CNN Admits Zimmerman May Not Have Said Coon

FACT: Trayvon is dead.
FACT: Zimmerman shot him.

He should have been arrested at that point.
A person can be arrested for assault on the mere word of the person doing the accusing. Bingo. You're in jail.
That he wasn't ever even arrested shows that this case STINKS to high heaven.

Perhaps someone could explain how Trayvon beat Zimmerman without losing his iced tea OR bag of Skittles.? Or why when told by the police dispatcher to NOT follow Trayvon, he continued? Is disobeying police orders that lead to you killing someone a virture?

Zimmerman isn't a hero. He's Bernie Goetz. A punk with delusions of power and a gun.

Occham's razor people.

Occam's razor doesn't apply, stupid.

It is not necessary that Zimmerman be a "hero" in order for him to have resorted to the use of force (even deadly force) IF he was being subjected to violence as he has supposedly claimed.

There is no question that Zimmerman shot the kid.

There is a very real HUGE question about whether in doing so he committed a crime at all.

Absent probable cause, it is not the right time to arrest anybody for that tragedy.

You'd almost think a self-proclaimed Republican would honor the actual state of the LAW. But not Tor.
[ame=]ACTUAL UNCUT AUDIO!!! George Zimmerman's Trayvon Martin 911 - YouTube[/ame]
why did he shoot an unarmed boy?

According to Zimmerman because that "boy" attacked him, broke his nose knocked him to the ground was pounding his head into the ground and made a grab for his gun. All backed up by eye witness testimony. And corroborated by the initial investigation done on the scene.

But facts and the truth have never been your strong point have they?
"It's fuckin cold?" Interesting. Kudos to CNN on this one. Their solid reporting on this is surprising and refreshing.
This is a clear case of Media malpractice, solely to advance a racial narrative. 3 networks admit to intentional disinformation so far.......pathetic.
Would someone in fear for his life be bitching about the weather? :lol:

He might if he was cold and if he was wondering what a guy (whom he had under some observation) was DOING under such weather conditions.

And, as already noted, at the moment of that particular comment, he wasn't in fear yet.
Would someone in fear for his life be bitching about the weather? :lol:

He might if he was cold and if he was wondering what a guy (whom he had under some observation) was DOING under such weather conditions.

When played in proper context, it does appear he was asked abut the weather. So "It's fuckin cold" would make sense.
why did he shoot an unarmed boy?

You mean the unarmed boy who towered over Zimmerman? Do you mean the unarmed boy who chased after Zimmerman and confronted him as he was leaving? Do you mean the unarmed boy who goes by the name no limit know the ganstas.

You have no idea what was said or done up to the point of the gun shot.
I have to admit, i thought he said 'Coons' too. But now i'm beginning to lean towards him saying 'Cold.'
was that why he shot an unarmed boy?

Nobody but a completely biased asshole would even ask such a massively stupid question.

If Zimmerman did make the complaint on the 9-1-1 call that it was "fucking COLD," rather than saying ANYTHING about a "coon," that kind of undercuts YOUR religiously held BELIEF that Zimmerman must have shot Trayvon because the kid was black.

That would leave entirely open the question of what led to the use of the gun.

And I know it rocks your small minded universe to have to confront a claim that IS already on the record, but the answer MIGHT have something to do with Trayvon making the choice to physically attack Zimmerman. (And yes, it IS possible that Trayvon did pound Zimmerman.)

IF Trayvon was pounding Zimmerman's head onto the ground, then POSSIBLY Zimmerman's behavior WAS justified (legally) under all the circumstances.[/QUOTE]

I still see less racial motivation than a wannbe cop with an itchy trigger finger. How far away Martin was when shot will help in determining attack or "WILD HAIR".

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