Clinton Supporters Gather at "Ready for Hillary" Rally

Clinton Supporters Gather at "Ready for Hillary" Rally

A rare example of rats swimming toward a sinking ship.
Clinton Supporters Gather at Ready for Hillary Rally NBC New York


Local politicians and Democratic supporters are holding a "Ready for Hillary" rally in anticipation of Hillary Rodham Clinton's expected presidential campaign launch this weekend.

U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney and Manhattan Borough President Gail Brewer are among those who plan to attend the rally which will take place Saturday in Manhattan.


Discuss. Why is the lettering on those bands orange instead of blue? Is Hillary in cahoots with John Boehner? Is this the end of the world?!?!?
This guy opted out of Hillary's big announcement. Not a bad decision.

U.S. Capitol Locked Down After Suicide Outside Building NBC4 Washington

You have 30,000+ posts in a less than a year and half.....


And this bothers you? Please do tell, Kemosabe.

Doesn't bother me at all. But since you agreed with Konradv about "post counts" I found it quite amusing......

I don't keep track of postings. Having harnessed the very best of the free market, I can post when I want to.
But I think that your meds are working wonderfully for you. Bravo. It's been months since you put out a thread advocating for the murder of Liberals. No, Zander, I have not forgotten that moment.


Now, back to the OP, silly us, we don't want to go OT, now do we:

Clinton Supporters Gather at "Ready for Hillary" Rally

If it is a video-announcement as is being speculated, then this would parallel 2007, where she announced per video on January 20th of that year.

That's quite a scurrilous accusation. Either Link it or STFU......

But while we are disgusting, err, I mean discussing Hillary.....she's no lock.....

Hillary can be beat -

chuckle, chuckle....
Didn't care when Ted Cruz announced, didn't care when Rand Paul announced, I don't care that Hillary is announcing tomorrow and won't care that Rubio is announcing on Monday.I will start caring and taking the 2016 election serious in 2016.
There are several such clowns on this site....they all have outrageously high post counts, so I doubt they have jobs, and if they do, its likely with the Government where all they have to do is call people names on the internet, after they get tired of watching porn.
If you go by post counts, most of the rabid righties are either un- or federally employed, according to your logic. Sorry if I've been posting a bit to much for your taste, but it is Saturday.


You have 30,000+ posts in a less than a year and half.....


good grief, It took me 11 years to get where I'm at. I would classify him a troll or a loser with no life. or both is more like it. runs around and says nothing
There are several such clowns on this site....they all have outrageously high post counts, so I doubt they have jobs, and if they do, its likely with the Government where all they have to do is call people names on the internet, after they get tired of watching porn.
If you go by post counts, most of the rabid righties are either un- or federally employed, according to your logic. Sorry if I've been posting a bit to much for your taste, but it is Saturday.


You have 30,000+ posts in a less than a year and half.....


good grief, It took me 11 years to get where I'm at. I would classify him a troll or a loser with no life. or both is more like it. runs around and says nothing

Staph, don't you have more important things to tend to?

Operation american spring

Poor old hillary......about to get rode sidesaddle again. Last time they rode her hard then kicked her out in the street when the "clean articulate black man" came along.
oh darn. she doesn't care. she's in for one reason. POWER. nothing else. she could care less about sheep or hound dogs. She stayed with hers for Power. I mean stood by her man.
Poor old hillary......about to get rode sidesaddle again. Last time they rode her hard then kicked her out in the street when the "clean articulate black man" came along.
oh darn. she doesn't care. she's in for one reason. POWER. nothing else. she could care less about sheep or hound dogs. She stayed with hers for Power. I mean stood by her man.

Just think, if she wins we may have another President Clinton molesting female interns.
Well they can forget that happening. they have a 80 year old woman running for Queen. Unopposed no less. sheesh

Poll: 72 Percent Of Democrats And Independents Want A ‘Robust’ Democratic Primary
Matt Vespa | Apr 11, 2015


Democrats do not want a coronation, but sometimes you can’t always get what you want. Hillary Clinton is announcing her 2016 bid this Sunday–and the nomination is all but locked up for her. Nevertheless, a new Bloomberg poll found that 72 percent of Democrats and Independents want a competitive Democratic primary. Yet, it’s highly unlikely that a serious challenger could launch a successful insurgent candidacy a la Barack Obama this cycle; most of the possible candidates mentioned as potential 2016 primary challengers to Hillary have crumbled.

all of it here:
Poll 72 Percent Of Democrats And Independents Want A Robust Democratic Primary - Matt Vespa
Clinton Supporters Gather at Ready for Hillary Rally NBC New York


Local politicians and Democratic supporters are holding a "Ready for Hillary" rally in anticipation of Hillary Rodham Clinton's expected presidential campaign launch this weekend.

U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney and Manhattan Borough President Gail Brewer are among those who plan to attend the rally which will take place Saturday in Manhattan.


Discuss. Why is the lettering on those bands orange instead of blue? Is Hillary in cahoots with John Boehner? Is this the end of the world?!?!?
This guy opted out of Hillary's big announcement. Not a bad decision.

U.S. Capitol Locked Down After Suicide Outside Building NBC4 Washington
When are they going to answer her question?

Corrupt evil bitch. Responsible for a failed state and the deaths of hundreds of thousands. What difference does it make???!

Forget Hillary’s Emails, Here’s Her Real Scandal That Nobody is Talking About
Forget Hillary s Emails Here s Her Real Scandal That Nobody is Talking About

"Libya was once the most stable country in Africa, it also had the highest standard of living as of 2011 — HAD. Enter military-industrial-complex and corporate imperialism. Oh Hillary, I thought you were a progressive that loved peace? Damn, has the media been lying to us again? Yes, Obama and Hillary took Libya from a stable, prosperous country to a completely failed state in 4 short years. Here’s how:

Muammar Gaddafi, now deceased former Prime Minister of Libya, ran a dictatorship very much as our allies in Saudi Arabia do. He wasn’t a great guy by any means, but he wasn’t nearly as bad as the Saudis when it comes to human rights. While human rights were used as the excuse given by Hillary Clinton to overthrow his country and assassinate him, this is far from the truth. Gaddafi was an economic threat to the American Empire; and CFR member, Hillary Clinton, knew that intimately. You see, Gaddafi was working on a way to get out from under the Petrodollar hegemony, and the powers that be didn’t like that. He was on the verge of implementing an Africa-wide gold backed currency called the Dinar.

That’s when they decided to overthrow this peaceful country, literally destroying it. While the media lavished attention on the wrongdoings of Gaddafi in 2011 prior to our “liberation” of Libya, little has been made of what has happened since. This is where the scandal takes a turn for the worst. The US backed known Al-Qeada factions in Libya to overthrow Gaddafi, and now the country has fallen into a literal failed state."


When are they going to answer her question?

Corrupt evil bitch. Responsible for a failed state and the deaths of hundreds of thousands. What difference does it make???!

Forget Hillary’s Emails, Here’s Her Real Scandal That Nobody is Talking About
Forget Hillary s Emails Here s Her Real Scandal That Nobody is Talking About

"Libya was once the most stable country in Africa, it also had the highest standard of living as of 2011 — HAD. Enter military-industrial-complex and corporate imperialism. Oh Hillary, I thought you were a progressive that loved peace? Damn, has the media been lying to us again? Yes, Obama and Hillary took Libya from a stable, prosperous country to a completely failed state in 4 short years. Here’s how:

Muammar Gaddafi, now deceased former Prime Minister of Libya, ran a dictatorship very much as our allies in Saudi Arabia do. He wasn’t a great guy by any means, but he wasn’t nearly as bad as the Saudis when it comes to human rights. While human rights were used as the excuse given by Hillary Clinton to overthrow his country and assassinate him, this is far from the truth. Gaddafi was an economic threat to the American Empire; and CFR member, Hillary Clinton, knew that intimately. You see, Gaddafi was working on a way to get out from under the Petrodollar hegemony, and the powers that be didn’t like that. He was on the verge of implementing an Africa-wide gold backed currency called the Dinar.

That’s when they decided to overthrow this peaceful country, literally destroying it. While the media lavished attention on the wrongdoings of Gaddafi in 2011 prior to our “liberation” of Libya, little has been made of what has happened since. This is where the scandal takes a turn for the worst. The US backed known Al-Qeada factions in Libya to overthrow Gaddafi, and now the country has fallen into a literal failed state."


they don't care. they probably don't even know about any of that. They know her name and she has D next to her name. that's all they need
"Monical Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's wife's Supporters Gather at "Ready for Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's wife's" Rally"

Huh... Oh now that's fascinatin'

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