Clinton drops below 270

So, tell us what the road for Trump to 270 will be......
Some miracle prompted by your ilk sacrificing a right wing virgin for the cause?? LOL

Florida and Virginia.

He wins those, and he takes the election.

Hillary WILL lose, the tsunami of criminal acts by her has been exposed and America is fed up with the blatant corruption.

If americans ever really get fed up with blatant corruption they will take on the entire system, and we just aren't there yet.
Im glad the bitch is dropping. Too bad the other option sucks as well. Still better though..
If I said it once, ive said 1000 times : Trump could kill all poor people and ship their limbs to cannibals in the Amazon and he would STILL be better than hildabitch

We already knew what kind of human being you were, but always appreciate the reinforcements.
Do you ever say anything?
Quoting CNN

they are currently discussing HIllarys lead shrinking

Of course her lead is shrinking.....Comey's letter and the FBI partisanship has had its expected results. Clinton will not pull off her previously expected.
But the EC map is simple for anyone with even an ounce of objectivity to figure out.
If americans ever really get fed up with blatant corruption they will take on the entire system, and we just aren't there yet.

I agree.....but the nation CANNOT rely on the likes of an orange clown to pull it off.
Im glad the bitch is dropping. Too bad the other option sucks as well. Still better though..
If I said it once, ive said 1000 times : Trump could kill all poor people and ship their limbs to cannibals in the Amazon and he would STILL be better than hildabitch

We already knew what kind of human being you were, but always appreciate the reinforcements.
Do you ever say anything?

Not the things you say, no, never.
Quoting CNN

they are currently discussing HIllarys lead shrinking

Of course her lead is shrinking.....Comey's letter and the FBI partisanship has had its expected results. Clinton will not pull off her previously expected.
But the EC map is simple for anyone with even an ounce of objectivity to figure out.

But the EC map is simple for anyone with even an ounce of objectivity to figure out.

Like the professionals paid big bucks to analyze those maps?

That's given FL goes to Clinton and every indication is it's a virtual tie..same as Colorado

In every "virtual tie" of the last 50 years, it goes to the Republican, due to the bias in polling. A "tie" is a Trump win, especially given all of the new revelations of corruption by Hillary.

Yeah I saw Reuters newest poll has Clinton up by 7....then looked at the demos, like 1200 dems and 900 repubs surveyed. No bias there at all, nope
If americans ever really get fed up with blatant corruption they will take on the entire system, and we just aren't there yet.

I agree.....but the nation CANNOT rely on the likes of an orange clown to pull it off.

No one the system vomits up for the masses to "choose" from will, that was never the intent or design of our system.
In every "virtual tie" of the last 50 years, it goes to the Republican, due to the bias in polling. A "tie" is a Trump win, especially given all of the new revelations of corruption by Hillary.

Clinton does NOT need Florida or even NC to win......She will need CO and NV, however.

That's given FL goes to Clinton and every indication is it's a virtual tie..same as Colorado

In every "virtual tie" of the last 50 years, it goes to the Republican, due to the bias in polling. A "tie" is a Trump win, especially given all of the new revelations of corruption by Hillary.

Yeah I saw Reuters newest poll has Clinton up by 7....then looked at the demos, like 1200 dems and 900 repubs surveyed. No bias there at all, nope

Not everyone can be as "unbiased" as you are hon.

That's given FL goes to Clinton and every indication is it's a virtual tie..same as Colorado

In every "virtual tie" of the last 50 years, it goes to the Republican, due to the bias in polling. A "tie" is a Trump win, especially given all of the new revelations of corruption by Hillary.


The realclear final poll average in 2012 was Obama by .7. That's a virtual tie.

He won by 3.9 points.

Exactly the opposite of what you claim happened is what really happened.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

I agree.....but the nation CANNOT rely on the likes of an orange clown to pull it off.

Trump isn't winning this election, America is rejecting the open corruption of the Mafia Don. That puts Trump in office, but most are not voting FOR Trump, they are just keeping that corrupt piece of shit Hillary out.

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