Clinton Was Advocate for BLM and LGBT in 2016...and Lost. Biden/Harris Doing Same in 2020

Wow, the Liberal Lunatics that have posted on this thread sure are DUMB. Just pathetic AND pitiful.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
As a Democrat, You don’t have to be an advocate for BLM. BLM is going to vote Democrat no matter what. As a Democrat, you have the BLM vote locked up. No need to even mention them. You need to focus on swing voters which means you need to focus on the center when it comes to issues.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
2020 is not like it was in 2016.
Trump/Pence will get even FEWER votes in November 2020 than their opponents because:
1) Voters now know Trump’s “MAGA” was a joke;
2) Trump has shown everyone that his big ego comes before the country he was elected to serve;
3) Trump has demonstrated his incompetence in government administration versus his mixed success/failures in business;
4) More chauvinistic men will vote for Biden then H. Clinton.

Trump spent three years as President and had the best economy in nearly 50 years. Speaking of 50 years, that's nearly how long Creepy Joe spent working in federal government and accomplished nothing.

Biden promises to destroy the suburbs and bring property values way down along with increasing crime. He promises to increase taxes on our job creators. He promises to cut our fuel supply forcing us to go green which is way more costly for businesses and families alike. He said he will bring back Commie Care, again, creating burdens for businesses and individuals. He said he would shut the country down if this virus is not totally gone which would kill more businesses and lead to supply shortages for our people.

Why would anybody vote for this guy?
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.

If you say so it must be true.

How about if the news and the head of the union say it?

The police union had already voted to back Trump. Why would they then expect Hillary to meet with them?

Hillary was very good at pandering.

The funny thing with your article is that it demonstrates she was trying to repair damage with BLM and not the police. Police unions are local, not national. Our police reached out to Hillary and she bit their hand. Not so with BLM.
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.

If you say so it must be true.

How about if the news and the head of the union say it?

The police union had already voted to back Trump. Why would they then expect Hillary to meet with them?

Hillary was very good at pandering.

The funny thing with your article is that it demonstrates she was trying to repair damage with BLM and not the police. Police unions are local, not national. Our police reached out to Hillary and she bit their hand. Not so with BLM.

The police union had already said they weren't voting for her. She needed blacks to vote for her. They didn't.
Look at all you hatefuel fucks talking shit about HRC. She was, and is a better man than any of you ever could aspire to be.

She's a better man? That's quite an admission from you.

Hillary looking at breasts.jpeg
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.

If you say so it must be true.

How about if the news and the head of the union say it?

The police union had already voted to back Trump. Why would they then expect Hillary to meet with them?

Hillary was very good at pandering.

The funny thing with your article is that it demonstrates she was trying to repair damage with BLM and not the police. Police unions are local, not national. Our police reached out to Hillary and she bit their hand. Not so with BLM.

The police union had already said they weren't voting for her. She needed blacks to vote for her. They didn't.

Oh please! Blacks vote for any Democrat candidate over 95%. She didn't need anymore black votes. She's a Democrat, a product of the devil. Leftists always side with evil over good.
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.

If you say so it must be true.

How about if the news and the head of the union say it?

The police union had already voted to back Trump. Why would they then expect Hillary to meet with them?

Hillary was very good at pandering.

The funny thing with your article is that it demonstrates she was trying to repair damage with BLM and not the police. Police unions are local, not national. Our police reached out to Hillary and she bit their hand. Not so with BLM.

The police union had already said they weren't voting for her. She needed blacks to vote for her. They didn't.

Oh please! Blacks vote for any Democrat candidate over 95%. She didn't need anymore black votes. She's a Democrat, a product of the devil. Leftists always side with evil over good.

She lost both Pa. And Michigan because they did not come out for her.
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.

If you say so it must be true.

How about if the news and the head of the union say it?

The police union had already voted to back Trump. Why would they then expect Hillary to meet with them?

Hillary was very good at pandering.

The funny thing with your article is that it demonstrates she was trying to repair damage with BLM and not the police. Police unions are local, not national. Our police reached out to Hillary and she bit their hand. Not so with BLM.

The police union had already said they weren't voting for her. She needed blacks to vote for her. They didn't.

Oh please! Blacks vote for any Democrat candidate over 95%. She didn't need anymore black votes. She's a Democrat, a product of the devil. Leftists always side with evil over good.

She lost both Pa. And Michigan because they did not come out for her.

And I suppose you have evidence of that. The blacks didn't come out for her, or was it she took those states for granted and didn't do much campaigning there?
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
2020 is not like it was in 2016.
Trump/Pence will get even FEWER votes in November 2020 than their opponents because:
1) Voters now know Trump’s “MAGA” was a joke;
2) Trump has shown everyone that his big ego comes before the country he was elected to serve;
3) Trump has demonstrated his incompetence in government administration versus his mixed success/failures in business;
4) More chauvinistic men will vote for Biden then H. Clinton.

Trump spent three years as President and had the best economy in nearly 50 years. Speaking of 50 years, that's nearly how long Creepy Joe spent working in federal government and accomplished nothing.

Biden promises to destroy the suburbs and bring property values way down along with increasing crime. He promises to increase taxes on our job creators. He promises to cut our fuel supply forcing us to go green which is way more costly for businesses and families alike. He said he will bring back Commie Care, again, creating burdens for businesses and individuals. He said he would shut the country down if this virus is not totally gone which would kill more businesses and lead to supply shortages for our people.

Why would anybody vote for this guy?
You appear to be ignorant or a partisan to the hilt.
Trump inherited a strong economy that got stronger! Examples ...

- Unemployment: Under Obama, unemployment was cut from a recession-peak of 10 percent to only 4.7 percent. It has continued to drop and now is extremely low at 3.6 percent.5
- Job growth: By the end of the Obama administration, the economy had experienced 76 consecutive months of job growth. Since Trump became president, the streak has been extended to 109 consecutive months.
- Average monthly job growth: During the last 33 months of the Obama administration, non- farm job growth averaged 224,000 per month. During the first 33 months of the Trump administration, the average was 34,000 jobs per month less.
- GDP growth: Average real GDP growth was roughly the same (2.6 percent) for the first 11 quarters under President Trump (ending Sept. 2019) and for the last 11 quarters of the Obama administration.
- Income: During the last two years of the Obama administration, annual median household income increased $4,800. This is three times more than the $1,400 increase during the first two years of the Trump administration.
Senile Joe and Knee Pads Kamala will lose a lot worse than Hillary did in 2016 :smoke:
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
2020 is not like it was in 2016.
Trump/Pence will get even FEWER votes in November 2020 than their opponents because:
1) Voters now know Trump’s “MAGA” was a joke;
2) Trump has shown everyone that his big ego comes before the country he was elected to serve;
3) Trump has demonstrated his incompetence in government administration versus his mixed success/failures in business;
4) More chauvinistic men will vote for Biden then H. Clinton.

Trump spent three years as President and had the best economy in nearly 50 years. Speaking of 50 years, that's nearly how long Creepy Joe spent working in federal government and accomplished nothing.

Biden promises to destroy the suburbs and bring property values way down along with increasing crime. He promises to increase taxes on our job creators. He promises to cut our fuel supply forcing us to go green which is way more costly for businesses and families alike. He said he will bring back Commie Care, again, creating burdens for businesses and individuals. He said he would shut the country down if this virus is not totally gone which would kill more businesses and lead to supply shortages for our people.

Why would anybody vote for this guy?
You appear to be ignorant or a partisan to the hilt.
Trump inherited a strong economy that got stronger! Examples ...

- Unemployment: Under Obama, unemployment was cut from a recession-peak of 10 percent to only 4.7 percent. It has continued to drop and now is extremely low at 3.6 percent.5
- Job growth: By the end of the Obama administration, the economy had experienced 76 consecutive months of job growth. Since Trump became president, the streak has been extended to 109 consecutive months.
- Average monthly job growth: During the last 33 months of the Obama administration, non- farm job growth averaged 224,000 per month. During the first 33 months of the Trump administration, the average was 34,000 jobs per month less.
- GDP growth: Average real GDP growth was roughly the same (2.6 percent) for the first 11 quarters under President Trump (ending Sept. 2019) and for the last 11 quarters of the Obama administration.
- Income: During the last two years of the Obama administration, annual median household income increased $4,800. This is three times more than the $1,400 increase during the first two years of the Trump administration.

Omitting some facts here. Under Trump and before the virus, we had over a million more jobs than Americans that could work those jobs. An economy can't get any better than that. It's easy to see job creation when you're at the bottom. When you are close to perfect employment, jobs get created at a much slower pace. Under Trump, the economy created 1.7 million jobs in July. Are you going to give him credit for that????

Next of course is you are trying to give credit of job creation to the most anti-business President in our lifetime. How do you do that? Obama didn't create crap. It was the feds and their quantitive easing that created those jobs. Furthermore in DumBama's second term, fuel prices took a plunge no thanks to him. It was fracking which is supported by Republicans and against the desire of Obama and the Democrats. In fact, Harris and Creepy Joe promised if elected, they would ban fracking in the US which would over double the price of what we're paying for fuel today.

You see if you are going to give credit to somebody for something, you can't just say they were at the right place at the right time. You have to show their efforts in which to give them credit for. I can do that with Trump, you can't do that with DumBama. The government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it harder or easier for the private sector to do so.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
I think the public has been swayed more toward radicalism these last four years. Even though the objective, level-headed classes among us can see the deceit in BLM's TV ads, many people don't. And younger, naïve voters, sadly, are a large segment of the population.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
How are those 200 additional coal mining jobs doing for the economy? Hmmm??
Look at all you hatefuel fucks talking shit about HRC. She was, and is a better man than any of you ever could aspire to be.

She's a better man? That's quite an admission from you.

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I thought you were smarter than this, Cleve. My comment was a compliment to HRC. Wake up and dry your moldy nut sack, Cleve. Dayum!

That's what you call a compliment??
I can spell it out to you if you like.

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