Clinton - Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani Espionage Scandal Link Established


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Imran Awan’s Lawyer Is Long-time Clinton Associate

"Chris Gowen, Imran Awan’s lawyer, is a long-time campaigner for former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a member of an attorney team that brought a fraudulent lawsuit against energy giant Chevron.

Gowen is a founding partner of Gowen, Rhoades, Winograd and Silva law firm, with offices in Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia, Penn.

His official bio on the firm’s web site notes that he “left the Public Defender’s office to work for former President William Jefferson Clinton and then-Senator Hillary Clinton. Chris was a fact checker for President Clinton’s memoir, My Life.”

“He also served as a traveling aid for President Clinton’s national and international trips. Chris finished his tenure with the Clintons by directing the advance operations for then-Senator Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign.”

Conservative Review — which
first reported Gowen’s extensive Clinton connections Wednesday — said they also include work for the Clinton Foundation and its Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Health Access Initiative."
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The miraculously amazing 'coincidents' just keep coming....

A TERRORIST-CONNECTED, murdering, blackmailing, Pakistanis Spy caught trying to flee the country suddenly has the Clinton's long-time incredibly high-priced lawyer as his attorney.

"Nothing to see here...."

No wonder democrats have been desperate to focus attention on the phantom Trump/Russian connection when it seems that almost the entire democrat congress has been involved in shadowy financial deals with foreign governments. The criminal conspiracy of the MSM still rallies around democrats even when evidence is destroyed and agents of the democrat party are arrested.
The entire Democratic Party / DNC is potentially on the verge of being exposed as one huge Partisan Crime Syndicate / Foreign-Domestic Collusion Pact.
‘So Many Questions’: Opponent Calls Out Wasserman Schultz Over Arrest Of IT Aide

So many questions...and not just for DWS. By hiring DWS immediately after she was fired for helping the terrorist-connected spies, Hillary placed herself squarely in the middle of this exploding scandal. Now we have her family's long-time buddy/aide/lawyer suddenly popping up as this criminal's lawyer.

I wonder if he will defend DWS ... and the Clintons ... next?!
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That ain't nothing the Daily Caller also reported Clinton colluded with Trump to lose the election so she could join the Intergalactic forces coming to America in 2018 that plan to return Sarah Palin to her home in Star-base, a solar system far far away. Oh and don't forget to send in your deposit for swampland on mars, we were glad to hear you're super interested. You can't lose.

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt
Corrupt liberals should not demand investigations into corruption are they stupid or something?
It makes sense now, as well, how / why Hillary immediately hired DWS once she was forced to resign as DNC Chairwoman for aiding and abetting the Awans.

The Clinton crime family has to keep its lieutenants from ratting them out.
No denying now that Clinton is not connected - Hillary put herself right in the middle of it when she immediately Hired DWS after DWS was fired.
As of just now CNN has ZERO on the exploding DWS-Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy scandal on the main page of their web site....'Nothing to see here'...

Hillary is Marie Antoinette.


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