CNN, CBS, WaPo Journalists Blast Biden for Having Military Behind Him During ‘Political Speech’

Hitler was sick. Not just in his soul, but in his body. By the end of his life he was being constantly injected with drugs by this personal physician. Those drugs were real heavy too. Meth, cocaine, opiates.
He took a desperate impoverished nation broken by WW 1 surrender terms and within several years turned Germany into the second most powerful nation in the World. And until the United States militarized with its production capabilities was the most powerful one. He had pure obedience and slave labor to help him and his own currency.
He took a desperate impoverished nation broken by WW 1 surrender terms and within several years turned Germany into the second most powerful nation in the World. And until the United States militarized with its production capabilities was the most powerful one. He had pure obedience and slave labor to help him and his own currency.
All true!
It was very disgraceful. It has to be bad when liberal journalist are disgusted with his Nazi style optics put in display tonight.

It was a show of force.

The lights were down at first on them until he started saying "maga Republicans" over and over again and talking about how they need to be stopped then the lights came up more showing the marines behind him.

It was a intentional show of force intended to intimidate the Republicans that disagree with him and how the country is going.

It wasnt a political speech. It was intimidating and him saying "you need to join me. We the people following my America".
It was a show of force.

The lights were down at first on them until he started saying "maga Republicans" over and over again and talking about how they need to be stopped then the lights came up more showing the marines behind him.

It was a intentional show of force intended to intimidate the Republicans that disagree with him and how the country is going.

It wasnt a political speech. It was intimidating and him saying "you need to join me. We the people following my America".
Almost like a Demagogue. An Anti Christ in transition.
Did they have a shock collar on that stuttering shit clown last night?

Not a joke.

Those cringe-worthy episodes of him losing his shit over "ultra MAGA fascists" had to be facilitated thru the use of something like..... electricity. Was Taco Jill in charge of the voltage?

"You over there, breakfast taco, gimme 240 volts in 3,2,1..."

jill 88.jpg
To bad we all witnessed his AFG withdrawal catastrophe. We already know he is a joke.

" late April two weeks after the president’s decision, military planners had crafted a number of evacuation scenarios. In mid-May I ordered Central Command to make preparations for potential NEO. And two weeks later, I began pre-positioning forces in the region to include three infantry battalions. And on the 10th of August, we ran another tabletop exercise around a non-combatant evacuation scenario. We wanted to be ready and we were. In fact, by the time that the state department called for a NEO, leading elements of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit were already on the ground in Kabul. And before that weekend was out another 3000 or so ground troops had arrived including elements of the 82nd Airborne. But let’s be clear. Those first two days were difficult. We all watched with alarm, the images of Afghans rushing the runway in our aircraft. We all remember the scenes of confusion outside the airport.

Sec. Lloyd Austin: (19:57)
But within 48 hours, our troops restored order and process began to take hold. Our soldiers, airmen and Marines in partnership with our allies and partners and our State Department colleagues secured the gates, took control of airport operations and set up a processing system for the tens of thousands of people they would be manifesting unto airplanes. They and our commanders exceeded all expectations. We planned to evacuate between 70 and 80,000 people. They evacuated more than 124,000. We planned to move between five and 9,000 people per day. On average, they moved slightly between more than 7,000 per day. On military aircraft alone, we flew more than 387 sorties averaging nearly 23 per day. At the height of this operation and aircraft was taking off every 45 minutes. And not a single sortie was missed for maintenance, fuel or logistical problems. It was the largest air lift conducted in US history and it was executed in 17 days. Was it perfect? Of course not.
Biden = Hitler
Trump supporters = Juden
Merrick Garland = Himler

Look at the Hitler hate in Biden’s eyes as he yells at 75 million Americans as being a threat to democracy.
Admit it cult…If you could lock up or otherwise remove me and my family, you would.

You are sick people.
It was very disgraceful. It has to be bad when liberal journalist are disgusted with his Nazi style optics put in display tonight.

My guess is that they had to complain about something in that vile, America-hating speech and figured that the Marines in the back were a safe bet.. maybe even the only criticism they could get away with (in their own party).

They could get the conservatives to agree with them on this one thing (the Marines).. which may lead to said conservatives thinking all Ds aren't so bad after all.. and voila'... tomorrow they are back to bashing conservatives and if not calling them fascist outright, implying such, as per their usual MO



We are off to the 22 elections with maybe a small chance of winning after all

Don't fall for it
Biden is an angry old rich white guy.

How PROGRESSIVE! :auiqs.jpg: :rolleyes:

Just so mad….typical rich old white guy yelling at clouds.
To bad we all witnessed his AFG withdrawal catastrophe. We already know he is a joke.
I think the Marines were there to make us "very afraid" as per that bitch Pressley...

Yeh, how brave bidum is against his own people.. and RE the Taliban it was like Here, you can have all this military equipment! Please just don't use it to bomb us! Please!??
Anyone notice that the more power Joe acquires through constant subversion
of our government, the crazier a look he gets in his eyes? Like a madman
drunk with power. A crazy, glazed stare kinda like Adam Schiff.
Exactly how Hitler's Nazi Movement begun.

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our system needs an over haul

I'm not just talking about the voting system but that is what appears to be most important at this time

I'm talking about such things as

all the insider trading Congresspersons do or at least CAN do and most of them do it.. How the hell can we stop this? It is Congress who has the power of making a law against such.. What a joke! The fox guarding the hen-house.. So it will continue and the rich will get richer while the poor as always get poorer.. The bigger govt gets, the worse off ordinary people.. and both parties know this. The Ds don't care.. the Rs pretend to..

So how is anything going to change?
I dunno. I was in the Army many years and I didn't think to be offended by the troops being there. Biden is Commander in Chief.

I did wonder why they had hands in front of them instead of at their sides or behind backs at parade rest. I pictured the same gay guy who picked the color scheme saying "these boys look too stiff and no fun. Try lovingly cupping your in front like this. Oh that's faaabulous!"

I do notice they were all white and male. Hmmmmmm.

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