CNN crew joking About Trump's plane crashing

That's right folks. It's come down to a CNN crew laughing about whether Trump's plane might crash.
These is some serious fucking SICK people!
Makes you wonder if any of them are planning on murdering Trump.
CNN Crew Jokes about Donald Trump's Plane Crashing

What's the matter Snowflake?
Can't take a little joke? Not "Politically Correct" enough for you?

Maybe I can find a safe space where your delicate feelings are not hurt

Who is calling for safe spaces ? No one here needs protection from any of this, it's simply showing another indication of a biased news media.

Its a JOKE.....Who cares if it is Politically Correct or not?

Gotta be concerned about your delicate feelings now Snowflake
That's funny. When it isn't a democrat that makes those kinds of "jokes", the media goes on a 72 hour coverage of how horrific, racist, misogynistic, etc. it was.

It is a different world now Snowflake

Nobody has to be concerned about your delicate feelings....

Hey....if you can mock a handicapped man, you can joke about the Presidents plane crashing
I never said I got hurt over anything. I find it funny that the bitch and her cohorts in CNN are actually that stupid to think that Americans believe they're all a bunch of non biased, objective reporters. That how much of a bubble and totally disconnected from reality they are.
What's the matter Snowflake?
Can't take a little joke? Not "Politically Correct" enough for you?

Maybe I can find a safe space where your delicate feelings are not hurt

Who is calling for safe spaces ? No one here needs protection from any of this, it's simply showing another indication of a biased news media.

Its a JOKE.....Who cares if it is Politically Correct or not?

Gotta be concerned about your delicate feelings now Snowflake
That's funny. When it isn't a democrat that makes those kinds of "jokes", the media goes on a 72 hour coverage of how horrific, racist, misogynistic, etc. it was.

It is a different world now Snowflake

Nobody has to be concerned about your delicate feelings....

Hey....if you can mock a handicapped man, you can joke about the Presidents plane crashing
I never said I got hurt over anything. I find it funny that the bitch and her cohorts in CNN are actually that stupid to think that Americans believe they're all a bunch of non biased, objective reporters. That how much of a bubble and totally disconnected from reality they are.

So CNN has to be concerned about poor Donny's feelings now?

Maybe if CNN mocked a handicapped man, you would feel better
Who is calling for safe spaces ? No one here needs protection from any of this, it's simply showing another indication of a biased news media.

Its a JOKE.....Who cares if it is Politically Correct or not?

Gotta be concerned about your delicate feelings now Snowflake
That's funny. When it isn't a democrat that makes those kinds of "jokes", the media goes on a 72 hour coverage of how horrific, racist, misogynistic, etc. it was.

It is a different world now Snowflake

Nobody has to be concerned about your delicate feelings....

Hey....if you can mock a handicapped man, you can joke about the Presidents plane crashing
I never said I got hurt over anything. I find it funny that the bitch and her cohorts in CNN are actually that stupid to think that Americans believe they're all a bunch of non biased, objective reporters. That how much of a bubble and totally disconnected from reality they are.

So CNN has to be concerned about poor Donny's feelings now?

Maybe if CNN mocked a handicapped man, you would feel better
Didn't say that either. It's just extremely hypocritical and exposes their bias when they go overboard and start eating their soiled underwear over similar jokes Trump has made. Capice?
Its a JOKE.....Who cares if it is Politically Correct or not?

Gotta be concerned about your delicate feelings now Snowflake
That's funny. When it isn't a democrat that makes those kinds of "jokes", the media goes on a 72 hour coverage of how horrific, racist, misogynistic, etc. it was.

It is a different world now Snowflake

Nobody has to be concerned about your delicate feelings....

Hey....if you can mock a handicapped man, you can joke about the Presidents plane crashing
I never said I got hurt over anything. I find it funny that the bitch and her cohorts in CNN are actually that stupid to think that Americans believe they're all a bunch of non biased, objective reporters. That how much of a bubble and totally disconnected from reality they are.

So CNN has to be concerned about poor Donny's feelings now?

Maybe if CNN mocked a handicapped man, you would feel better
Didn't say that either. It's just extremely hypocritical and exposes their bias when they go overboard and start eating their soiled underwear over similar jokes Trump has made. Capice?


You whimpering about being "fair" now?
Nobody cares about Donny's feelings.......He doesn't care about anyone elses
That's right folks. It's come down to a CNN crew laughing about whether Trump's plane might crash.
These is some serious fucking SICK people!
Makes you wonder if any of them are planning on murdering Trump.
CNN Crew Jokes about Donald Trump's Plane Crashing

What's the matter Snowflake?
Can't take a little joke? Not "Politically Correct" enough for you?

Maybe I can find a safe space where your delicate feelings are not hurt

Who is calling for safe spaces ? No one here needs protection from any of this, it's simply showing another indication of a biased news media.

Its a JOKE.....Who cares if it is Politically Correct or not?

Gotta be concerned about your delicate feelings now Snowflake

I'm not in your school system any longer, so I'm not in need of your protection.
That's right folks. It's come down to a CNN crew laughing about whether Trump's plane might crash.
These is some serious fucking SICK people!
Makes you wonder if any of them are planning on murdering Trump.
CNN Crew Jokes about Donald Trump's Plane Crashing
They wouldn't be laughing if someone they cared about was on the plane. If they don't want it happening to them or someone they care about, they shouldn't be wishing it on someone else.

God bless you and our new leader always!!!

That's right folks. It's come down to a CNN crew laughing about whether Trump's plane might crash.
These is some serious fucking SICK people!
Makes you wonder if any of them are planning on murdering Trump.
CNN Crew Jokes about Donald Trump's Plane Crashing
Nah. Just idle wishful thinking. Of course, then they'd have Pense to deal with, unless they were both on the same plane. Then they'd have Eddie Munster.
Its a JOKE.....Who cares if it is Politically Correct or not?

Gotta be concerned about your delicate feelings now Snowflake

You are trying way too hard little boy.

But we can understand, you are the one who got made fun of in the sandbox by the other kids and shamed and now you want to strike back any way you can. And the best you can do is call us snowflakes because you want to pretend we are the PC sensitive ones. No one is fooled by your little tantrum, ok? It is you leftist morons who start wetting their pants because some right wing speaker is coming to their campus to talk. You see, they cannot bear that someone does not agree with their bullshit so they put on a screaming parade and often get the administration to dis-invite the speaker, like Milo Yiannopolous for instance, the brilliant gay catholic conservative luminary.

It is BLM people who disrupt any public place they feel like and scream out “pigs in the blanket, fry them like bacon” --- and, you, a brainwashed robot have no issues with that. It is your sick media and DOJ who lets your Obama and Hillary villains get away with murder and you are such a phony you think this is all ok.

But I digress. Let’s get back to the real snowflakes. The one’s who went apopletic because Trump said at the debate he will wait and see how the election goes before he can guarantee he will accept the results. And your beloved phony fucking MSM went into overdrive immediately, “can you believe this??!!” So, phony man, where was your beloved bullshit MSM when your political heroes all got all demanding this election was not fair and protested and demanded recounts? Do you know what the word ‘hypocrisy’ means? Own it!!! And all your snowflakes could not contain themselves and made total asses of themselves in their embarrassing major demonstrations. Why? Because they are entitled to everything their tiny little minds can come up with?

I also notice how they scream at any fellow student who has a booth that is pro-life, too. Tons of videos where either the snowflakes or their professors start screaming at them because their snowflake constitutions cannot believe someone is invading their space. You people cannot even accept an American flag, that, too, is an affront to many of your sensitive feelings.

Plus your ignorance and desperation rings like a giant gong any time you are cornered, even your president and media. You don’t like the argument so you retreat like a child and start screaming “you racists!” “you homophobes!” “you bigots!” Oh, so mature losers. Are you really that stupid? Probably not. You are just egotistical assholes who can never admit you are wrong about anything. We are not snowflakes, but neither are we stupid. You can cover your eyes and block your ears but we can still see you. You are selfish little stupid children. And none of us want cry babies who have no idea what life is about leading us in any office.
If anyone said this about Obama, liberals would be peeing their diapers, but because it's Trump they defend it.

Liberals are disgusting people who take their orders from Satan.
That's funny. When it isn't a democrat that makes those kinds of "jokes", the media goes on a 72 hour coverage of how horrific, racist, misogynistic, etc. it was.

It is a different world now Snowflake

Nobody has to be concerned about your delicate feelings....

Hey....if you can mock a handicapped man, you can joke about the Presidents plane crashing
I never said I got hurt over anything. I find it funny that the bitch and her cohorts in CNN are actually that stupid to think that Americans believe they're all a bunch of non biased, objective reporters. That how much of a bubble and totally disconnected from reality they are.

So CNN has to be concerned about poor Donny's feelings now?

Maybe if CNN mocked a handicapped man, you would feel better
Didn't say that either. It's just extremely hypocritical and exposes their bias when they go overboard and start eating their soiled underwear over similar jokes Trump has made. Capice?


You whimpering about being "fair" now?
Nobody cares about Donny's feelings.......He doesn't care about anyone elses
Again, this election cycle the only people that are whimpering and crying are you delusional leftist whackjobs.
If anyone said this about Obama, liberals would be peeing their diapers, but because it's Trump they defend it.

Liberals are disgusting people who take their orders from Satan.

We had a different country under Obama. A country where civility is valued

Now we can laugh about Trumps plane crashing, how funny handicapped people look, how fat or ugly certain women are

We ain't PC anymore Snowflake
^^^^^^ :cuckoo:
Civility? Ha ha ha.

Race riots, economic and ethnic divisiveness, burning down neighborhoods, looting, etc.
If anyone said this about Obama, liberals would be peeing their diapers, but because it's Trump they defend it.

Liberals are disgusting people who take their orders from Satan.

We had a different country under Obama. A country where civility is valued

Now we can laugh about Trumps plane crashing, how funny handicapped people look, how fat or ugly certain women are

We ain't PC anymore Snowflake
You're an idiot.
If anyone said this about Obama, liberals would be peeing their diapers, but because it's Trump they defend it.

Liberals are disgusting people who take their orders from Satan.

We had a different country under Obama. A country where civility is valued

Now we can laugh about Trumps plane crashing, how funny handicapped people look, how fat or ugly certain women are

We ain't PC anymore Snowflake
You're an idiot.
I'm not the one who voted for President Oompa Loompa
That's right folks. It's come down to a CNN crew laughing about whether Trump's plane might crash.
These is some serious fucking SICK people!
Makes you wonder if any of them are planning on murdering Trump.
CNN Crew Jokes about Donald Trump's Plane Crashing
Sorry, didn't load. IF what you claim is true, it's totally messed up.

HOT MIC: CNN Crew Jokes About Trump's Plane Crashing | The Sean ... › Onair › The Sean Hannity Show
12 hours ago - Another embarrassing moment for CNN as a microphone catches their broadcast crew joking about President-elect Donald Trump's plane ...
That's right folks. It's come down to a CNN crew laughing about whether Trump's plane might crash.
These is some serious fucking SICK people!
Makes you wonder if any of them are planning on murdering Trump.
CNN Crew Jokes about Donald Trump's Plane Crashing
Sorry, didn't load. IF what you claim is true, it's totally messed up.

HOT MIC: CNN Crew Jokes About Trump's Plane Crashing | The Sean ... › Onair › The Sean Hannity Show
12 hours ago - Another embarrassing moment for CNN as a microphone catches their broadcast crew joking about President-elect Donald Trump's plane ...
What's not funny about that Snowflake?

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