Clown Show: US State Department Accuses Taliban of Violating Their Promises on Access to Kabul Airport


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on Wednesday accused the Taliban of not following through on their promises of allowing for safe travels and access to Kabul airport.

“We have seen reports that the Taliban, contrary to their public statements and their commitments to our government, are blocking Afghans who wish to leave the country from reaching the airport,”

Our terrorist enemy LIED?


Don't you just hate when your terrorist enemies you have been attempting to kill / wipe out for 20 years drives you out of their country, so fast you leave 40,000 US citizens behind, says they will protect them and will allow Americans / Afghans safe-passage to the airport to board 'evacuation flights'...and then they break their word?!



Kerry's head is up Islam's ass. These are Islamists. These are very dangerous people. (For lack of a better word)
...but the terrorists are also being very mean and refusing to keep their word...gosh-darn-it!
The voice of moderation, Gen. Barry McCaffrey told MSNBC’S Brian Williams — I quote: “There’s another good argument, we should have stayed there with 35,000 NATO forces for the next 50 years if required.”

Fifty years. You want to see the “Swamp”? It’s out in full force this week!
Can they really be that naive ? We need to replace them with people who have real world experience. Ivy league people have there place but we need people who'' been there done that'' in government post.
How Dare They!! Joe will mumble them a strongly worded retort.

Trump defends decision to abandon Kurdish allies in Syria​

President Donald Trump cast his decision to abandon Kurdish fighters in Syria as fulfilling a campaign promise to withdraw from “endless war” in the Middle East, even as Republican critics and others said he was sacrificing a U.S. ally and undermining American credibility.

Trump declared U.S. troops would step aside for an expected Turkish attack on the Kurds, who have fought alongside Americans for years, but he then threatened to destroy the Turks’ economy if they went too far.

Even Trump’s staunchest Republican congressional allies expressed outrage at the prospect of abandoning Syrian Kurds who had fought the Islamic State group with American arms and advice. It was the latest example of Trump’s approach to foreign policy that critics condemn as impulsive, that he sometimes reverses and that frequently is untethered to the advice of his national security aides.
The voice of moderation, Gen. Barry McCaffrey told MSNBC’S Brian Williams — I quote: “There’s another good argument, we should have stayed there with 35,000 NATO forces for the next 50 years if required.”

Fifty years. You want to see the “Swamp”? It’s out in full force this week!
Or an aggressive strategy to defeat the Taliban as quickly as possible.

Trump defends decision to abandon Kurdish allies in Syria​

President Donald Trump cast his decision to abandon Kurdish fighters in Syria as fulfilling a campaign promise to withdraw from “endless war” in the Middle East, even as Republican critics and others said he was sacrificing a U.S. ally and undermining American credibility.

Trump declared U.S. troops would step aside for an expected Turkish attack on the Kurds, who have fought alongside Americans for years, but he then threatened to destroy the Turks’ economy if they went too far.

Even Trump’s staunchest Republican congressional allies expressed outrage at the prospect of abandoning Syrian Kurds who had fought the Islamic State group with American arms and advice. It was the latest example of Trump’s approach to foreign policy that critics condemn as impulsive, that he sometimes reverses and that frequently is untethered to the advice of his national security aides.
THERE IT IS - THE 'B...B...B...BUT TRUMP' snowflake attempted hijacking of the thread / and gratuitous attack on Trump, which the topic of discussion is NOT about.

You can always count on Sealy to try this when his beloved failed Democrats are in need of a rescue from their well-deserved beat-down in this case.

Or an aggressive strategy to defeat the Taliban as quickly as possible.

November 14, 2002 - “The Gulf War in the 1990s lasted five days on the ground. I can’t tell you if the use of force in Iraq today would last five days, or five weeks or five months. But it certainly isn’t going to last any longer than that.” - Then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Weren't you a big fan of his in 2002?
THERE IT IS - THE 'B...B...B...BUT TRUMP' snowflake attempted hijacking of the thread / and gratuitous attack on Trump, which the topic of discussion is NOT about.

You can always count on Sealy to try this when his beloved failed Democrats are in need of a rescue from their well-deserved beat-down in this case.

I also brought up Rumsfeld. Just reminding you how you guys were acting when the middle east wasn't going the way you wanted it to. Remember how you kept changing the mission? At first it was WMD's, then it was freedom, then it was something else. It was a cash grab by Chaney's haloburton.

And don't forget this is all Reagan's fault. Or have you not seen Charlie Wilson's war yet? Great movie. True story.
Don't you just hate when your terrorist enemies you have been attempting to kill / wipe out for 20 years drives you out of their country, so fast you leave 40,000 US citizens behind, says they will protect them and will allow Americans / Afghans safe-passage to the airport to board 'evacuation flights'...and then they break their word?!
EVERY EFFING ONE of those who caused this need to be forcibly collected and flown there to see what their actions caused to real human beings. Then they need to be forced outside the wire and refused re-entry until EVERY AMERICAN who wants to leave there has been safely evacuated. SCUM
Our Secretary of State needs to write a strongly worded letter to these Taliban leaders and demand they be nice or else we're gonna be very very angry.

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