Clintons And Cash.Why Not Just Make Prostitution,Money Laundering And Political Bribery Legal?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:boobies::clap2:Right? It seems that the Clintons are "Pimping Themselves Out" so long as you
donate at least a million. Money Laundering? why not, we all know some form of
"Donation Trickery/Shananigans are probably taking place,and may have been with
"Undocumented Foreign Donations". And Bribery? Sure, no problem, you want
to ask us questions on live TV, or even a Presidential debate, Fine, that will be
a monthly donation of $100,000 a month until we no longer need the money.
It's already legal, thanks to the Supreme Court and Citizens United.
You already have: It' called Congress.
"They all do it" is a fail.
Bob Menendez (democrat) is under investigation from Justice for possibly trying to influence a regulatory decision for a pal.
Hillary Clinton took payoffs in exchange for making regulatory decisions favorable to certain businesses. And yet there is no investigation by Justice.
Double standard? Corruption? You decide.
If Hillary gets a pass, Menendez should too, since what he did doesn't begin to compare to what Hillary pulled.

Or does Obama want to prove that political persecution is alive and well here, just like in his buddy Castro's paradise?

You can't prosecute one and let the other go without making that assumption.
Nevada already well on the way to having it so officially......

Remember, Harry Reid still lives there.
god, and to think of what peewee herman did that got him in so much trouble, did he go to jail? I forgot.
Seriously when the capital of progressiveness, NYC, requires five mafia families to take care of all the bribery shouldn't this thread be in the humor forum? All of that stuff is legal for politicians so long as they don't flaunt it.

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