Clinton Not A Criminal V. Petreaus, Who Did A Plea Bargain: Or Jindal, Who Is Stupid!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
After months and months of looking, it is elsewhere noted that even Bill Clinton probably did not have sex. . .with some people. Hilary has no apparent legal troubles, either. In America, the world notices, sex can be a legal matter(?). The other fact is that the Clintons probably even have money, now, and that seems to appeal to some Republicans. . .if anyone is paying attention to the front-runner for their Presidential nomination.

Legal experts see no criminal trouble for Clinton thus far

The Louisiana governor is particularly inane about the subject of the emails. If the e-class military inductees had all been passing along the information, over emails: He suggests that the Courts Martials would have been everywhere apparent(?).

In reality, of course, more likely, CIA would have put the entire Pentagon on-board C-47's, flown them out over the Atlantic, and pushed them out the door. What a cabinet level, confirmed appointee does with Presidential Administration Policy documents, is generally not left up to army privates in a foxhole. It is noted that Republicans do have the problem, "What did they know, and when did they know it?!" Blaming the e-class military probably also makes sense to some Republicans.

Even Trump could suggest that you don't even leave it up to dizzy broads into Fox News, on TV, much less. . . .well(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
($1,467.60 per month, with benefits. . . . .and blanket. . .hmmmm! Maybe need pony, on the side. . .or under table.)
And the FBI just got the server she was so anxious to keep away from everybody...

Just give them time.....
After months and months of looking, it is elsewhere noted that even Bill Clinton probably did not have sex. . .with some people. Hilary has no apparent legal troubles, either. In America, the world notices, sex can be a legal matter(?). The other fact is that the Clintons probably even have money, now, and that seems to appeal to some Republicans. . .if anyone is paying attention to the front-runner for their Presidential nomination.

Legal experts see no criminal trouble for Clinton thus far

The Louisiana governor is particularly inane about the subject of the emails. If the e-class military inductees had all been passing along the information, over emails: He suggests that the Courts Martials would have been everywhere apparent(?).

In reality, of course, more likely, CIA would have put the entire Pentagon on-board C-47's, flown them out over the Atlantic, and pushed them out the door. What a cabinet level, confirmed appointee does with Presidential Administration Policy documents, is generally not left up to army privates in a foxhole. It is noted that Republicans do have the problem, "What did they know, and when did they know it?!" Blaming the e-class military probably also makes sense to some Republicans.

Even Trump could suggest that you don't even leave it up to dizzy broads into Fox News, on TV, much less. . . .well(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
($1,467.60 per month, with benefits. . . . .and blanket. . .hmmmm! Maybe need pony, on the side. . .or under table.)

Why don't you fucking sober up, gather your thoughts, and then try again, you degenerate junkie!
And so there is nothing apparently glaringly compromising on what the FBI has in its possession, as in nothing meriting a priority level. . .national security cover-up. The Republicans can allege that the agents are asleep, or binge-drinking, or looking for hookers, or whatever it is that federal agents famously do, when they make the papers.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young Warrior have possession of secret tail of Great Scorpion, from famous flowing Gold River, released from sacred mine, now embedded in plastic turquoise, for all to see! And on sale for only $99.95!)
And so there is nothing apparently glaringly compromising on what the FBI has in its possession, as in nothing meriting a priority level. . .national security cover-up. The Republicans can allege that the agents are asleep, or binge-drinking, or looking for hookers, or whatever it is that federal agents famously do, when they make the papers.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young Warrior have possession of secret tail of Great Scorpion, from famous flowing Gold River, released from sacred mine, now embedded in plastic turquoise, for all to see! And on sale for only $99.95!)
You seem to think you're well-informed about this...

Has the FBI asked to speak to you yet???
That was the '60's. Different subject(?). If memory serves(?), they were probably trying to determine just how many Communists were in the State Department, even when Nixon was President. . .or Vice President. . .or stealing from his mom(?)! It was still yet clear that he even knew to speak Chinese, but one of my great aunts had been one the Sunday School teachers. Unclassified it really was.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many say tail of Great Scorpion maybe too strong resemblance to clipping from ToeNail(?)! Hmmmmm!)
But with all the Republicans wanting the Presidential nomination, promising to raise taxes on the rich: Like we're all supposed to move to Colorado(?)! Trump has opened an important door. . .and into a likely, different dimension--regarding what GOP believes in!

Even to African-American Americans, "Black Lives Matter," unless they are dying from Hunger in East Africa. Even the Obama girls keep the high fashion, party dresses on! Mom and Dad are Ivy League educated. . .which is about being that smart about other cultures.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many can take Great Scorpion Tail, from famous Golden Water, from sacred mine--embedded in plastic turquoise--and use it to freshen up drinks for many White Eyes!)
With two tiers of GOP debates having happened, then the concept of "USA Getting Dummied-Down" should be of no surprise to USMB board posters. Trump is all for cheap Mexican labor--to build his wall--and taxes on the rich. Moses, the Imperial Educated--of famous enslaving Egypt--could magically create the concept of "Chosen People," and likely the concept of the "Schvartzik(?)!" Even in School, some kids are generally thought better than other kids, and all the other kids not worth the extra effort. Instead of the doctoral qualified teachers, everyone gets the refugees instead.

Palestine has a wall. Probably the Imperial Jews are taxed. Soon enough, someone will holler, Jaheeeeezus! Here Pig! Pig! The Promised Land will have happened, just like over there. The Holy Father will probably be on board. Her Majesty's Royal Episcopal brand, will likely be on board. . .more likely with lots of Scotch.

Then there will be the name change. "The Holy Land!" it will be called.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes now send little papoose off to school: Knowing full well, the madness!)
The State Department, elsewhere noted, is in the process of doing retroactive "Classified" labeling--after months and years, way after the fact. Anyone further notices the lack of comparison of the Trump Wall with the Israeli Security Fence, around Palestine. Both are in reaction of border crossings, of one or another groups alleged criminal.

GOP House Speaker Boehner brought the Israeli perpetrator, of the atrocity--a follower of the Moses Atrocity, alleging some deity caused it all--and so the leader of the modern-fencing state of Israel spoke to the assembled legislatures of the United States. Within months, the GOP has managed to come up with a fencing proposal, apparently to be built by wetbacks, or other cheap labor.

Retroactive "Classified" labeling is likely under way, having nothing to do with Senator Clinton, or with Bill.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Syrian refugees seem to have enough sense to crawl under the barbed wire barriers, into Europe: In Contrast--probably now being "Classified!")

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