Clinton "inner circle" now blames Huma

However, you were willing to "swallow" what "the donald" was giving you, about millions vote illegally without proof and that the media lies.
Swalllow, Swallow, swallow what "the donald" wants to give you as you kneel before him.
Nice try.

Clinton's inner circle is now blaming Huma Abedin for the election

Thank the good Lord this stupid criminal did not become president.

I hope, yes I hope she along with everyone of her fucking voters rot forever in hell.
However, you were willing to "swallow" what "the donald" was giving you, about millions vote illegally without proof and that the media lies.
Swalllow, Swallow, swallow what "the donald" wants to give you as you kneel before him.
Nice try.
For you too.

So far they have blamed, Comey, voter fraud, Russians and now Huma....they still don't realize they ran a horrible candidate
I'd bet deep down inside Slick Willie's happy she lost. He probably didn't want to go down in history as half of the Clinton shared presidency. And he'll likely be gone before offspring Hildebeast II might try to get her ugly, albeit smaller, ass elected.

Hillary might have had Willy's ass shanghaied into a Romanian prison if she had the chance....I agree...he feels nothing but relief that that crazy old witch didn't win.
However, you were willing to "swallow" what "the donald" was giving you, about millions vote illegally without proof and that the media lies.
Swalllow, Swallow, swallow what "the donald" wants to give you as you kneel before him.
Nice try.
For you too.

So far they have blamed, Comey, voter fraud, Russians and now Huma....they still don't realize they ran a horrible candidate

Grow up little man
What is the matter, can't take being called out. "bitch". totally appropriate in the world of "the donald" remember PC is a thing of the past.

However, you were willing to "swallow" what "the donald" was giving you, about millions vote illegally without proof and that the media lies.
Swalllow, Swallow, swallow what "the donald" wants to give you as you kneel before him.
Nice try.
For you too.

So far they have blamed, Comey, voter fraud, Russians and now Huma....they still don't realize they ran a horrible candidate

Grow up little man
The Democrats have been aggressively grooming her for her own political career. She was destined to be their 'Great Muslim Hope.' But of course the reality is, she's a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and she's just as corrupt as her boss is. And then there's her perv 'Weiner Man' husband. So i think it's safe to say she won't ever be their 'Great Muslim Hope.' She's all done.

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