Clinton campaign running misleading adds on TV.

Trump is on record as saying that women who are "griping and bitching" need to divorced. He has no respect for women. If Ivanka didn't have those big tits he likes so much he'd have tossed her to the curb long ago.

He's right. You are stupid to stay married to a woman who is always complaining. That's just common sense. But the left believes it's not acceptable to say that. That is the perfect example of political correctness.
Man. Protecting marriage is really completely off the table for you cons now huh?

"Protecting marriage?" In the first place, I'm not a con. In the second, I've never been against divorce. When did left wingers start opposing divorce?
We just use it to point out hypocrisy in your party of "values." Not really sure what values you all seem to have left though.

Deliberately fucking myself has never been one of my values.
I was watching TV when I saw this add where these young girls were standing at the mirror, and then it showed Trump saying things in which were directed at Rosie O'Donnel because of the attacks Rosie had made on Trump, but in the add it was being manipulated to make people think that Trump would say these things about women or girls in general. Then it has Trump talking about how women who have small boobs were not usually considered a ten, but surely this was tech talk concerning the part of the competition found in the Miss America Beauty pageant he ran. The fact of it all, is that he was right on that point...Hey the women know it well, and they know that part of the competition will be judged like that, but that it's not the overall judgement in which is good.. Now it is the physical part of it, but not about the whole person which is understood by all the participants... Taking things out of context in order to play the American electorate as a bunch of dummies would be out right hilarious if it wasn't so sad. How much longer will the Americans fall for this crap ??

That is utterly SHOCKINGLY! I mean really, a political campaign that is misleading. I have never heard of such a thing.
The sad thing is that essentially all political advertising is directed at voters who are both ignorant and stupid (if you don't know the difference, you must be a Democrat).

There is an army of women who have worked with and for Trump, who will all state categorically that he has been totally fair and gender-neutral with them. In fact, despite basically ALL of the MSM searching frantically (and of course the Clinton campaign, for which the MSM works, is also searching frantically) for a quote from Trump stating anything negative about women in general, not a single credible quote has been produced. Not a single anti-woman act has been demonstrated.

Same for "immigrants" (Trump's wife is a legal immigrant and citizen). Same for Blacks, Mexicans, handicapped people, and the sexually confused.

And yet all of these morons keep posting here that Trump is a misogynist, bigot, zenophobe, homophobe, etc., etc., etc.

Clearly, these morons are the target of the Clinton ads. Which is why her tens of millions of dollars in television advertising have produced NOT A SINGLE BLIP IN HER POLLING NUMBERS: All the idiots are already committed to voting for her!
Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.
So the best thing you can say about Hillary is that Mark Cuban is a self made billionaire. That shows just how shallow and fragile Hillary's support is and just how panicked you people are about the debates. You can't sell Hillary as a strong leader and also as a damsel in distress who needs Mark Cuban there to protect her.

I wasn't even discussing Hillary. I was discussing how easily your think-skinned narcissistic twit of a candidate is rattled, and how unsuitable he is to be President.

Cuban isn't there to "protect" Hillary. He's there with his check book in case Trump wants that $10 million donation. Hillary has sat down with despots and tyrants and not been rattled. One orange faced out of shape racist creep is small potatoes compared to the people Hillary has dealt with.
Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.
So the best thing you can say about Hillary is that Mark Cuban is a self made billionaire. That shows just how shallow and fragile Hillary's support is and just how panicked you people are about the debates. You can't sell Hillary as a strong leader and also as a damsel in distress who needs Mark Cuban there to protect her.

I wasn't even discussing Hillary. I was discussing how easily your think-skinned narcissistic twit of a candidate is rattled, and how unsuitable he is to be President.

Cuban isn't there to "protect" Hillary. He's there with his check book in case Trump wants that $10 million donation. Hillary has sat down with despots and tyrants and not been rattled. One orange faced out of shape racist creep is small potatoes compared to the people Hillary has dealt with.
You didn't say anything about Hillary because there is nothing good you can say about Hillary, and she invited Cuban to come because she has nothing to offer voters on her own.
Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban
He didn't, you just made it up. He gavve them a taste of their own medicine and leftists are not used to being talked to that way. They think they own us and we are to consider them out betters. Nothing he did for women matters, you can only focus on the words for a few, while ignoring the fact that Bill Clinton treats them like meat.
Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.
So the best thing you can say about Hillary is that Mark Cuban is a self made billionaire. That shows just how shallow and fragile Hillary's support is and just how panicked you people are about the debates. You can't sell Hillary as a strong leader and also as a damsel in distress who needs Mark Cuban there to protect her.

I wasn't even discussing Hillary. I was discussing how easily your think-skinned narcissistic twit of a candidate is rattled, and how unsuitable he is to be President.

Cuban isn't there to "protect" Hillary. He's there with his check book in case Trump wants that $10 million donation. Hillary has sat down with despots and tyrants and not been rattled. One orange faced out of shape racist creep is small potatoes compared to the people Hillary has dealt with.

No, he's there to embarrass and rattle Trump, which is why Trump's choice of Jennifer flowers is to appropriate. If Trump is small potatoes, then why isn't Hillary 50 points ahead? She's neck and neck.
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.

Trump didn't throw a hissy fit. He just invited Jennifer Flowers in response. You douche bags seem to believe you get to play juvenile games while the opposition has to play by the Queensbury rules. When the opposition plays by the same rules you play by, then you throw a hissy fit.

The rest of your swill will be treated with the respect it deserves: none.
"in response"....Yep. Clinton knew how to get him to react.
Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.

Trump didn't throw a hissy fit. He just invited Jennifer Flowers in response. You douche bags seem to believe you get to play juvenile games while the opposition has to play by the Queensbury rules. When the opposition plays by the same rules you play by, then you throw a hissy fit.

The rest of your swill will be treated with the respect it deserves: none.
"in response"....Yep. Clinton knew how to get him to react.

Then you admit it's a sleazy stunt.
Liberals are losing it......:badgrin:

We're not losing it. Expressing disdain for frat boy behaviour.

Losing it is throwing a hissy fit because Mark Cuban is going to be sitting in the front row. Mark Cuban - a guy who is a genuine, self-made billionaire, who's net worth isn't written on the back of a napkin based on the value of his "brand", and who didn't get a $9 million dollar loan from Daddy to get started. Cuban has simply offered to donate $10 million to charity, if Trump releases his taxes. That's what's driving this little pique of rage.

That he thinks seating Gennifer Flowers is the front row as "revenge" is a good idea, shows you what a small, self-centred child Trump is. Hillary will ignore her, but the rest of the women in American and the intelligent, capable men, will see how Trump is trying to deflect from his dearth of ideas, strategies and actual platform, and try to turn the debate into a sideshow.

If that happens, and it already is to an extent, Trump will drive every undecided voter in the land into the polling booths to vote AGAINST this thin-skinned child, who should never have been on the ballot in the first place. He is an embarrassment to your country. Anyone who voted for him should be ashamed of themselves. Anyone who continues to support this twit, should have their head examined.

The future of not just your country, but as we saw with Bush, the rest of the world, hangs in the balance. Just the fact the Trump is a candidate, has lowered the standing of the United States of America. Putin is pulling his strings and the rest of us are alternately laughing at your stupidity, or mortified that this man has any chance at all of being elected.

Trump eats puppy dogs.

I know it's true, a liberal told me so
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
"I don't have a problem with Drumpf insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly"...of course you don't. We get that.
Awwwwww. Poor babies don't like how Trump's own words sound to women. How sad. Believe me.

What we don't like is how douche bags like you massage his words into unrecognizable form and mischaracterize them.

No, we don't. We just repeat them. What he says is so despicable and odius, that no decent human would consider voting for him.

No, you don't just repeat them. You drop the context and mischaracterize them. Or Buzzfeed just makes it up. It's propaganda, not fact. I don't have a problem with Trump insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly. They dished it out, but they can't take it.
"I don't have a problem with Drumpf insulting O'Donnel or Megyn Kelly"...of course you don't. We get that.

Why should I? They attacked him. They got what they deserved.

Douche bags like you obviously believe that leftwing ***** are free to dish it out, but no one is allowed to return fire.

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