And then they have the gall to accuse Trump of being the “threat to democracy,” hoping that the idiots who vote for Democrats will be stupid enough to fall for it. And most do.What is this BS about Kamala already securing enough delegates BEFORE THE FREAKIN CONVENTION? Everything the so-called "Democrats" do is un-Democratic. They should be forced to change the name of their Party.
I live in a blue city, and the useful idiots here are still going on about how terrified they are that Trump will win and there will be no more voting. Don’t they know that the Dems have just voided their right to choose their nominee, and a few Dem Elites have-hand picked their next puppet? A radical leftist who will take marching orders from Obama as he continues to destroy the country - and who will side with the recent America-hating Muslim immigrants like Omar over the Jews whose parents, grandparents, and grear-grandparents were citizens.
Damn Obama, and any America-hating Marxist eager to do his bidding. We are being destroyed from the inside.