Clinton campaign running misleading adds on TV.

I was watching TV when I saw this add where these young girls were standing at the mirror, and then it showed Trump saying things in which were directed at Rosie O'Donnel because of the attacks Rosie had made on Trump, but in the add it was being manipulated to make people think that Trump would say these things about women or girls in general. Then it has Trump talking about how women who have small boobs were not usually considered a ten, but surely this was tech talk concerning the part of the competition found in the Miss America Beauty pageant he ran. The fact of it all, is that he was right on that point...Hey the women know it well, and they know that part of the competition will be judged like that, but that it's not the overall judgement in which is good.. Now it is the physical part of it, but not about the whole person which is understood by all the participants... Taking things out of context in order to play the American electorate as a bunch of dummies would be out right hilarious if it wasn't so sad. How much longer will the Americans fall for this crap ??

It is you who is being mislead. This is how Trump treats women. His discussions about women being "10's" was not taken to a technical discussion related to beauty pageants. It was an interview about what he thought about particular women. Older women couldn't be a 10. Nor a woman with small boobs. This is how Trump referred to his baby daughter - whether she would have big boobs like her mother.

This is how Trump routinely refers to women. Nothing in this ad is misleading. Trump is a racist, misogynist pig. And for the record, he shouldn't be referring to anyone, man or woman, the way he talked about Ms. O'Donnell.
I guess non-10s can't deal with reality.
Its very unfair to use his own quotes against him.
. Hey so what did the campaign do, go and find the most humble looking young girls it could, stand them in front of mirrors as if they were questioning themselves about their own looks, and then they inserted Trump's war with O'Donnel into the context of the infomercial in order to seal the deal in their evil plot as if he was making these accusations against these very same young ladies to make them feel awful about their looks ??? Isn't this (the liberals), way of exploiting children for their own twisted reasoning ?????
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
"I don't have a problem with Drumpf insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly"...of course you don't. We get that.
. Hey Megyn Kelly is a big girl, and she proved it, but poor little Rosie... good grief. Maybe she should stay out of politics if she can't stand the heat.
I hope Trump comes out wearing an I'm a deplorable jacket, and I'm dam proud of it.
I was watching TV when I saw this add where these young girls were standing at the mirror, and then it showed Trump saying things in which were directed at Rosie O'Donnel because of the attacks Rosie had made on Trump, but in the add it was being manipulated to make people think that Trump would say these things about women or girls in general. Then it has Trump talking about how women who have small boobs were not usually considered a ten, but surely this was tech talk concerning the part of the competition found in the Miss America Beauty pageant he ran. The fact of it all, is that he was right on that point...Hey the women know it well, and they know that part of the competition will be judged like that, but that it's not the overall judgement in which is good.. Now it is the physical part of it, but not about the whole person which is understood by all the participants... Taking things out of context in order to play the American electorate as a bunch of dummies would be out right hilarious if it wasn't so sad. How much longer will the Americans fall for this crap ??

Meantime, four Americans are still dead.

Always talking about gun violence....
Its very unfair to use his own quotes against him.
. Hey so what did the campaign do, go and find the most humble looking young girls it could, stand them in front of mirrors as if they were questioning themselves about their own looks, and then they inserted Trump's war with O'Donnel into the context of the infomercial in order to seal the deal in their evil plot as if he was making these accusations against these very same young ladies to make them feel awful about their looks ??? Isn't this (the liberals), way of exploiting children for their own twisted reasoning ?????

Bottom line, The GOP war on women has a new field captain. And it will be vividly clear at the polls
It is hilarious when Trump's Chumps think an ad which plays Trump's own words is unfair. :lol:
Its very unfair to use his own quotes against him.
. Hey so what did the campaign do, go and find the most humble looking young girls it could, stand them in front of mirrors as if they were questioning themselves about their own looks, and then they inserted Trump's war with O'Donnel into the context of the infomercial in order to seal the deal in their evil plot as if he was making these accusations against these very same young ladies to make them feel awful about their looks ??? Isn't this (the liberals), way of exploiting children for their own twisted reasoning ?????

Bottom line, The GOP war on women has a new field captain. And it will be vividly clear at the polls
. All women ain't man haters like feminazi's are, and men are right to have a war on feminazi's. They want to speak against men, but men be dammed if they fire back at these poor little helpless feminazi's. Hey making the playing field level is a good thing. If feminazi's can't stand the pressure they bring upon themselves, then get out of politics, because it must be true that they can't take it as much as they claim, and so they cry and whine about these mean ole nasty men just keeping a war on them... Good grief... kidding me right. LOL.
Then it has Trump talking about how women who have small boobs were not usually considered a ten, but surely this was tech talk concerning the part of the competition found in the Miss America Beauty pageant he ran.
You started a topic claiming the ad lies, and then you proceed to tell a lie!


Trump was talking to Howard Stern about an actress and model (Nicolette Sheridan) when he made the comment about flat chested women, not "tech talk" about Miss America, whatever the fuck that is.

"A woman who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10."

This is the woman he was talking about:

Its very unfair to use his own quotes against him.
. Hey so what did the campaign do, go and find the most humble looking young girls it could, stand them in front of mirrors as if they were questioning themselves about their own looks, and then they inserted Trump's war with O'Donnel into the context of the infomercial in order to seal the deal in their evil plot as if he was making these accusations against these very same young ladies to make them feel awful about their looks ??? Isn't this (the liberals), way of exploiting children for their own twisted reasoning ?????

Bottom line, The GOP war on women has a new field captain. And it will be vividly clear at the polls
. All women ain't man haters like feminazi's are, and men are right to have a war on feminazi's. They want to speak against men, but men be dammed if they fire back at these poor little helpless feminazi's. Hey making the playing field level is a good thing. If feminazi's can't stand the pressure they bring upon themselves, then get out of politics, because it must be true that they can't take it as much as they claim, and so they cry and whine about these mean ole nasty men just keeping a war on them... Good grief... kidding me right. LOL.

I can understand racists and homophobes...and religious bigots. But....being a normal male who's had normal relationships with women for 52 years....I am unable to understand misogynists.

What happened to you? Was it a broken heart? A feeling of abandonment? Or...maybe you couldn't perform when it counted? Help me understand.
Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.

Yeah....losing it for sure.
Its very unfair to use his own quotes against him.
. Hey so what did the campaign do, go and find the most humble looking young girls it could, stand them in front of mirrors as if they were questioning themselves about their own looks, and then they inserted Trump's war with O'Donnel into the context of the infomercial in order to seal the deal in their evil plot as if he was making these accusations against these very same young ladies to make them feel awful about their looks ??? Isn't this (the liberals), way of exploiting children for their own twisted reasoning ?????

Bottom line, The GOP war on women has a new field captain. And it will be vividly clear at the polls
. All women ain't man haters like feminazi's are, and men are right to have a war on feminazi's.
Too damn funny. Unfortunately, the war on women you guys persecute affects all women. You refuse to pass fair pay laws, erect barriers to reproductive choice, and support this small fraction of a man who judges a woman's worth by the size of her chest .

They want to speak against men,
Germaine quotes please....

but men be dammed if they fire back at these poor little helpless feminazi's.
By talking about their appearance...Something most people stop attributing to level of intellect/talent somewhere around age 20.

Hey making the playing field level is a good thing. If feminazi's can't stand the pressure they bring upon themselves, then get out of politics, because it must be true that they can't take it as much as they claim, and so they cry and whine about these mean ole nasty men just keeping a war on them... Good grief... kidding me right. LOL.

Most of the women who are victimized by your now-endorsed war on women are not political. They just want to exercise their rights and find laws crafted by men standing in their way. Now that you admti there is this war on will make it so much more satisfying when you are soundly defeated in a few weeks.
Its very unfair to use his own quotes against him.
. Hey so what did the campaign do, go and find the most humble looking young girls it could, stand them in front of mirrors as if they were questioning themselves about their own looks, and then they inserted Trump's war with O'Donnel into the context of the infomercial in order to seal the deal in their evil plot as if he was making these accusations against these very same young ladies to make them feel awful about their looks ??? Isn't this (the liberals), way of exploiting children for their own twisted reasoning ?????
You obviously have not watched the ad. Not all of the quotes from Trump were about O'Donnell. Most of them were about women in general.

Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.
So the best thing you can say about Hillary is that Mark Cuban is a self made billionaire. That shows just how shallow and fragile Hillary's support is and just how panicked you people are about the debates. You can't sell Hillary as a strong leader and also as a damsel in distress who needs Mark Cuban there to protect her.

So we know at this point she needs a stool because of her small stature and a man to prop her more ways than one.

Is she supposed to represent a strong women?
Then it has Trump talking about how women who have small boobs were not usually considered a ten, but surely this was tech talk concerning the part of the competition found in the Miss America Beauty pageant he ran.
You started a topic claiming the ad lies, and then you proceed to tell a lie!


Trump was talking to Howard Stern about an actress and model (Nicolette Sheridan) when he made the comment about flat chested women, not "tech talk" about Miss America, whatever the fuck that is.

"A woman who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10."

This is the woman he was talking about:


Unlike most USMB conservatives, I have had the pleasure......yes...the pleasure...of hearing Howard Stern interview and have fun with Donald Trump for years. He's a clown. He's always been a clown.

He's a very good comedy radio show guest. He's not the kind of guy we want in charge.
Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.

Yeah....losing it for sure.

Not the election...Women and liberals are winning it!
"I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers." "She's a slob." "She ate like a pig." - Rosie O'Donnell

"A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10." - Nicolette Sheridan

"Does she have a good body? No. Does she have a fat ass? Absolutely." - Kim Kardashian

Trump is asked, "Do you treat women with respect?"

He answers, "I can't say that either."

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