CM PUNK returns to AEW

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
There's no Pro Wrestling Board on this page.. so I guess this is where this thread goes.

Anyone else see CM Punk's epic return to the ring after 7 years gone?
Did not see it. But he should be a real draw. AEW and others are starting to bring in some real big crowds and top talent.
Did not see it. But he should be a real draw. AEW and others are starting to bring in some real big crowds and top talent.
It was the perfect storm. AEW was in Chicago for their All Out PPV in September. They signed Punk secretly, and while they had previously only booked 5,000-10,000 seat arenas, they booked a much larger arena, the United Center, on August 20th, and drew 15,000 people to set an AEW record. They heavily hinted that Punk would be delivered. They didn't overthink it. The fans showed up, they chanted his name, and the show began with Punk arriving.

This is a game changer for pro wrestling.
Pro-wrestling, boxing and MMA fighting are under the umbrella of "sports" and there is a Sports Board. In the case of pro-wrestling though, its just fake entertainment, hence the reason the "face" (good guy) wins most of the time and the bad guy/rulebreaker loses most of the time.
In a case that went to court many years ago, the truth came out about how it was all staged.
Pro-wrestling, boxing and MMA fighting are under the umbrella of "sports" and there is a Sports Board. In the case of pro-wrestling though, its just fake entertainment, hence the reason the "face" (good guy) wins most of the time and the bad guy/rulebreaker loses most of the time.
In a case that went to court many years ago, the truth came out about how it was all staged.
Who are you talking to? Because nobody said wrestling wasn't pre-planned.

If you can point me to the pro-wrestling board of the site.. be my guest. However, "sports" is clearly the closest link.
He got his ass handed to him went he tried MMA.
Yep, it wasn't pretty. Dana took a risk and it failed. Punk was a lot of money, but his dismal performance meant a one-night bump accompanied by a hit on legitimacy, as Punk main-evented the PPV. I doubt Phil Brooks would argue any of these statements, but I doubt most people would pass up an opportunity and pay-day if offered one like that.
Punk always referenced that there people that do not get a shot in the business with WWE. With the size of the wrestler being a positive or negative for being top tier and younger people unless pushed, have to go through hoops to compete with the older established wrestlers. Moxley left WWE for reasons similar plus he thought the gimmicks part overshadowed all else. Wrestlers though are highly independent individuals.
What is the big deal about this guy? He came back for the money not for the fans. Bunch of crybabies!
The ''pro rasslers''who went into MMA some did okay others not. They make more money with pro rasslin. MMA was pretty rough on them I guess.

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