my party. When this is over, I hope Trump will have the decency to go back to the Democrats from whence he came. And I hope all of you retards, bigots, racists, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths who have shit all over the conservative movement and the Republican party go with him where you belong.

And what old school republicans would those be?
They're all establishment whores from what i've seen.
I was watching TV when I saw this add where these young girls were standing at the mirror, and then it showed Trump saying things in which were directed at Rosie O'Donnel because of the attacks Rosie had made on Trump, but in the add it was being manipulated to make people think that Trump would say these things about women or girls in general. Then it has Trump talking about how women who have small boobs were not usually considered a ten, but surely this was tech talk concerning the part of the competition found in the Miss America Beauty pageant he ran. The fact of it all, is that he was right on that point...Hey the women know it well, and they know that part of the competition will be judged like that, but that it's not the overall judgement in which is good.. Now it is the physical part of it, but not about the whole person which is understood by all the participants... Taking things out of context in order to play the American electorate as a bunch of dummies would be out right hilarious if it wasn't so sad. How much longer will the Americans fall for this crap ??

Those who watch MSNBC and others will believe this because too many in the media don't exist to inform or find the truth. Their goal is to help Hillary. Period. That means they'll back up whatever she does.

When you try to explain to one of these ignorant people that it's out of context or just false, they won't even listen. Of course, those same nimrods also believe that a racist cop just murdered a black guy in Charlotte.
And he's spot on....
Thank you for proving the validity of Clinton's ad.

Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob,no debating that.

Some guys are tit men and I'm sure you have your biases when it comes to women....he's just not afraid to say it.

Same with Kartrashyen....

The last one is a little tough to defend if true,but then he did do a bunch of reality TV so I'd have to see the quote in context.
It's almost as if you have no idea how much you are helping Clinton!

I've said it a hundred times if I have said it once. The pseudocons like yourself are working double overtime to help Clinton get elected, just like you helped get Obama elected. TWICE.

How politically correct of off to your safe space,or perhaps the ball pit.
Grow a set limp wrist. Men and women say this kind of shit all the time,spare me your fake outrage.
I am an old school conservative Republican. I hate Trump and you Chumps for infecting my party. When this is over, I hope Trump will have the decency to go back to the Democrats from whence he came. And I hope all of you retards, bigots, racists, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths who have shit all over the conservative movement and the Republican party go with him where you belong.

Hmmmmm. I'm no democrat.....but I think it's funny that anyone thinks he would ever be nominated for anything as a democrat.
Thank you for proving the validity of Clinton's ad.

Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob,no debating that.

Some guys are tit men and I'm sure you have your biases when it comes to women....he's just not afraid to say it.

Same with Kartrashyen....

The last one is a little tough to defend if true,but then he did do a bunch of reality TV so I'd have to see the quote in context.
It's almost as if you have no idea how much you are helping Clinton!

I've said it a hundred times if I have said it once. The pseudocons like yourself are working double overtime to help Clinton get elected, just like you helped get Obama elected. TWICE.

How politically correct of off to your safe space,or perhaps the ball pit.
Grow a set limp wrist. Men and women say this kind of shit all the time,spare me your fake outrage.
I am an old school conservative Republican. I hate Trump and you Chumps for infecting my party. When this is over, I hope Trump will have the decency to go back to the Democrats from whence he came. And I hope all of you retards, bigots, racists, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths who have shit all over the conservative movement and the Republican party go with him where you belong.

I'm no democrat.
I guess that means they don't have to bother to kick you out of the party.
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
You would have to explain the missing context in these quotes:

30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
You would have to explain the missing context in these quotes:

30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes

These two quotes of Donald pretty much sum up why Donald is not getting the women's vote:

3. “Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

Trump always has charming things to say about successful, prominent women – but he stooped particularly low with this comment about Huffington Post founder.

4. “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”

Read more at 30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes
The flat-chested comment is going to lose Trump a lot of votes.
. Well if women are this thin skinned, then what in hell are we doing treating them in a way to be just as tough as men are ?? I mean they want to play in a man's tree house, and then they get mad because a man doesn't want pink curtains in the tree house ? Good grief.
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
You would have to explain the missing context in these quotes:

30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes

These two quotes of Donald pretty much sum up why Donald is not getting the women's vote:

3. “Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

Trump always has charming things to say about successful, prominent women – but he stooped particularly low with this comment about Huffington Post founder.

4. “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”

Read more at 30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes

Libs have predicted Donald's demise at least 30 times since he started running. They were wrong every time.
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
You would have to explain the missing context in these quotes:

30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes

These two quotes of Donald pretty much sum up why Donald is not getting the women's vote:

3. “Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

Trump always has charming things to say about successful, prominent women – but he stooped particularly low with this comment about Huffington Post founder.

4. “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”

Read more at 30 Of The Most Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes
. Hey in the world of politics I say toughen up ladies or get out the frying pan. No place for weak kneed individuals in the arena... To much evilness going on in the world to be crying so much about someone who attacks you because you attacked them.
Trump is on record as saying that women who are "griping and bitching" need to divorced. He has no respect for women. If Ivanka didn't have those big tits he likes so much he'd have tossed her to the curb long ago.

Hillary is on record enabling her wife cheating perv husband who humps any woman he can grasp hold of and fouled the White House with his bodily fluids.
Not true but you don't care of course

Absolutely true, Monica ring a bell? Bill serial wife cheater, Hillary serial enabler.

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