Clinton Got A Gallup Post-Convention Bounce! Guess Who's Coming to After-Dinner(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Gallup organization is still reporting an absence of (1) any reaction to the The Romney Address, and (2) any reaction to the Romney Convention. Likely millions, in contrast, are even now asking why the Hispanic didn't go to his mom for a venture capital loan(?)!

We were told that the woman was supposed to be really good(?)! In the "Strangelove Address" At RNC, anyone learned what "good" means. Little Annie-Hoards-The-Bucks: Knows what that means!

Gallup does report that although John Kerry, George McGovern, and Mitt Romney did not get a bounce in the polls from the convention, Bill Clinton actually got one.

Romney Gets No Bounce From Last Week's GOP Convention

Bill Clinton became, in fact, the "Comeback Kid" so often--that even last week, the Republicans did not call for his impeachment--again, and again, and again. In contrast, they did vote to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act 33 times. These people want everyone to notice how well Democracy really works for them.

There is the possibility the Republicans are now at least ready to Impeach George Bush--now to be noticed as having been absent, and the Tampa Convention(?)!

Now somebody at least looking White, will be a featured speaker at the Democratic National Convention. Hollywood does understand this: Even though rarely do they do anything like the Democratic National Convention!

No doubt the execs have noticed the kinds of things anyone can allude to, doing inprov: And Even At RNC! Christie doing a bi-partisanship appeal(?)! The Mrs. Doing the "Strangelove Address," and about the money(?)! Romney forgetting about what he said the day before, and even about the health care parts that people like! And then back to Hollywood Improv(?)! The Republicans want everyone to know that there is a Brand New Mitt Happening, Every single day! Improv is the only way to make any sense of a Romney-Ryan administration--even according to fact-checkers!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(From our youth, "Who was that mascale, anyway!?! He's The Lo-o-o-ne, White Man! Tune In, And See If He's Dead Yet!" And now as the Boomers go into retirement, "Does that still apply to Bill Clinton(?)!" Biden The VP, anyone notices, usually gets it right--including the actual concept of "Shovel Ready Jobs!" That appears to be on its way out, especially at the Ivy League, about an older version of White! Now they have to bring Betty!)
Soon there will be absentee ballots from overseas.

Not only are the Democrats broadening the decision-making, policy basis at the Convention, but the Democrats are also alluding to the various national issues that have to be addressed in the next few weeks campaign.

Mostly, at RNC, it was about the money!

Romney did take a stab at wondering why kids were staring into space all the time. These are an educated bunch of people(?), after all(?)!

Now look at them(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(No Work, No Play! Keep young in bed and staring all day(?)!)

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