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Clinton Warns Israel: Don't Isolate Yourself


Is that because Libertarians to tend to support the invasion of a small defenseless countries and thereafter creating a theocracy?

A couple minor corrections.. Small defenseless countries like the British Mandate for Palestine?


ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

And there is no theocracy involved in any way.. No Rebuilding of the Temple. No Rabbinical certification to be on a Court in Israel, no persecution of other religions. Nope.
Israel is ETHNICALLY jewish.. Not RELIGIOUSLY jewish..


Israeli Supreme Court

There is no such thing as Israeli ethnicity, the Supreme Court ruled as it rejected an appeal by a number of people requesting that their state-issued ID cards register their ethnicity as “Israeli” rather then “Jewish.”

“The government consensus that has developed ignores the existence of an Israeli people that was created with the Declaration of Independence,” Ornan continued. “This consensus enables the Jewish majority to have full control over the country and to operate not for the benefit of Israeli citizens but for the benefit of the current political majority among the Jews.”

So in conclusion , STFU.


So because you found an obscure challenge to what appears on Identity Card -- the State of Israel is a Theocracy ?? STFU..

Israeli identity card - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prior to 2005 Israeli Identity Cards included a reference to the bearer's ethnic group. The official term for this category in Hebrew was le'om (לאום), and it was officially translated into Arabic as qawmīya (قومية). These terms could be translated into English as "nation", but in the sense of ethnic affiliation rather than citizenship. The le'om attribution was assigned by the Ministry of Interior regardless of the card bearer's preference. There were several attributions, the main ones being: Jewish, Arab, Druze and Circassian. Identity Cards issued before 2005 included a disclaimer written in small print in Hebrew and Arabic indicating that the card may serve as a prima facie proof for the data it includes except le'om, marital status and the spouse's name.

There have been some fierce legal battles about identifying the ethnicity of the bearer in the Israeli Identity card. In the 2000s, the ethnicity indicator began to be officially phased out. In 2002, the Supreme Court of Israel instructed the Ministry of Interior to indicate the ethnicity of people who underwent a Reform conversion as Jews. The minister at the time, Eli Yishai, a member of Shas, an Haredi party, decided he would drop the ethnicity category altogether, rather than list as Jews people whom he considered non-Jews. In 2004, the Supreme Court denied a citizen's petition to reinstate this indicator, stating that the field in the document was meant for statistical collection only, and not as a declarative statement of Judaism. As of 2005, the ethnicity has not been printed; a line of eight asterisks appears instead. The bearer's ethnic identity can nevertheless be inferred by other data - the Hebrew calendar's date of birth is often used for Jews, and also, each community has its typical first and last names.

The state's registration which serves as the basis for the data in the Identity Cards still indicates the ethnicity of each person, and this information is available upon request in certain circumstances determined by the registration law.

Did you think that ruling meant that the ONLY DECLARATION at the time was "jewish"?? Then you didn't understand the ruling. And now today -- it's kinda mute because nobody cares if "ethnicity" appears on an Israel ID card. I will now STFU.. :eusa_angel:

Unless of course -- you want to list some conditions under which Israel operates as a Theocracy....

BTW: The British Articles for Palestine that you posted kinda squelched your argument that those early Jewish extremists were operating in a vacuum of power. So the Brits were complicit. What of it? Any Libertarian doctrine you want to espouse about British colonial rule?
...There is no such thing as Israeli ethnicity...
True, but it's their country, and they can do whatever-the-hell they want to within it, I guess... silly, but not exactly world-shaking.

We have to cross our collective fingers and hope that a rustic Iranian atomic bomb on TelAviv will shake thing a bit.


WHOOPS --- There it is !!!!! Didn't have the evidence before with the IsraHell comment --- but I KNEW it was coming !!!!!

Nice.. And you wonder why Libertarians aren't trustworthy on Foreign Issues. You just killed every Palestinian in the HolyLand and poisoned the nations of Jordan and 2 other countries.

That's responsible and thoughtful..
Regarding the deliberate murder of four Palestinian children last Wednesday:

"Deaths on Gaza beach

Fallout continued from the deaths the day before of four cousins ages 9 to 11 who died in an Israeli military strike on a Gaza beach.

The results of a preliminary investigation suggests the deaths were the result of a 'a tragic misidentification of the target,' Regev told CNN.

“'We didn’t want to kill those four boys. That was not our intention,' Regev said. 'I’d even say the opposite is true. Had we known that that missile was aimed at four young men like that we would have not sent the missile.'

"A Hamas official called the killings a 'war crime.'

“'Those children were not firing rockets, they were just playing,' Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zhuri told reporters Wednesday.'

What this particular lying Jew didn't mention was that there were two missiles launched, not one.

The first struck near a wooden shack, killing one child.

The second was fired thirty seconds later and killed three more children who had been running as fast as they could for shelter.

For all the Jew-Firsters on this board, events like this happen regularly in Gaza regardless of whether rockets are being fired into Israel or not.

Jews want all land between the River and the sea, and they'll kill as many children as necessary to get it.

Israel launches ground offensive in Gaza | WGN-TV

Who sent the children to play on an active battlefield? After the Jews made phone calls and distributed flyers warning that the district was to become an active battlefield, why didn't the Palestinians evacuate?

Palestinians always hide behind children. It's part of their methodology.
What "active battlefield" are you referring to?
Those four dead children were playing on the same beach they have played on every day for years.
What crime would Jews have to commit before you would consider assigning blame?
BTW, Jews murder Palestinian children like those on the beach regularly in Gaza.
The only reason you and I know about Wednesday's example was the fact that the murders took place in front of a hotel full of western journalists covering Bibi's latest crimes in Gaza.

There's a THREAD for this.. Why drag it here ? You think this is a brawl ???
Who sent the children to play on an active battlefield? After the Jews made phone calls and distributed flyers warning that the district was to become an active battlefield, why didn't the Palestinians evacuate?

Palestinians always hide behind children. It's part of their methodology.
What "active battlefield" are you referring to?
Those four dead children were playing on the same beach they have played on every day for years.
What crime would Jews have to commit before you would consider assigning blame?
BTW, Jews murder Palestinian children like those on the beach regularly in Gaza.
The only reason you and I know about Wednesday's example was the fact that the murders took place in front of a hotel full of western journalists covering Bibi's latest crimes in Gaza.

There's a THREAD for this.. Why drag it here ? You think this is a brawl ???
Because murdering four children in front of a hotel filled with international press is a good way for Israel to isolate itself which is the subject of this THREAD.

The brawl is coming; got your headgear?
So because you found an obscure challenge to what appears on Identity Card -- the State of Israel is a Theocracy ?? STFU..


But let me consult the Jewish Daily Magazine "Forward"

"It is becoming increasingly obvious that a break between Israel and Diaspora Jewry, particularly its American variety, is fast approaching. The reason for this is that Israel is slowly but inexorably turning into a conservative theocracy while the Diaspora is largely dedicated to liberal democracy.

The strategy of the “pro-Israel” camp among American Jewish organizations and neoconservative pundits has been, so far, one of avoidance of unpleasant facts coupled with unpleasant insinuations about the loyalties of those who insist on taking them seriously. But denial can work in only the short term, and only with an American Jewish population that identifies closely with Israel and relates all threats back to the Holocaust. These conditions, like the generation that sustained them, are not long for this world. Once this aging constituency is gone, the truth will prove unavoidable and it will be too late to deny it any longer.

Israel is no democracy, and it never has been with regard to the 4 million Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza. It has always been a decidedly imperfect democracy concerning its own Arab citizens."

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I hate to burst your bubble - I really do. Now exit the foxhole and face reality.

BTW: The British Articles for Palestine that you posted kinda squelched your argument that those early Jewish extremists were operating in a vacuum of power. So the Brits were complicit. What of it? Any Libertarian doctrine you want to espouse about British colonial rule?

The UK repudiated Balfour's declaration in 1939. They then were attacked by Menachem Begin , Hagana, Irgun and Stern Terrorists gangs .

True, but it's their country, and they can do whatever-the-hell they want to within it, I guess... silly, but not exactly world-shaking.

We have to cross our collective fingers and hope that a rustic Iranian atomic bomb on TelAviv will shake thing a bit.


WHOOPS --- There it is !!!!! Didn't have the evidence before with the IsraHell comment --- but I KNEW it was coming !!!!!

Nice.. And you wonder why Libertarians aren't trustworthy on Foreign Issues. You just killed every Palestinian in the HolyLand and poisoned the nations of Jordan and 2 other countries.

That's responsible and thoughtful..

We have to cross our collective fingers and hope that a rustic Iranian atomic bomb on TelAviv will shake thing a bit.


WHOOPS --- There it is !!!!! Didn't have the evidence before with the IsraHell comment --- but I KNEW it was coming !!!!!

Nice.. And you wonder why Libertarians aren't trustworthy on Foreign Issues. You just killed every Palestinian in the HolyLand and poisoned the nations of Jordan and 2 other countries.

That's responsible and thoughtful..


On the other hand slowly eliminating, murdering, disappearing Palestinian Arabs - the planned zionist scheme of 1925 to ethnic cleanse - Palestine IS responsible and thoughtful.

Can You Say Blowback ?

"'The tragedy of Zionism,' Walter Laqueur wrote in his standard history, 'was that it appeared on the international scene when there were no longer empty spaces on the world map.'

"This is not quite right.

"Rather it was no longer politically tenable to create such spaces: extermination had ceased to be an option of conquest. (5)

"Basically the Zionist movement could only choose between two strategic options to achieve its goal: what Benny Morris has labeled 'the way of South Africa' – 'the establishment of an apartheid state, with a settler minority lording it over a large, exploited native majority' – or the 'the way of transfer' – 'you could create a homogenous Jewish state or at least a state with an overwhelming Jewish majority by moving or transferring all or most of the Arabs out.'”

500,000 Jews are currently squatting on land confiscated by an apartheid state.
That's the tragedy waiting to happen.

Norman Finkelstein: Introduction to the Israel-Palestine Conflict « USC Students for Justice in Palestine
Liberal and losertarian scum hate the Jews and Christians, so they always side with the muslims/terrorists.
Since the end of the second intifada Jews have killed three Palestinians a day on average.
Do you hate that?

Only 3?
How much talent does it take to destroy 2,000 buildings and kill less than 300 people.
Frustrated? Ain't ya?
By what...Jews who hate
Nothing new about that.

"Collective Punishment by Israel

"Headlines in the mainstream media falsely portray an equivalence of firepower between Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza. But Israel's use of force greatly exceeds that of the Palestinians, and the asymmetric warfare continues to escalate.

"The Obama administration and Congress have condemned the rocket fire into Israel by Hamas and the 'deliberate targeting of civilians.'

"But Washington says Israel has a right to defend itself, justifying Israel's bombing campaign in Gaza and blaming Hamas, while minimizing Israel's role in creating and escalating the violence.

"Israel's overwhelming use of military force constitutes collective punishment, which is a war crime.

"The laws of war, also known as international humanitarian law, are primarily found in the Geneva Conventions. Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, to which Israel is a party, specifically forbids collective punishment.

"It says, 'No protected person [civilian] may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed . . . Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.'"

Israel Inflicts Illegal Collective Punishment on Gaza - On Line Opinion - 17/7/2014
"Israel's overwhelming use of military force constitutes collective punishment, which is a war crime.


The Congresscritters believe that Israeli Apartheid is kosher.

AIPAC makes it worth their while, and most of their constituents have never heard of the Dahiya doctrine:

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.

"Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel/Palestine is one more problem we'll never solve by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.:D
I wish the IDF would take another intermission-break, so that I could go out to the lobby, and get some raisenets...


After all, don't want to miss any of the fun-stuff... killing Hamas scumbags...
Since the end of the second intifada Jews have killed three Palestinians a day on average.
Do you hate that?

Only 3?
How much talent does it take to destroy 2,000 buildings and kill less than 300 people.
Frustrated? Ain't ya?
By what...Jews who hate
Nothing new about that.

"Collective Punishment by Israel

"Headlines in the mainstream media falsely portray an equivalence of firepower between Israelis and Palestinians in Gaza. But Israel's use of force greatly exceeds that of the Palestinians, and the asymmetric warfare continues to escalate.

"The Obama administration and Congress have condemned the rocket fire into Israel by Hamas and the 'deliberate targeting of civilians.'

"But Washington says Israel has a right to defend itself, justifying Israel's bombing campaign in Gaza and blaming Hamas, while minimizing Israel's role in creating and escalating the violence.

"Israel's overwhelming use of military force constitutes collective punishment, which is a war crime.

"The laws of war, also known as international humanitarian law, are primarily found in the Geneva Conventions. Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, to which Israel is a party, specifically forbids collective punishment.

"It says, 'No protected person [civilian] may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed . . . Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.'"

Israel Inflicts Illegal Collective Punishment on Gaza - On Line Opinion - 17/7/2014

I hope the tunnels are state of the art.
Like roof knocking on hospitals:

"This is what was done yesterday at the Al Raffah hospital, which is the only rehabilitation clinic in the Gaza Strip. There were 17 patients that could not be moved. They were almost all comatose.

"They're all paralyzed, many of them on the ventilators, dependent on electricity, on medicines.

"And they had the bombs dropped on their roof.

"This was clear evidence that this was not a mistake of what the target was. This was a deliberate targeting of that hospital. The bombs were dropped on the roof as a message, and a call came in: we're giving you an hour.

"They said, we can't get people out of that time.

"They managed to get the 17 patients out to a smaller clinic, not really able to manage the kind of care they need, but out of the building. And all but one floor of that hospital has now been destroyed.

"It's clear war crimes that are being committed."

"U.S. Complicity Brought Up to Date" in Israel's War against Gaza

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