Clinton Has A Problem That Will Help Bernie Sanders Become Democratic Nominee


Senior Member
May 24, 2015
Hillary Clinton Has A White Liberal Problem That Will Help Bernie Sanders Become Democratic Nominee H. A. Goodman

I don't relate to Hillary. I don't have any friend that relates to Hillary. She gets a $600 haircut while we worry about having enough money to pay our electricity bills. Enough is enough. Seriously. Her campaign chest is bulging from Wall Street donors. Do we really need another Wall Street crook? I don't think so. BTW, Hillary doesn't have a 'white liberal problem'. She has a corruption, elitist, murderous foreign policy problem. And that's really scary.
Hillary Clinton Has A White Liberal Problem That Will Help Bernie Sanders Become Democratic Nominee H. A. Goodman

I don't relate to Hillary. I don't have any friend that relates to Hillary. She gets a $600 haircut while we worry about having enough money to pay our electricity bills. Enough is enough. Seriously. Her campaign chest is bulging from Wall Street donors. Do we really need another Wall Street crook? I don't think so. BTW, Hillary doesn't have a 'white liberal problem'. She has a corruption, elitist, murderous foreign policy problem. And that's really scary.
Well, she's still the prohibitive favorite. The only wild card is Biden.

There are a lot people who are going to vote for this woman knowing damn well that she's phony and that she thinks she's above the rules.

That says a lot more about America than it does about her.

Awwwwwww. She's a phony and she thinks she's above the rules. Unlike so many politicians.
From the sound of things Hilbat has more than a few problems.

In fact I'd say she's is going to have one big problem even getting the nomination let alone running for POTUS.

Time will tell.
Obama and his Boss Val Jarrett might take another stab at derailing her campaign.

Et tu, Barack?
Remember how the WAILED about Reagan's age? NOW all of a sudden it doesn't matter to them that some man is running who is damn near 100 years old.

this country has went into the twilight zone. sheesh
Remember how the WAILED about Reagan's age? NOW all of a sudden it doesn't matter to them that some man is running who is damn near 100 years old.

this country has went into the twilight zone. sheesh

Yeah, Democrats have to choose between an old white Socialist or an old white Socialist, tough choice
Hildebeast and baggage, Bernie's admitted socialism, Warren and her Cherokee cheekbones, Biden the aged race baiter...Sounds like a nice cross section of dimocrats to me.

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