CNBC: Joe Biden Addresses the Nation on Infrastructure Plans for the Democratic Party

He wants to spent $2 $4 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

Duplicate thread. Except mine was merged with another thread about a hour ago....

Biden Just Did a Bush Senior...

This thread is a full discussion and includes the actual speech, not a random link to George Bush talking 30 years ago you weirdo.

The thread was tacked onto the one about George Bush. The title was "Is anyone watching Joe Biden's speech about infrastructure?"

I included a link to a story about his "upcoming speech" but not a link to the actual speech itself. After all, who the hell really wants to watch that blabbering fool?

People who wish to be lulled to sleep.

Apparently they love being lied to as well. And being another $2 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it. We probably won't even get another $2k of Biden Bucks out of the deal. That money goes pretty fast, thanks to the inflation Joe Biden is causing.

Will you care about the debt when we're all speaking Chinese and bowing to Xi? You know Xi is President for life, right? That means he'll be there in 20 years when China rules us.

We have to rebuild our country and beat China.

I don't know anything about economic matters, but I like the sound of expanding rail service and investing more in R & D., getting rid of lead pipes for municipal water.

What lead pipes?

Congress banned the use of lead pipes in 1986 but allowed those already in the ground to remain. Three decades later, an estimated 15 to 22 million Americans still cook with and drink tap water entering their homes through lead pipes, known as "service lines."

Instead of replacing all the lead service lines, the government has attempted to monitor and limit lead contamination in water, principally through the EPA's Lead and Copper Rule.

How the EPA has left Americans exposed to lead in drinking water

I’d like to know where the active lead pipes are located.
The biggest problem with pipe water is the iron which is flushed out every few months

I don't know.
Now for the truth about the biden plan to rebuild America.........

'And don’t forget, this isn’t the first or the last big-budget Biden spending plan this year. Add in the COVID bill and the next spending bill, and we could be talking $6 trillion, or $18,000 for every man, woman, and child — above and beyond our normal spending, which is not exactly restrained.

Advocates of huge infrastructure spending, meanwhile, claim it’s needed because our infrastructure is “crumbling.” But this is not true, no matter what civil-engineering trade groups say. As laid out in a 2019 study from three economists and a 2020 essay in National Affairs by Eli Lehrer, our infrastructure is, in general, basically fine. The physical condition of interstate highways has actually improved in recent decades, for example, while buses have gotten younger on average and the quality of bridges has remained steady. And America looks good in the international context, with admirably low commute times (despite increases in congestion) and fast broadband. Further, most of America’s genuine infrastructure problems are best handled at the state and local level, rather than by having the federal government subsidize politically preferred projects.

That’s not to say there’s no room for improvement and no role for Congress. It is to say that infrastructure spending on this massive scale doesn’t address an urgent need in a targeted fashion. After a year of nonstop COVID relief, 13-figure spending projects should not be taken so lightly.

If the president wants to do something about infrastructure, he should focus on streamlining the regulatory processes that make American infrastructure so expensive and time-consuming to build, and carefully select areas that could use more funding, rather than on dumping budget-busting sums into new federal projects en masse.

Then there’s the question of how to pay for all this. Since his campaign, Biden has supported a massive increase in corporate taxes and income taxes on the wealthy. These policies can stunt growth, harm middle-class taxpayers Biden promised not to touch, and make deficit reform more painful in the future.

The infrastructure bill’s spending, spread out over eight years, would be funded by 15 years’ worth of corporate tax hikes — not only pushing the tax on corporate income from 21 to 28 percent but also imposing a wide variety of other tax schemes, from a strengthened “global minimum tax” to a minimum tax on big companies’ “book” income (which does not include, for example, deductions for investment and previous losses). Details on individual income-tax hikes, meanwhile, await Biden’s next proposal. More than likely, all these tax hikes won’t fully pay for the spending, especially if parts of the agenda are renewed when they end. But they’ll be big tax hikes nonetheless.

It’s not really in dispute that, all else equal, higher taxes reduce economic growth. The Congressional Budget Office, for example, recently found that both labor and capital taxes reduce GDP, the former by reducing the incentive to work and the latter by reducing the incentive to save and invest. Meanwhile, the evidence that infrastructure investment will spur enough growth to compensate is disputed at best.

These taxes can also directly affect Americans whom Biden promised would be shielded. During the campaign, Biden vowed not to increase taxes on “anyone” earning less than $400,000. But that promise has now magically evolved to include households that pass the threshold only when both spouses’ earnings are counted. Of course, during the speech he was back to dishonestly claiming, “No one making under $400,000 will see their federal taxes go up. Period.”

And corporate taxes will burden Americans quite broadly. While these are nominally paid by the corporations themselves, in reality, the burden falls on a mix of shareholders, employees, and customers. That includes middle-class savers and workers across the income spectrum. Economists disagree as to exactly how the burden is distributed, but even the left-leaning Tax Policy Center finds that low- and moderate-income families will see their incomes fall when corporate taxes rise.

Trillions of dollars in tax hikes would be bad news in the best of circumstances. They’re even worse news when they’re used not to reduce the deficit, but instead to finance entirely new federal spending. These new taxes will do nothing to stop the disaster looming over our entitlement trust funds, for instance, and if anything will force future tax hikes to hit the middle class harder.

Biden’s speech was littered with platitudes about the importance of unions and highly misleading claims about American decline. The president, in fact, argued that the fate of the nation was at stake with his bill. “I am convinced that if we act now, in 15 years,” he predicted, “people are gonna look back and say, this was the moment that America won the future.” Sorry, Mr. President, the United States doesn’t win the future with another tax hike, government boondoggle, or union bailout'


He wants to spent $2 $4 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

Duplicate thread. Except mine was merged with another thread about a hour ago....

Biden Just Did a Bush Senior...

This thread is a full discussion and includes the actual speech, not a random link to George Bush talking 30 years ago you weirdo.

The thread was tacked onto the one about George Bush. The title was "Is anyone watching Joe Biden's speech about infrastructure?"

I included a link to a story about his "upcoming speech" but not a link to the actual speech itself. After all, who the hell really wants to watch that blabbering fool?

People who wish to be lulled to sleep.

Apparently they love being lied to as well. And being another $2 trillion in debt with nothing to show for it. We probably won't even get another $2k of Biden Bucks out of the deal. That money goes pretty fast, thanks to the inflation Joe Biden is causing.

Will you care about the debt when we're all speaking Chinese and bowing to Xi? You know Xi is President for life, right? That means he'll be there in 20 years when China rules us.

We have to rebuild our country and beat China.

I don't know anything about economic matters, but I like the sound of expanding rail service and investing more in R & D., getting rid of lead pipes for municipal water.

What lead pipes?

Congress banned the use of lead pipes in 1986 but allowed those already in the ground to remain. Three decades later, an estimated 15 to 22 million Americans still cook with and drink tap water entering their homes through lead pipes, known as "service lines."

Instead of replacing all the lead service lines, the government has attempted to monitor and limit lead contamination in water, principally through the EPA's Lead and Copper Rule.

How the EPA has left Americans exposed to lead in drinking water

My son-in-law, who is in commercial real estate, just blurted out,, “Chicago”, when asked about the largest violator of lead pipes.
He also told me that 99% of cities and towns that still have lead pipes are run by...
Biden is such a phoney trying to pretend he wants to help the middle class....he is even more phoney than the phoney he unions he tries to promote.

How long has it been since America had a good union....hmmm for another time.

As a longtime member and eventually chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Mr. Biden’s been a key player in the deals and decisions that led the U.S. government to also recognize Beijing, to bring China into the World Trade Organization, and to approve the trade deals that saw jobs and essential elements of the U.S. critical supply chain relocate from our shores to theirs.

I Googled and Liberal Chicago has done nothing to replace their lead pipes.
Bad Liberals.
Well, it's a bad liberal who wants to correct it, too.
You mean a Bullshitting Liberal.
Liberals have been promising pipe replacement for years.
Let's see what happens, if he gets this plan through.
Are you that naive?
About the plan going through or the pipes being replaced? What makes you think either of these can't happen?
This is why he was elected !!!
Crush covid, and fix the economy.
This infrastructure bill is great because it gives our country a much needed upgrade in many many areas.
Green energy, EVs, semi conductors, manufacturing, this will increase the productivity and efficiency of America and add millions of jobs. In addition the mini-tech revolution, and the grand re-opening will power the economy to new heights in the next few years.

Trumpers can do nothing but cry. They know this is good and will help the country and they are so bitter.

This is the beginning of a nice run for the economy, and the country.

It's the 90s all over again, with the new Bill Clinton leading the way.

This is why he was elected.


He wants to spent $2 trillion dollars to modernize America. He says the windows are too porous, the roofing is too old, the streets are too rickety, and the nation must help.

Duplicate thread. Except mine was merged with another thread about a hour ago....

Biden Just Did a Bush Senior...

This thread is a full discussion and includes the actual speech, not a random link to George Bush talking 30 years ago you weirdo.

The thread was tacked onto the one about George Bush. The title was "Is anyone watching Joe Biden's speech about infrastructure?"

I included a link to a story about his "upcoming speech" but not a link to the actual speech itself. After all, who the hell really wants to watch that blabbering fool?

People who wish to be lulled to sleep.

Biden indeed is a blabbering fool and can put you to sleep:up:
This is why he was elected !!!
Crush covid, and fix the economy.
This infrastructure bill is great because it gives our country a much needed upgrade in many many areas.
Green energy, EVs, semi conductors, manufacturing, this will increase the productivity and efficiency of America and add millions of jobs. In addition the mini-tech revolution, and the grand re-opening will power the economy to new heights in the next few years.

Trumpers can do nothing but cry. They know this is good and will help the country and they are so bitter.

This is the beginning of a nice run for the economy, and the country.

It's the 90s all over again, with the new Bill Clinton leading the way.

This is why he was elected.

when you say "great" you mean it will put or children on more debt they are already in because we dont car about them??

Try that post again in English, please!
This is why he was elected !!!
Crush covid, and fix the economy.
This infrastructure bill is great because it gives our country a much needed upgrade in many many areas.
Green energy, EVs, semi conductors, manufacturing, this will increase the productivity and efficiency of America and add millions of jobs. In addition the mini-tech revolution, and the grand re-opening will power the economy to new heights in the next few years.

Trumpers can do nothing but cry. They know this is good and will help the country and they are so bitter.

This is the beginning of a nice run for the economy, and the country.

It's the 90s all over again, with the new Bill Clinton leading the way.

This is why he was elected.

when you say "great" you mean it will put or children on more debt they are already in because we dont car about them??

Try that post again in English, please!
on top of it,,
Former President Donald Trump launched a populist preemptive strike on President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plans, condemning them as a “giveaway” to China that would hurt workers in the United States and line the pockets of Washington’s special interests.

This is why he was elected !!!
Crush covid, and fix the economy.
This infrastructure bill is great because it gives our country a much needed upgrade in many many areas.
Green energy, EVs, semi conductors, manufacturing, this will increase the productivity and efficiency of America and add millions of jobs. In addition the mini-tech revolution, and the grand re-opening will power the economy to new heights in the next few years.

Trumpers can do nothing but cry. They know this is good and will help the country and they are so bitter.

This is the beginning of a nice run for the economy, and the country.

It's the 90s all over again, with the new Bill Clinton leading the way.

This is why he was elected.

Crush COVID and fix the economy? WTF, how the hell is Biden crushing COVID when he's letting in 1000's of infected illegals. As far as Green energy, how about getting "Green Energy" jobs for those he already tossed off the pipeline two months ago....dumbass.
I Googled and Liberal Chicago has done nothing to replace their lead pipes.
Bad Liberals.
Well, it's a bad liberal who wants to correct it, too.
You mean a Bullshitting Liberal.
Liberals have been promising pipe replacement for years.
Let's see what happens, if he gets this plan through.

Was that anything like "We'll just have to pass this bill to see what's in it"?
Don't worry folks, Sleepy Joe is gonna fix it!
Just stand back, and stand by.
Yeah...Joe going to make the shallow end of the pool deeper by scooping a bunch of water out of the deep end, and then pouring it back into the shallow end!

Dumb shit.
Basically Biden is doing what China has been doing the past few years.
Trump fucked it up and didn't care about tech so he let the Chinese beat us in tech.
Biden is going to change that and emphasize tech now, after Trump, we need to catch up.
I Googled and Liberal Chicago has done nothing to replace their lead pipes.
Bad Liberals.
Well, it's a bad liberal who wants to correct it, too.
You mean a Bullshitting Liberal.
Liberals have been promising pipe replacement for years.
Let's see what happens, if he gets this plan through.

Was that anything like "We'll just have to pass this bill to see what's in it"?

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