Clyburn: Biden falling short on naming Black figures to top posts


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Apparently, that old racist Biden is having trouble finding blacks that he considers to be "clean and articulate" enough....

Clyburn: Biden falling short on naming Black figures to top posts (

The most senior Black lawmaker on Capitol Hill is taking Joe Biden to task over administration appointments, saying the president elect is falling short when it comes to naming Black figures to top positions.

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), the House majority whip and a close Biden ally, expressed disappointment on Wednesday that African Americans - a voting bloc crucial to Biden's presidential victory - have not featured more prominently among the early picks to fill out senior administration posts next year.

In an interview with Juan Williams, Clyburn welcomed Biden's selection of Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a Black veteran of the diplomatic corps, to serve as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But he lamented that she is so far alone among Black women tapped for cabinet seats and other top slots.

"From all I hear, Black people have been given fair consideration," Clyburn told Williams, a columnist for The Hill. "But there is only one Black woman so far."

"I want to see where the process leads to, what it produces," he added. "But so far it's not good."
Unfortunately , so many of the bright black leaders in America are deceased. Biden isn't going to name Trayvon or George Floyd or Michael Brown to a position.
Apparently, that old racist Biden is having trouble finding blacks that he considers to be "clean and articulate" enough....

Clyburn: Biden falling short on naming Black figures to top posts (

The most senior Black lawmaker on Capitol Hill is taking Joe Biden to task over administration appointments, saying the president elect is falling short when it comes to naming Black figures to top positions.

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), the House majority whip and a close Biden ally, expressed disappointment on Wednesday that African Americans - a voting bloc crucial to Biden's presidential victory - have not featured more prominently among the early picks to fill out senior administration posts next year.

In an interview with Juan Williams, Clyburn welcomed Biden's selection of Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a Black veteran of the diplomatic corps, to serve as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. But he lamented that she is so far alone among Black women tapped for cabinet seats and other top slots.

"From all I hear, Black people have been given fair consideration," Clyburn told Williams, a columnist for The Hill. "But there is only one Black woman so far."

"I want to see where the process leads to, what it produces," he added. "But so far it's not good."

That's what the Democrat Party gets for propagating a group of black democrats who are too ignorant and uninformed, or too radical to serve any real purpose to them

Anyone can tell you that the only purpose a black man or woman serves to the Democrat Party is in obtaining more votes and more power. Those despicable racist Democrats promise the black community the entire world every time when an election comes around but invariably after they cast their vote for those Democrats, they get nothing in return from their plantation masters.

Zilch. Nada. Nichts. Zero. Bupkis. Naught. Zipola.

Thus is the way it has always been.
Give the guy a break.

He hasn't even been inaugurated yet,

Don't worry: He will name plenty of those folks to key positions. A co-founder of BLM said that he won because of her people's votes. She expects some gratitude.

Vice President Harris will remind him of his debt to that key voting bloc.
Biden is a f*ing racist...he repeatedly proved it during the race...and Clyburn thought Joe was going to keep that promise?

We know how much he loves blacks being appointed to high positions of power:



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