closing the border, a non-issue

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Illegally living in the U.S. longer
A new study by the Pew Research Center found that about one third of illegal immigrant adults living in the United States over the years have had children here, and are staying. Read related article.

Note that during President Obama's terms, the number of illegal aliens here in the US has actually declined slightly. While during Bush's terms, it increase from 7.5 million in 2001, to 11.7 million in 2008. So where were all you flap-yappers when this was happening? And why the intense xenophobic screaming now?
Maybe to those of you who still supports Obama.

But seems like it does to all those who just voted you and your PARTY out of POWER
Yeah the problem is getting bigger, best if we just ignore it.

How so? If the numbers are the same, or slightly smaller, how is the problem getting bigger? And if you do not like it ignored now, why did you ignore it while it was happening under Reagan, through Bush 2?
"closing the border, a non-issue"


And the notion of 'closing the border' exhibits the ignorance, hate, and stupidity of most conservatives.
Illegally living in the U.S. longer
A new study by the Pew Research Center found that about one third of illegal immigrant adults living in the United States over the years have had children here, and are staying. Read related article.

Note that during President Obama's terms, the number of illegal aliens here in the US has actually declined slightly. While during Bush's terms, it increase from 7.5 million in 2001, to 11.7 million in 2008. So where were all you flap-yappers when this was happening? And why the intense xenophobic screaming now?

What does your post have to do with whether we should close the border to reduce further illegal immigration?

(Try thinking before posting.)
Maybe to those of you who still supports Obama.

But seems like it does to all those who just voted you and your PARTY out of POWER

You the power of the Presidential veto just went away? The GOP does not have the votes to override a veto. So, all we will see now is more gridlock. Unless the GOP chooses to shut down the government again. See you in 2016.
Yeah the problem is getting bigger, best if we just ignore it.

How so? If the numbers are the same, or slightly smaller, how is the problem getting bigger? And if you do not like it ignored now, why did you ignore it while it was happening under Reagan, through Bush 2?

reagan and bush aren't the president now, are they?
We want the damned border closed. We did then..We do now...and we are growing tired of excuses.
Illegally living in the U.S. longer
A new study by the Pew Research Center found that about one third of illegal immigrant adults living in the United States over the years have had children here, and are staying. Read related article.

Note that during President Obama's terms, the number of illegal aliens here in the US has actually declined slightly. While during Bush's terms, it increase from 7.5 million in 2001, to 11.7 million in 2008. So where were all you flap-yappers when this was happening? And why the intense xenophobic screaming now?

What does your post have to do with whether we should close the border to reduce further illegal immigration?

(Try thinking before posting.)

How much are you willing to spend to do that? And what are you going to do about the crops that will not get harvested? Time you 'Conservatives' did some thinking. Ever hear the word 'braceros'?
Funny thing, I have been hearing about the flood of illegals from you wingnuts, and when I show that is not happening, you do not even bother to deny your lies, you simply talk about closing the border.

Fine. Add a one percent increase in tax to everyones taxes, income, dividend, or whatever, and pay for it. Doable that way.
Maybe to those of you who still supports Obama.

But seems like it does to all those who just voted you and your PARTY out of POWER
Why yes, all the other GOP presidents and Congress have seal;ed off the border also....
The border will not be closed. The Ds need more voters and the Rs want cheap labor costs. Win-win for them...not so much for the rest of us.
Yeah the problem is getting bigger, best if we just ignore it.

How so? If the numbers are the same, or slightly smaller, how is the problem getting bigger? And if you do not like it ignored now, why did you ignore it while it was happening under Reagan, through Bush 2?

reagan and bush aren't the president now, are they?
We want the damned border closed. We did then..We do now...and we are growing tired of excuses.
get off your ass and learn masonry then build a wall...
LOL. Were we to get a GOP President and Congress in 2016, by 2020, there will be at least 20 million illegals here.
Funny thing, I have been hearing about the flood of illegals from you wingnuts, and when I show that is not happening, you do not even bother to deny your lies, you simply talk about closing the border.

Fine. Add a one percent increase in tax to everyones taxes, income, dividend, or whatever, and pay for it. Doable that way.

How about we throw out all the illegals and apply what would have been spent on their healthcare schooling and incarceration to protecting our border?
Funny thing, I have been hearing about the flood of illegals from you wingnuts, and when I show that is not happening, you do not even bother to deny your lies, you simply talk about closing the border.

Fine. Add a one percent increase in tax to everyones taxes, income, dividend, or whatever, and pay for it. Doable that way.

How about we throw out all the illegals and apply what would have been spent on their healthcare schooling and incarceration to protecting our border?

How about you show us how that is to be done. And how about you show us why the agri-business people will not be hanging people like you from lamp posts if you should succeed in doing that?
Facist Liberals like OldRock love to use that "False Dichotomy" argument:

"Why didn't you hate it when a White President gave Amnesty?"

First off, I didn't know until a few years ago that Reagan signed Amnesty. How could I have been either for or against it? I could say I'd been against it but you wouldn't believe me right? So why are you asking the question?

Secondly, why does it matter what the skin color or party affiliation have to do with the problem at hand? You Fascist Liberals need to get over your obsession with Race. All it does is needlessly divide people over an issue that not only shouldn't matter but what no one can do anything about (their skin color),

You know, you f*ckin' Liberals always scream about how the Republicans aren't inclusive enough but just look at the results last election.

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