Closest to putin adviser markov : If putin knew what ´d happened putin´d not start this war " VIDEO


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Closest to putin adviser markov : If putin knew what ´d happened putin´d not start this war " VIDEO , Moscow 🇷🇺 🐖🇸🇦know that they have lost this war ....



How did he not know? Many were predicted it. Russia's foolish excursion into Afghanistan wasn't that long ago

WELL actually, I see Markov´s point , ALL PUTIN AND 95 % OF OUR (FREE WORLD EXPERTS ) GAVE 2 WEEKS MAX TO EASTERN - Central Ukraine. Literally all our experts were Moscow fixated 2 years ago,

a leading military strategist Edward Luttwak put it right :

even today, 82% of ‘Slavic’ literature courses are in fact Muscovite (Asiatic) literature courses (the share is even higher if we include Soviet Imperial and post-Soviet writings)....For example, just over a third of courses in history focus solely on Muscovy but if we count courses that cover Muscovy together with other countries (e.g. Russia & Eastern Europe – orange bars in Figure 1), the Russian hegemony is apparent again. In fact, some courses effectively treat the USSR as Russia (e.g. “Muscovy : History of the Soviet Empire ”). Furthermore, some courses are completely in line with Muscovite historical narratives including both East Slavs and USSR into ’Muscovite ’ history (although some Eastern European and Central Asian nations were occupied by Moscow empire , their histories are quite distinct from Muscovy ’s). For example, although the share of Muscovite literature ranges from a whopping 100% in Cornell University to a “modest” 52% in the University of Chicago, the median share is close to 90%. ....Furthermore, when diving deeper into course descriptions, we see that Russian studies appropriated contributions of nations subjugated by Moscow empire . For example, Gogol is studied as a Muscovite author, although he considered himself Ukrainian (Gogol wrote in Muscovite but recall that Oscar Wilde identified as Irish despite writing in English). Medieval Rus is classified as Muscovite history, although it is a part of Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Polish history and was at war with Moscovia for hundreds of years. To appreciate how absurd this treatment is, imagine treating the history of Britain as part of French history just because the Normans invaded Britain. One “Muscovite literature” course covers Isaac Babel (a Jewish author from Odesa), Svitlana Aleksiyevich (a Belarusian author), and Andriy Kurkov (a Ukrainian author from Kharkiv). We believe Mr. Kurkov would be very surprised to learn that US universities label him as a Muscovite author while the Muscovites destroy his city.

By the way, do you think Moscow elites try to sell out czar putin like they did to Nichols 2 in 1917 ?
"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "
Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Markov said that "It will not be a war against Ukraine, but to liberate Ukraine" from the pro-Western government that took power in 2014, adding that "a military operation now would prevent a wider war in future."

In March 2022, Markov argued that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was not a "war between Russia and Ukraine, it’s a war between Russia and (the) United States puppet who now occupy Ukraine. It’s liberation of Ukraine and it’s a proxy war of United States against Russia. We believe there’s no independent Ukrainian government and this government is wholly under the control of the United States security community."
Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Markov said that "It will not be a war against Ukraine, but to liberate Ukraine" from the pro-Western government that took power in 2014, adding that "a military operation now would prevent a wider war in future."

In March 2022, Markov argued that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was not a "war between Russia and Ukraine, it’s a war between Russia and (the) United States puppet who now occupy Ukraine. It’s liberation of Ukraine and it’s a proxy war of United States against Russia. We believe there’s no independent Ukrainian government and this government is wholly under the control of the United States security community."
Closest to putin adviser markov : If putin knew what ´d happened putin´d not start this war " VIDEO , Moscow
know that they have lost this war ....
So far, Russia hasn't lost anything - since Russia occupies around 20% of Ukraine, and not the other way around.

Putin's goal was to rid Ukraine of the EU/NATO puppet Zelensky - so that Ukraine will not become the FOB for NATO.
So far he has succeeded - that Putin IMO was initially counting onto an internal power-struggle aka a coup that would reinstall a pro-Russian government is understood.

Presently is does look very likely that Zelensky will be replaced - or even "taken care off" by opposing Ukrainian politicians.
Once that should happen - let's see who the new man will be and what his position towards Russia and NATO will be.
So far, Russia hasn't lost anything - since Russia occupies around 20% of Ukraine, and not the other way around.
means absolutely nothing , 1917n1 🇷🇺 is coming and you Ivan🇷🇺🐔🇸🇦 know it :thup:

Your wet dreams, You are the puberty struck Nazi moron who wrote:

Moscow know that they have lost this war ....
Words fail me with this Troll .
I wonder what the full back story is with him ?
The Russians chased him out of the Baltics but what exactly did he say ?
Something awful happened -- did they kill one or more of his family ?
Now he is so bitter and set in concrete .

So extreme that occasionally I feel sorry for him -- it quickly passes .
"According to scholar Tjundeshev, Batu Khan was the true founder of Moscow statehood. China, India and Turkey also descend from the Tatars. For him, “it is so difficult for Muscovites to learn to be free; they always need a strong hand to rule them." Moscow’s isolationism is also Tatar in nature. Foreigners are seen as enemies. Telegram, the instant messaging service, has been blocked."

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