CNN : Blacks are leaving the United States!!!!!

It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

I can only dream ??
We would pay for full transportation and 10 grand per person and every US city would be restored to glory

By the way "transportation": The 1% of the most rich people of the world produce 2 times the CO2 emissions, which the 50% of the poorer half of all mankind are producing. The strange thing: It would be totally easy for them to change this, because they have enough money to do so. Question: Are rich people per se anti-social?
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It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

I can only dream ??
We would pay for full transportation and 10 grand per person and every US city would be restored to glory

By the way "transportation": The 1% of the most rich people of the world produce 2 times the CO2 emissions, which the 50% of the poorer half of all mankind are producing.

It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

I can only dream ??
We would pay for full transportation and 10 grand per person and every US city would be restored to glory

By the way "transportation": The 1% of the most rich people of the world produce 2 times the CO2 emissions, which the 50% of the poorer half of all mankind are producing.


This makes me curios, because I understand now better the egocentralism of the USA. It's a fallout of the illusion money. Perhaps never any "intelligent" species was able to overstep this deadly point and that's why Extraterrestrians don't exist in reality.

Only a spontanous thought. Now continue to work on your decline and the death of all mankind. And be happy. Never forget to be happy.

Home is where the heart lives.
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It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

She could have saved herself a lot of money and hassle if she just obeyed the law, acted civilized and didn't resist arrest if she was caught doing something wrong. The solution to all this social justice just seems so simple for some, yet so difficult for others.
So ironic........Trump got elected in 2016 for the same reason he will get elected again in November. The media narrative is, "We have a police problem!". But to real Americans, "We have a black problem".

When whites in America saw that black guy standing on the car in Ferguson while the city burned, they said, "Fuck this shit!"

Now its BLM..........and the left thinks its a recipe for winning!!:113::boobies::boobies:
Hard to believe Mexico is better off than the US right now.

Trump has done a GREAT job turning the US into a "shithole country!"
If you're a retiree and dont fuck with drugs and hookers it's always been better than the US
It's about time , lol.

(CNN)Demetria Brown knew the exact moment she decided she'd had it.

She'd just watched a video of George Floyd pinned under an officer's knee, saying he couldn't breathe as he begged for his life. She sobbed as she played it over and over.

On June 1, a week after Floyd's death, she quit her job as a detention officer for the Los Angeles County Probation Department. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, she sold her house, stuffed her belongings into 13 duffel bags and relocated to Puerto Vallarta on Mexico's Pacific coast.

She is going to LOVE the Mexican police!
Watch she gets shot up by the cartels

Does she believe Mexican cops are better?

She just needed a vacation and that was a good excuse and with that excuse she can probably get her job back when she tires of all the fun in mexico.

I do think we need a governmental program that would help blacks that would be willing to re locate in Africa and stay there. no option to return.

I am sure a lot of folks would contribute to such a program.

Liars always lie.

The 20 unarmed black people that die by cops a year, does not mean blacks are oppressed in any way. Should be more worried of lightning strikes.

If all the oppression you can find is oppression on TV, you likely aren't oppressed, just brainwashed by CNN.
She better move fast before Mexico finishes our wall and she can’t get out.... wait, Mexico is paying for it still, right?

Right. You remember all those Soros buses with all those illegals that planned to inundate our country by way of the US/Mexican border? The ones that would have cost us millions and millions? Mexico took the hit instead. Thank you Mexico. You supporting them instead of us gives us more money for the wall. Thank you again...
She better move fast before Mexico finishes our wall and she can’t get out.... wait, Mexico is paying for it still, right?

Right. You remember all those Soros buses with all those illegals that planned to inundate our country by way of the US/Mexican border? The ones that would have cost us millions and millions? Mexico took the hit instead. Thank you Mexico. You supporting them instead of us gives us more money for the wall. Thank you again...
You’re a nut. The money came from my children who will inherit the debt of military money Trump diverted to replace existing wall and not add any. $7 Billion well stolen by the thug Pubs. I can’t wait til the Dems divert money from the military for emergency abortions. I’ll be the first in line to approve that bitch.

A few African Americans have, indeed, left the United States, especially in earlier days.

One famous singer, Ms. J. Baker, went to France before World War II, before that country had massive immigration challenges. She found that she was treated equally and respectfully, unlike here in the States at that time.

There was also a gay African American male singer who went to Holland, presumably because there was more toleration for gay people there when gays were being routinely entrapped and jailed here.

Before the 1960s, discrimination against African Americans was taken for granted. A few African Americans (entertainers & some intellectuals) spent time in Europe where they were treated like human beings (there were few people of color in Europe before World War II).

I have read that during World Wars I & II, American soldiers of African ancestry were treated very nicely by people in Europe. So when those soldiers returned home, they started to demand better treatment. Most of them did not decide to stay in Europe.

I wish the best of luck to the lady mentioned in the OP.
Hard to believe Mexico is better off than the US right now.

Trump has done a GREAT job turning the US into a "shithole country!"

Really?? Ya think so huh? Where ENTIRE POLICE depts get wiped out by drug lords? Where justice is proportional to bribes? Where 13 muni sheriffs get decapitated in a single year?

Depends on WHO you're afraid of more.. Drug gangs running your city in Mexico or the police in the USA..

Choose wisely and via con Dias !!!!!!
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She better move fast before Mexico finishes our wall and she can’t get out.... wait, Mexico is paying for it still, right?

Right. You remember all those Soros buses with all those illegals that planned to inundate our country by way of the US/Mexican border? The ones that would have cost us millions and millions? Mexico took the hit instead. Thank you Mexico. You supporting them instead of us gives us more money for the wall. Thank you again...
You’re a nut. The money came from my children who will inherit the debt of military money Trump diverted to replace existing wall and not add any. $7 Billion well stolen by the thug Pubs. I can’t wait til the Dems divert money from the military for emergency abortions. I’ll be the first in line to approve that bitch.

What's the military budget for the Drug War?? How much LESS will it need to be with a wall? Leftists dont DO logic or economics and really are kinda clueless as to how things work... It's rampant..

Now military budget and abortions -- that just sounds idiotic.

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