CLINTONISM: The Vulgarization Of America

Mr.Conley said:
Oh my God. That's the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

Seriously, it's disgusting. Regardless of this past, President Clinton was still President. If only for that, he should be shown SOME respect.
Gee.... does that also apply to the current president? Or does the "respect the President" line only apply to Democrats?!?!!??!
Mr.Conley said:
You article says Bill Clinton is the freaking ANTICHRIST!

If thats not going to far, I don't know what going to far is.

And let's not forget, boys and girls, that Bush is Hitler!!!! But that's not going too far, is it?
Clinton did disrespect the office when he lied under oath.

No, he didn't disrespect the office when he lied under oath, he COMMITTED A CRIME when he lied under oath. Disrespect does not have a prison sentence associated with it.

It's articles like this that cheapen the debate and go against the principles this nation was founded upon, reason, freedom, and respect for one another.
It's like this... "war is a bad thing".... but, during a war, I don't stop shooting at the enemy until they stop shooting at me.... we are in the midst of a cultural war.... so.... happy shooting!
The author of that piece is a terribly terribly screwed up man.

There is no need to draw parallels between the anti-christ and Bill Clinton. The guy is no different then most politicians. He attempted to gain popularity among minorities, he had a few skeletons in the closet, and he got some action on the side. Hmm...aside from the last part (as far as we know), you could probably say the same things about Bush.

The part about Race shimply showcased the author's prejudices. In addition, if any conservative wants to criticize Clinton for appealing to black voters, do not forget that Bush once sang the national anthem in spanish (that was before he publicly denounced singing the anthem in spanish). Minority votes can win elections...politicians have taken note.

Oh and a little something for the author: God created the big bang and the universe which ultimately led to the creation of Earth. From there, humans evolved in present day Africa. All humans were black. As we spread across the earth we evolved into different shapes, colors and sizes. Thus God did not create a colony known as Africa for black people (as the author seems to think), in a way God created a planet for black people...we just started changing colors. Thus, we are all black at heart;)
1549 said:
The author of that piece is a terribly terribly screwed up man.

There is no need to draw parallels between the anti-christ and Bill Clinton. The guy is no different then most politicians. He attempted to gain popularity among minorities, he had a few skeletons in the closet, and he got some action on the side. Hmm...aside from the last part (as far as we know), you could probably say the same things about Bush.

The part about Race shimply showcased the author's prejudices. In addition, if any conservative wants to criticize Clinton for appealing to black voters, do not forget that Bush once sang the national anthem in spanish (that was before he publicly denounced singing the anthem in spanish). Minority votes can win elections...politicians have taken note.

Oh and a little something for the author: God created the big bang and the universe which ultimately led to the creation of Earth. From there, humans evolved in present day Africa. All humans were black. As we spread across the earth we evolved into different shapes, colors and sizes. Thus God did not create a colony known as Africa for black people (as the author seems to think), in a way God created a planet for black people...we just started changing colors. Thus, we are all black at heart;)

The AUTHOR of the article is screwed up? :talk2:

He may be flambouyant, but he's NOT screwed up. If there's one thing I've found since I've been blogging, it's that nothing pisses you butt scratching liberals off more than the truth.

But in your case... POT, KETTLE, BLACK.
Karl Marx said:
And let's not forget, boys and girls, that Bush is Hitler!!!! But that's not going too far, is it?
Yea genius, as a matter of fact that is going too far. That's why I've never done it. Next time you want to call me a hypocrite, why don't you get some actual evidence to support you claim?

Karl Marx said:
No, he didn't disrespect the office when he lied under oath, he COMMITTED A CRIME when he lied under oath. Disrespect does not have a prison sentence associated with it.
So there is nothing disrespectful about a crime?

Karl Marx said:
It's like this... "war is a bad thing".... but, during a war, I don't stop shooting at the enemy until they stop shooting at me.... we are in the midst of a cultural war.... so.... happy shooting!
Yea! Fuck decency and respect and the ideals this nation was founded on. As long as a racist gets to call Bill Clinton the AntiChrist for courting black voters I'm gld to know you're happy at least. If you excuse me, I'm going to go find an ape to have a reasonable discussion with
If you can present a logical, fact based proof that Bill Clinton is in fact the AntiChrist, I'll give you a thousand dollars.
Yea genius, as a matter of fact that is going too far. That's why I've never done it. Next time you want to call me a hypocrite, why don't you get some actual evidence to support you claim?
I didn't call you a hypocrite, I didn't even say you do it, but the Left does this all the time! And thanks for calling me genius, I'm glad to see someone recognizes my talents around here!

So there is nothing disrespectful about a crime?
It's still a crime....

Yea! Fuck decency and respect and the ideals this nation was founded on. As long as a racist gets to call Bill Clinton the AntiChrist for courting black voters I'm gld to know you're happy at least. If you excuse me, I'm going to go find an ape to have a reasonable discussion with

Decency and respect.... hmmm.... OK..... let's see here... the Left has lowered the level of political discourse in this country to that of urban warfare.... some examples...

During the brouhaha over the 2000 elections, Gore tried to get the votes of our soldiers overseas invalidated.... blame goes all around

And as the Left has been telling us on a daily basis for the past 6 years . .... Bush is Hitler, Bush is stupid, Bush is in league with Haliburton, Bush is an ape, Bush can't read, Bush is responsible for global warming, Bush stole the election, Bush ruined the economy, Bush is responsible for 9/11, Bush is the puppet of Karl Rove, Bush lied about WMDs, Bush went to Iraq to get even with Saddam, Bush went to war for oil, Bush wants to destroy the environment, Bush is a swaggering cowboy...that's the tip of the iceberg...

then there is the non stop screed of the left against the rest of us....

if you're against gay marriage... the gays call you a homophobe
if you're white... the NAACP considers you a closet racist
if you're a male ... the NOW calls you an oppressive patriarch (fish on bikes anyone?)
if you're against abortion... you are trying to oppress women
if you believe in the Bible... you're a backwoods redneck that handles snakes
if you're a Catholic Priest... you rape boys (but you're not gay! Many posters on this board went to great lengths to educate us on that... pedophiles are not gay... gay people are all good we must remember that!)
if you're a Republican, well, you're all things evil

the problem is that the Right has been playing nice and been walked over by the Left.... the Left never plays nice, and when the Right pushes back, they cry foul, they accuse us of fighting dirty, they call us all names....

that's the problem with the Left... they have nothing to base their arguments on, so they resort to character assassination and ad hominem attacks and so forth as a debating tactic.

BTW... tell King Kong I said "Hello"
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So basically your saying that since "The Left" is nothing more than a bunch of no good dirty hypocrites who stand for nothing, "The Right" should join them. Right?
Mr.Conley said:
So basically your saying that since "The Left" is nothing more than a bunch of no good dirty hypocrites who stand for nothing, "The Right" should join them. Right?
No... the Left is made of two groups, the inner circle that knows what they're saying isn't true but doesn't care, because that is how they get control of the rest... then they rest of you who believe what they say....

As far as the Right... it has some bad apples, but far fewer as far as I can see....

The Left raised my taxes
The Left pushed through the laws that made no fault divorce and no strings attached child support a reality
The Left rules family court so that I and other fathers like myself cannot truly get a fair day in court
The Left are the ones that go about making everyone afraid to speak their minds in the workplace.... except for those who espouse Leftist ideas

so as you can see, the Left affects me in very real ways, not just in some abstract way... I get to feel it every time I write a child support check, every time I look at my pay stub, every time I have to sit through another round of "diversity training" and sensitivity training.... the policies of the Left are an everyday reality to me....
jasendorf said:
Go F* Yourself™

This message has been brought to you by Vice President Cheney.


I assume this has some relevance to the topic; otherwise, a genius such as yourself would not have posted it. Perhpas you could enlighten us uneducated minions as to just exactlt WHAT that would be?
jasendorf said:
Go F* Yourself™

This message has been brought to you by Vice President Cheney.


I do believe that this has been the motto of the democratic party for years has it not??????

I do believe they constantly tell this to the middle class.
GunnyL said:
I assume this has some relevance to the topic; otherwise, a genius such as yourself would not have posted it. Perhpas you could enlighten us uneducated minions as to just exactlt WHAT that would be?
GunnyL I think he is just following in "Bubba's" foot steps I mean that is how he feels about the US constitution and the American people..
Mr.Conley said:
If you can present a logical, fact based proof that Bill Clinton is in fact the AntiChrist, I'll give you a thousand dollars.

If you can present a logical, fact based proof that slick willie is NOT in fact the antichrist, I'll give you TWO thousand dollars.
jasendorf said:
I think my response was perfectly in line with the worth of the original article.

I think your response was devoid on anything, and not worth the bandwidth it took to post it.

But then again, you're no doubt one of the newer, younger liberals, and that's all your new liberal education is capable of.

Take a seat and shut up skippy. Adults are talking.
Pale Rider said:
If you can present a logical, fact based proof that slick willie is NOT in fact the antichrist, I'll give you TWO thousand dollars.

Just like the right... "I'll throw out some baseless tripe and then scream that the other side has to prove me wrong!"
jasendorf said:
Just like the right... "I'll throw out some baseless tripe and then scream that the other side has to prove me wrong!"

Can you tell us what page of your LIBERAL RESPONSE HANDBOOK you got that crap from?
Pale Rider said:
If you can present a logical, fact based proof that slick willie is NOT in fact the antichrist, I'll give you TWO thousand dollars.
I'd like to introduce you to Slick Willie's wife, Hillary....

That'll be US$2,000 thank you very much! After all, they BOTH can't be the devil incarnate, can they?

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