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Clinton Warns Israel: Don't Isolate Yourself

Good. Very good.

Let Slick keep on talkin', and he'll lose the only solid vote in AIPAC that his wife still has.

Hillary has no chance whatsoever of becoming president if she cannot carry the Jewish vote.

Most US Jews don't favor apartheid states.

And most true, blood Jews—i.e. not the frauds in Hollywood who convert to Judaism merely to suck up and/ or get jobs—can spot wolves in sheep's clothing.
Whatever for? The Good Guys are already winning. Time to get this over with.


The Criminal zionuts are slaughtering the good guys.


Now I know I made the correct call with your IsraHell statement.. When Israel turned Gaza over to the Palestinians, there was no blockade, no hostilities.. Not many strings.. .

Now I know I made the correct call when I called you a dingleberry

When the ALLIES turned Palestine over to the Palestinian Arabs there were no ZIONUTS

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 5.

The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

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The Criminal zionuts are slaughtering the good guys.


Now I know I made the correct call with your IsraHell statement.. When Israel turned Gaza over to the Palestinians, there was no blockade, no hostilities.. Not many strings.. .

Now I know I made the correct call when I called you a dingleberry

When the ALLIES turned Palestine over to the Palestinian Arabs there were no ZIONUTS

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 5.

The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.


Mister Goose-stepping turd-eater, sir. Perhaps you could address the guy's point instead of deflecting to idiotic talking points you heard about on Stormfront.com.
Now I know I made the correct call with your IsraHell statement.. When Israel turned Gaza over to the Palestinians, there was no blockade, no hostilities.. Not many strings.. .

Now I know I made the correct call when I called you a dingleberry

When the ALLIES turned Palestine over to the Palestinian Arabs there were no ZIONUTS

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 5.

The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to, or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power.

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.


Mister Goose-stepping turd-eater, sir. Perhaps you could address the guy's point instead of deflecting to idiotic talking points you heard about on Stormfront.com.

Mr Low Life Motherfucker:

Here is a LINK to a Hebrew - English Dictionary, knock your self out.

Good. Very good.

Let Slick keep on talkin', and he'll lose the only solid vote in AIPAC that his wife still has.

Hillary has no chance whatsoever of becoming president if she cannot carry the Jewish vote.
Most US Jews don't favor apartheid states.

Israel does not practice apartheid against Arabs or religions. It hasn't however decided to naturalize all the Millions of Palestinians that it acquired in 1967 as full citizens.

So make up your mind GeorgieBoy.. Think.. Do you want Palestinians to be citizens of Israel? Would that settle your nerves? OR --- do you really favor a separate Palestinian state(s)?

The 2 things are totally different goals of course. Except to the propagandists. If you favor an independent Palestinian state -- there is NO NEED to be naturalizing them as Israeli citizens --- is there?

Did that hurt your brain?
In fact Israel discriminates against non-Jews inside the Green Line with respect to education, employment, marriage, and where one is allowed to live. Aside from that the Jews are at least as committed to equal rights as the Dixie Dhimmies in the US before the 1960s.

Currently there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea; one state or two, I suspect the former is the only option with a ghost of a chance.
There's no legal justification supporting Israel 'acquired" any citizens in 1967. There are no territories in dispute, legally.

Israel certainly has a right to enter into any territory from whence attacks within its own border occur. However, there is just no organizied military attack coming from the west bank, yet Israel continues to "annex" land, and avoid any final land swap for final borders. Isreal used the deaths of the three kids to ramp up pressure on Hamas, and hamas responded with fairly non-lethal rockets. The question is whether Bibi is simply using the rockets as an excuse to "annex" more land because the Bible tells him so.
Most US Jews don't favor apartheid states.

Israel does not practice apartheid against Arabs or religions. It hasn't however decided to naturalize all the Millions of Palestinians that it acquired in 1967 as full citizens.

So make up your mind GeorgieBoy.. Think.. Do you want Palestinians to be citizens of Israel? Would that settle your nerves? OR --- do you really favor a separate Palestinian state(s)?

The 2 things are totally different goals of course. Except to the propagandists. If you favor an independent Palestinian state -- there is NO NEED to be naturalizing them as Israeli citizens --- is there?

Did that hurt your brain?
In fact Israel discriminates against non-Jews inside the Green Line with respect to education, employment, marriage, and where one is allowed to live. Aside from that the Jews are at least as committed to equal rights as the Dixie Dhimmies in the US before the 1960s.

Currently there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea; one state or two, I suspect the former is the only option with a ghost of a chance.

Well Georgie -- you shocked me.. I certainly expected that you would be supporting the Hamas line on this one and demand total control of the entire disputed area. By pushing the Jews into the sea or worse. So I gotta ponder that one.

That outcome MIGHT be possible after years of living separately and cooperatively -- but I don't think you have the pull on the Pali on the street to get agreement to ACCEPT citizenship in a shared society under the name of Israel..

Seems like YOU and I need to spend more time on a ONE state solution, because the rest of the stake-holders have pretty much dismissed that "solution" as an immediate goal of any kind.. That is why --- the occupation --- is still an unsolved festering sore. You have the Gaza experiment where Israel cut it's occupation ENTIRELY LOOSE and that lasted only long enough for the zealots to start fighting in the streets of Gaza for power and control..
How can Hamas find peace with an adversary whose apparent goal is the total dispossession of the Palestinian people?

For starters stop firing rockets into Israel and acknowledge they have a right to exist I suspect those two things would go a long way to solving this problem. Doing these things would be a sign of good faith and put the pressure on Israel to reach a deal you keep firing rockets in and calling for the destruction of Israel and your going to exactly where you are which is nowhere.
Israel has no right to inflict a belligerent occupation upon Gaza because it disagreed with the results of an election in 2006. It doesn't matter if rockets are leaving Gaza or not; Jews control everything that moves into or out of Gaza by (surface) land, air, and water. Israel has always wanted all the land between the River and the sea for Jews ALONE.
There are currently millions of Jews and Arabs living on that real estate.
Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish State in 21st Century Palestine.
We need to give Israel "Puff the magic dragon" and tell them to put an end to this and future conflicts with the Palestinians.
There's no legal justification supporting Israel 'acquired" any citizens in 1967. There are no territories in dispute, legally.

Israel certainly has a right to enter into any territory from whence attacks within its own border occur. However, there is just no organizied military attack coming from the west bank, yet Israel continues to "annex" land, and avoid any final land swap for final borders. Isreal used the deaths of the three kids to ramp up pressure on Hamas, and hamas responded with fairly non-lethal rockets. The question is whether Bibi is simply using the rockets as an excuse to "annex" more land because the Bible tells him so.
I think Bibi wants control of all land between the River and the sea but not because of anything biblical.

"The purpose of Israel's current offensive in the Gaza Strip is to protect the status quo – with itself in control of the illegally occupied Palestinian territories. In 2005, it carried out a unilateral disengagement from Gaza, but under international law it is still the occupying power because it controls access by land, sea and air.

"In 2007 Israel imposed an economic blockade, cutting the Gaza Strip off from the West Bank and from the rest of the world.

"A blockade is a form of collective punishment proscribed by international law."

Zionists have never hidden their intention to control all of Palestine, yet today there are roughly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living there. The one thing I'm sure of is that the status quo will not work much longer.

Cursed Victory: A History of Israel and the Occupied Territories ? review | Books | The Guardian
Israel does not practice apartheid against Arabs or religions. It hasn't however decided to naturalize all the Millions of Palestinians that it acquired in 1967 as full citizens.

So make up your mind GeorgieBoy.. Think.. Do you want Palestinians to be citizens of Israel? Would that settle your nerves? OR --- do you really favor a separate Palestinian state(s)?

The 2 things are totally different goals of course. Except to the propagandists. If you favor an independent Palestinian state -- there is NO NEED to be naturalizing them as Israeli citizens --- is there?

Did that hurt your brain?
In fact Israel discriminates against non-Jews inside the Green Line with respect to education, employment, marriage, and where one is allowed to live. Aside from that the Jews are at least as committed to equal rights as the Dixie Dhimmies in the US before the 1960s.

Currently there are equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea; one state or two, I suspect the former is the only option with a ghost of a chance.

Well Georgie -- you shocked me.. I certainly expected that you would be supporting the Hamas line on this one and demand total control of the entire disputed area. By pushing the Jews into the sea or worse. So I gotta ponder that one.

That outcome MIGHT be possible after years of living separately and cooperatively -- but I don't think you have the pull on the Pali on the street to get agreement to ACCEPT citizenship in a shared society under the name of Israel..

Seems like YOU and I need to spend more time on a ONE state solution, because the rest of the stake-holders have pretty much dismissed that "solution" as an immediate goal of any kind.. That is why --- the occupation --- is still an unsolved festering sore. You have the Gaza experiment where Israel cut it's occupation ENTIRELY LOOSE and that lasted only long enough for the zealots to start fighting in the streets of Gaza for power and control..
Most supporters of the one-state solution don't give it much of a chance without UN Peacekeepers on the ground in Israel/Palestine for at least a generation. Israel has the fourth or fifth most powerful military on the planet right now, and most Jews have little love for the UN. After the last thirteen years in Afghanistan and Iraq I don't suppose too many Americans would support using US troops as peacekeepers/targets in Palestine either. In 1948 there were Jews and Arabs living in Palestine who wanted a Semitic Federation incorporating Israel, Palestine, and Jordan, so maybe we're back to that one? The one thing I'm sure of is this status quo will not work much longer.:doubt:
And Hamas has very sophisticated tunnels...going into Israel and Egypt.
WTF's that about?
Now that IDF boots are in the Gaza tunnels, former president Bill Clinton has some words of advice for Israel:

"Former US president Bill Clinton has warned Israel about 'isolating itself from world opinion' due to repeated conflicts in Gaza.

"'Over the long run it is not good for Israel to keep isolating itself from world opinion because of the absence of a viable peace process,' Mr Clinton told the Indian NDTV news channel yesterday.

"'In the short to medium term, Hamas can inflict terrible public relations damage on Israel by forcing it to kill Palestinian civilians to counter Hamas,' he added.

"Hamas had a 'strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own (Palestinian) civilians so the rest of the world will condemn them,' while Israel could not 'look like fools' by not responding to the heavy missile attacks."

Israel PM says ground offensive in Gaza under way - RTÉ News

Of course, the choice isn't only between killing kids and looking foolish.
Israel could also choose to end its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
Who cares what that pervert says. And why does the left always defend the murdering satan worshipers and condemn Israel for defending themselves? I will tell you why, because the left is STUPID!!!!
I'm surprised you're quoting one of the biggest sleazebags in US history, how is that relevant? it's like quoting Dick Cheney expressing his concern for social justice

he'd still kick the butt of anyone you ran against him today.

Right, on;y because the idiots on the looney left would vote for him, more than once, along with the dead and illegal immigrants. IDIOTS!!!!!
Poor Hamas forcing their own people to be killed. You just gotta feel sorry for how hard they have to work making sure women and children are dying.
Hamas was elected by the people of Gaza to resist an illegal belligerent occupation by Israel. Jews are just going to have to accept the fact they will either share Palestine with Arabs or their apartheid state will vanish from the page of time.
Israel belongs to the Jews, not the satan worshiping mooooslims.
Now that IDF boots are in the Gaza tunnels, former president Bill Clinton has some words of advice for Israel:

"Former US president Bill Clinton has warned Israel about 'isolating itself from world opinion' due to repeated conflicts in Gaza.

"'Over the long run it is not good for Israel to keep isolating itself from world opinion because of the absence of a viable peace process,' Mr Clinton told the Indian NDTV news channel yesterday.

"'In the short to medium term, Hamas can inflict terrible public relations damage on Israel by forcing it to kill Palestinian civilians to counter Hamas,' he added.

"Hamas had a 'strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own (Palestinian) civilians so the rest of the world will condemn them,' while Israel could not 'look like fools' by not responding to the heavy missile attacks."

Israel PM says ground offensive in Gaza under way - RTÉ News

Of course, the choice isn't only between killing kids and looking foolish.
Israel could also choose to end its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
Who cares what that pervert says. And why does the left always defend the murdering satan worshipers and condemn Israel for defending themselves? I will tell you why, because the left is STUPID!!!!
Open your eyes

"The doctrine is defined in a 2009 report by the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel as follows: 'The military approach expressed in the Dahiye Doctrine deals with asymmetrical combat against an enemy that is not a regular army and is embedded within civilian population; its objective is to avoid a protracted guerilla war. According to this approach Israel has to employ tremendous force disproportionate to the magnitude of the enemy’s actions.'

"The report further argues that the doctrine was fully implemented during Operation Cast Lead.[7]

"Richard Falk wrote that under the doctrine, 'the civilian infrastructure of adversaries such as Hamas or Hezbollah are treated as permissible military targets, which is not only an overt violation of the most elementary norms of the law of war and of universal morality, but an avowal of a doctrine of violence that needs to be called by its proper name: state terrorism.'"

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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