Closed Hospitals Leave Rural Patients ‘Stranded’ as Coronavirus Spreads


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is so not good.

It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.

People are literally left with no health care facilities.

When you don't properly tax your population you don't have the proper money to support the community. Thus you end up with the mess these areas are facing.

Privatizing things isn't the solution. It makes things worse because the only reason they are in business is to make money. NOT to serve the public. NOT to do what's right. The only motivation is to make money and they don't care who is harmed or what laws they stretch or outright break.

It's also a good reason why medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut. The payments to health care facilities and doctors shouldn't be cut. With the exception of those who are committing fraud and stealing from the fund which is what one of the facilities in the article did. They just paid a fine and didn't have to admit any responsibility for their theft. They should have been prosecuted and put in prison. Be bankrupted and forced to live in poverty for the rest of their lives paying back all the money they stole.

I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.

The rural areas of the nation are in trouble because of this virus and a lot of people are going to die needlessly.

This is so not good.

It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.

People are literally left with no health care facilities.

When you don't properly tax your population you don't have the proper money to support the community. Thus you end up with the mess these areas are facing.

Privatizing things isn't the solution. It makes things worse because the only reason they are in business is to make money. NOT to serve the public. NOT to do what's right. The only motivation is to make money and they don't care who is harmed or what laws they stretch or outright break.

It's also a good reason why medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut. The payments to health care facilities and doctors shouldn't be cut. With the exception of those who are committing fraud and stealing from the fund which is what one of the facilities in the article did. They just paid a fine and didn't have to admit any responsibility for their theft. They should have been prosecuted and put in prison. Be bankrupted and forced to live in poverty for the rest of their lives paying back all the money they stole.

I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.

The rural areas of the nation are in trouble because of this virus and a lot of people are going to die needlessly.

It's interesting that I don't see many right wing media outlets covering this story. Probably because it doesn't fit their "virus is overblown" narrative. But it's very real. I was shocked the other night when CNN ran a good piece on this problem. One of the hospitals was in rural northeast Missouri. It was a hospital I had done work at back in the 2012-2014 time range. Out in the middle of nowhere. The next nearest hospital of any size was almost an hour away. For a lot of people (people in Trump supporting states), these small hospitals are the only source of medical care they have (without having to drive a long distance).
I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.
I feel for those who have absolutely nothing to do with whatever wrong has taken place.

God bless you and them always!!!

Really worried about our little 25 bed first-aid station. We have been shipping serious cases 80 miles away for years. Rumor has it there is only one ventilator there.
This is so not good.

It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.

People are literally left with no health care facilities.

When you don't properly tax your population you don't have the proper money to support the community. Thus you end up with the mess these areas are facing.

Privatizing things isn't the solution. It makes things worse because the only reason they are in business is to make money. NOT to serve the public. NOT to do what's right. The only motivation is to make money and they don't care who is harmed or what laws they stretch or outright break.

It's also a good reason why medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut. The payments to health care facilities and doctors shouldn't be cut. With the exception of those who are committing fraud and stealing from the fund which is what one of the facilities in the article did. They just paid a fine and didn't have to admit any responsibility for their theft. They should have been prosecuted and put in prison. Be bankrupted and forced to live in poverty for the rest of their lives paying back all the money they stole.

I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.

The rural areas of the nation are in trouble because of this virus and a lot of people are going to die needlessly.

This is so not good.

It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.

People are literally left with no health care facilities.

When you don't properly tax your population you don't have the proper money to support the community. Thus you end up with the mess these areas are facing.

Privatizing things isn't the solution. It makes things worse because the only reason they are in business is to make money. NOT to serve the public. NOT to do what's right. The only motivation is to make money and they don't care who is harmed or what laws they stretch or outright break.

It's also a good reason why medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut. The payments to health care facilities and doctors shouldn't be cut. With the exception of those who are committing fraud and stealing from the fund which is what one of the facilities in the article did. They just paid a fine and didn't have to admit any responsibility for their theft. They should have been prosecuted and put in prison. Be bankrupted and forced to live in poverty for the rest of their lives paying back all the money they stole.

I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.

The rural areas of the nation are in trouble because of this virus and a lot of people are going to die needlessly.

It's interesting that I don't see many right wing media outlets covering this story. Probably because it doesn't fit their "virus is overblown" narrative. But it's very real. I was shocked the other night when CNN ran a good piece on this problem. One of the hospitals was in rural northeast Missouri. It was a hospital I had done work at back in the 2012-2014 time range. Out in the middle of nowhere. The next nearest hospital of any size was almost an hour away. For a lot of people (people in Trump supporting states), these small hospitals are the only source of medical care they have (without having to drive a long distance).

It's not just the right wing media but the right wing people.

Read the replies in this thread. I don't read most posts from right wingers here but glanced at one of them which started out by saying what the article was saying was a lie because it came from The NY Times.

Yes ignoring the problem is going to solve things. NOT.

Meanwhile people are dying and more will die.

The sad thing, they brought all of it on themselves with their stupid economic and social policies that are the most irresponsible I've ever seen.
It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.
So you're ignoring the 16 years of Clinton and Obama. ... :cuckoo:

I'm looking primarily at the constant attempts over the last 10 years by Republicans and conservatives at both the federal and state level to kneecap and undermine the Affordable Care Act without ever once pitching a cogent alternative of their own. This is why conservatism is largely bankrupt. It has no fresh ideas.
This is so not good.

It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.

People are literally left with no health care facilities.

When you don't properly tax your population you don't have the proper money to support the community. Thus you end up with the mess these areas are facing.

Privatizing things isn't the solution. It makes things worse because the only reason they are in business is to make money. NOT to serve the public. NOT to do what's right. The only motivation is to make money and they don't care who is harmed or what laws they stretch or outright break.

It's also a good reason why medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut. The payments to health care facilities and doctors shouldn't be cut. With the exception of those who are committing fraud and stealing from the fund which is what one of the facilities in the article did. They just paid a fine and didn't have to admit any responsibility for their theft. They should have been prosecuted and put in prison. Be bankrupted and forced to live in poverty for the rest of their lives paying back all the money they stole.

I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.

The rural areas of the nation are in trouble because of this virus and a lot of people are going to die needlessly.

Yes, there was a very discouraging article in the paper a few days ago about this. I live in one of the most rural counties in a rural state, and we have only had two cases/no hospitalizations. But the article said rural areas like ours are projected to be the hardest hit before this is over. During the Spanish Flu, the most deaths were in our neighbor to the north, another large rural county, they say due to a lack of healthcare resources, transportation challenges, etc. It's hard to believe in this day and age, but it is true we have to drive 90 miles to see a specialist or have any but the most basic hospital stay. There is only one hospital left in our county that delivers babies. They can't afford it any more. So IF we get hit, it could be a poor outcome. Tourist season approaches and the whole state is screaming for the economy. Right now, every hotel, motel, b&b and summer rental in Maine is closed. Everyone returning to Maine from winter quarters has a mandatory 14 day quarantine Ordered, but it is not being monitored or enforced. If we get hit, that's where it will come from.
This is so not good.

It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.

People are literally left with no health care facilities.

When you don't properly tax your population you don't have the proper money to support the community. Thus you end up with the mess these areas are facing.

Privatizing things isn't the solution. It makes things worse because the only reason they are in business is to make money. NOT to serve the public. NOT to do what's right. The only motivation is to make money and they don't care who is harmed or what laws they stretch or outright break.

It's also a good reason why medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut. The payments to health care facilities and doctors shouldn't be cut. With the exception of those who are committing fraud and stealing from the fund which is what one of the facilities in the article did. They just paid a fine and didn't have to admit any responsibility for their theft. They should have been prosecuted and put in prison. Be bankrupted and forced to live in poverty for the rest of their lives paying back all the money they stole.

I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.

The rural areas of the nation are in trouble because of this virus and a lot of people are going to die needlessly.

Not sure whether it is conservative economics or the general high cost of healthcare facilities, equipment and highly skilled, qualified healthcare professional. It is a lot for a hundred bed rural hospital, with gas farms, positive pressure zone ventilation, and then getting to the basic costs medical equipment requirements. I do not know what the answer is, but I have seen many shut down or bought up by bigger healthcare groups to offer reduced services, while sending the most stricken and emergency care required directly to a much bigger central facility.
This is so not good.

It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.

People are literally left with no health care facilities.

When you don't properly tax your population you don't have the proper money to support the community. Thus you end up with the mess these areas are facing.

Privatizing things isn't the solution. It makes things worse because the only reason they are in business is to make money. NOT to serve the public. NOT to do what's right. The only motivation is to make money and they don't care who is harmed or what laws they stretch or outright break.

It's also a good reason why medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut. The payments to health care facilities and doctors shouldn't be cut. With the exception of those who are committing fraud and stealing from the fund which is what one of the facilities in the article did. They just paid a fine and didn't have to admit any responsibility for their theft. They should have been prosecuted and put in prison. Be bankrupted and forced to live in poverty for the rest of their lives paying back all the money they stole.

I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.

The rural areas of the nation are in trouble because of this virus and a lot of people are going to die needlessly.

It's interesting that I don't see many right wing media outlets covering this story. Probably because it doesn't fit their "virus is overblown" narrative. But it's very real. I was shocked the other night when CNN ran a good piece on this problem. One of the hospitals was in rural northeast Missouri. It was a hospital I had done work at back in the 2012-2014 time range. Out in the middle of nowhere. The next nearest hospital of any size was almost an hour away. For a lot of people (people in Trump supporting states), these small hospitals are the only source of medical care they have (without having to drive a long distance).

It's not just the right wing media but the right wing people.

Read the replies in this thread. I don't read most posts from right wingers here but glanced at one of them which started out by saying what the article was saying was a lie because it came from The NY Times.

Yes ignoring the problem is going to solve things. NOT.

Meanwhile people are dying and more will die.

The sad thing, they brought all of it on themselves with their stupid economic and social policies that are the most irresponsible I've ever seen.
I can tell that this just tickles the shit out of you. What a despicable excuse for a human.
This is so not good.

It's the result of decades of conservative economics that have devastated rural communities. Especially in red states.

People are literally left with no health care facilities.

When you don't properly tax your population you don't have the proper money to support the community. Thus you end up with the mess these areas are facing.

Privatizing things isn't the solution. It makes things worse because the only reason they are in business is to make money. NOT to serve the public. NOT to do what's right. The only motivation is to make money and they don't care who is harmed or what laws they stretch or outright break.

It's also a good reason why medicare and medicaid shouldn't be cut. The payments to health care facilities and doctors shouldn't be cut. With the exception of those who are committing fraud and stealing from the fund which is what one of the facilities in the article did. They just paid a fine and didn't have to admit any responsibility for their theft. They should have been prosecuted and put in prison. Be bankrupted and forced to live in poverty for the rest of their lives paying back all the money they stole.

I feel bad for those who are having to suffer from their extremely bad choices with their votes but they asked for it, they voted for it. They got what they wanted.

The rural areas of the nation are in trouble because of this virus and a lot of people are going to die needlessly.

It's interesting that I don't see many right wing media outlets covering this story. Probably because it doesn't fit their "virus is overblown" narrative. But it's very real. I was shocked the other night when CNN ran a good piece on this problem. One of the hospitals was in rural northeast Missouri. It was a hospital I had done work at back in the 2012-2014 time range. Out in the middle of nowhere. The next nearest hospital of any size was almost an hour away. For a lot of people (people in Trump supporting states), these small hospitals are the only source of medical care they have (without having to drive a long distance).

It's not just the right wing media but the right wing people.

Read the replies in this thread. I don't read most posts from right wingers here but glanced at one of them which started out by saying what the article was saying was a lie because it came from The NY Times.

Yes ignoring the problem is going to solve things. NOT.

Meanwhile people are dying and more will die.

The sad thing, they brought all of it on themselves with their stupid economic and social policies that are the most irresponsible I've ever seen.
People are dying and more will die because people die. This virus is causing more people in democrat cities to die. I just hope the dead are all democrats.
It's hard for a rural hospital to stay open because the small population just doesn't get sick enough to support a hospital. They have more accidents than sick. The emergency system was closed in favor of an air ambulance that covered a wider area. It got too expensive to maintain the medications that expired before they were used.

Rural people just don't get as sick. That's why the Chinese virus is hitting the cities so hard.

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