CNN: December cold records shatterred!!

5 degrees this morning and wind chills well below zero.

The entire nation is FREEZING to DEATH!!!!

I curse the the Gods of the Church of Warmers once again...Bigs Ears, Fat Albert, and dipshit Hansen....GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!
5 degrees this morning and wind chills well below zero.

The entire nation is FREEZING to DEATH!!!!

I curse the the Gods of the Church of Warmers once again...Bigs Ears, Fat Albert, and dipshit Hansen....GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!

Imagine a poll taken tonight in the northeast US?

"Can you tell me if you think global warming is a real threat to our future?"

5 degrees this morning and wind chills well below zero.

The entire nation is FREEZING to DEATH!!!!

I curse the the Gods of the Church of Warmers once again...Bigs Ears, Fat Albert, and dipshit Hansen....GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!

Imagine a poll taken tonight in the northeast US?

"Can you tell me if you think global warming is a real threat to our future?"


Damn I am freezing my balls off.

Fucking warmers...ugh!!!!
Winter hasn't even started and it's about 19 degrees out at 12 noon here below the Mason Dixon line. Who do I see about that?
58 degrees today in NJ. And on the 18 th of DECEMBER

Do you need any more proof of global warming?
58 degrees today in NJ. And on the 18 th of DECEMBER

Do you need any more proof of global warming?

The warmist folks somehow got to a point where they put 100% trust in government and the experts.....well, their definition of experts.

Problem is, the people out in the real world still have senses. They've been hearing about "warming" for 20+ years now but nothing is changing in their minds......the nut sack warmers still hanging by the front door.


Whats happened is..........they've figured out that .5 degree's isn't changing much of anything so why get angst about this. They've seen the models frequently be wrong. They've seen a boatload of warmer predictions fall flat on their faces, on hurricanes, tornado's, arctic ice, glaciers, drought...........and of course, most logical people ( non-OCD ) are going to put their concerns on the very bottom of their list. Which means the politicians aren't going to give a rats ass!!

Which is 2016, the science isn't mattering for dick.

And here comes Scott Pruitt to blow more shit up!!

Lets face it......being part of the religion in 2016 means you're taking the bumpy cucumber in the poop chute HARD!!!:bye1::bye1:
58 degrees today....I may just go to the beach

More proof of global warming
58 degrees today in NJ. And on the 18 th of DECEMBER

Do you need any more proof of global warming?

View attachment 102583

Global Warming : Feature Articles
How is Today’s Warming Different from the Past?

Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity. We know about past climates because of evidence left in tree rings, layers of ice in glaciers, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. For example, bubbles of air in glacial ice trap tiny samples of Earth’s atmosphere, giving scientists a history of greenhouse gases that stretches back more than 800,000 years. The chemical make-up of the ice provides clues to the average global temperature.

See the Earth Observatory’s series Paleoclimatology for details about how scientists study past climates.



Glacial ice and air bubbles trapped in it (top) preserve an 800,000-year record of temperature & carbon dioxide. Earth has cycled between ice ages (low points, large negative anomalies) and warm interglacials (peaks). (Photograph courtesy National Snow & Ice Data Center. NASA graph by Robert Simmon, based on data from Jouzel et al., 2007.)

Using this ancient evidence, scientists have built a record of Earth’s past climates, or “paleoclimates.” The paleoclimate record combined with global models shows past ice ages as well as periods even warmer than today. But the paleoclimate record also reveals that the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events.

As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.


Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)

Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual.

Again, here is the whole article that graph is from.
58 degrees today in NJ. And on the 18 th of DECEMBER

Do you need any more proof of global warming?

View attachment 102583

Global Warming : Feature Articles
How is Today’s Warming Different from the Past?

Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity. We know about past climates because of evidence left in tree rings, layers of ice in glaciers, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. For example, bubbles of air in glacial ice trap tiny samples of Earth’s atmosphere, giving scientists a history of greenhouse gases that stretches back more than 800,000 years. The chemical make-up of the ice provides clues to the average global temperature.

See the Earth Observatory’s series Paleoclimatology for details about how scientists study past climates.



Glacial ice and air bubbles trapped in it (top) preserve an 800,000-year record of temperature & carbon dioxide. Earth has cycled between ice ages (low points, large negative anomalies) and warm interglacials (peaks). (Photograph courtesy National Snow & Ice Data Center. NASA graph by Robert Simmon, based on data from Jouzel et al., 2007.)

Using this ancient evidence, scientists have built a record of Earth’s past climates, or “paleoclimates.” The paleoclimate record combined with global models shows past ice ages as well as periods even warmer than today. But the paleoclimate record also reveals that the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events.

As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.


Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)

Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual.

Again, here is the whole article that graph is from.
Their climate models have been proven wrong. The amplifying feedbacks have been proven wrong. Then it was severe weather events. As soon as one is proven wrong you people latch onto something else. You dismiss your defeats and ignore your incongruities. Now you have latched on to "very rapid change" as your new battle cry. When that folly is shown to be false it will be something else. You are the worst kind of stupid. I disagree that as the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. Their own data shows that the initial temperature spike was 8.1C to 12,4C and the time periods ranged from 6,000 years to 12,000 years. I disagree that a valid comparison can be made to the last century because the data does not exist over the 6,000 to 12,000 year time frames to do so. There were only two data points for each of the initial pressure spikes. I suspect that they know this too. I disagree that the science is settled or that it points to man made global warming. The world we live in today is classified as an icehouse world. It is characterized by bipolar glaciation and glacial-interglacial cycles. It is geologically rare and possibly unique. For most of earth's history we have been a greenhouse world. The transition to an icehouse world began about 5 million years ago and was driven by plate tectonics/land mass distribution and atmospheric CO2 of 400 ppm. Conditions which still exist today. Radiative forcing of CO2 is not responsible for the myth of global warming. Sure there is a greenhouse effect of CO2 but there is a logarithmic relationship between CO2 level and associated temperature and the biggest impact is at very low concentrations. The geologic record and the oxygen isotope curves prove that CO2 acts as a reinforcing agent to temperature change not as a driver for climate change. We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is at least 1.4C to 2.4C below the peak temperature of three of the four last interglacials. We are well within the normal range of an interglacial cycle. The problem with their models is not the radiative forcing aspect of CO2 it is with their ridiculous feedback amplifications which have been proven to be false by satellite measurements and their timing estimate of the associated temperature from radiative forcing of CO2. The oceans have a vast storage of heat capacity. It takes centuries for the radiative forcing of CO2 to have any effect on temperature. What we are seeing today are natural variations that have always existed. Finally, our CO2 emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace it in 5 years. There isn't a problem and if it were, we are not the problem.

Do you have any basis for your belief other than they say so? Because I would love to hear why you believe what you do.
58 degrees today in NJ. And on the 18 th of DECEMBER

Do you need any more proof of global warming?

View attachment 102583

Global Warming : Feature Articles
How is Today’s Warming Different from the Past?

Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity. We know about past climates because of evidence left in tree rings, layers of ice in glaciers, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. For example, bubbles of air in glacial ice trap tiny samples of Earth’s atmosphere, giving scientists a history of greenhouse gases that stretches back more than 800,000 years. The chemical make-up of the ice provides clues to the average global temperature.

See the Earth Observatory’s series Paleoclimatology for details about how scientists study past climates.



Glacial ice and air bubbles trapped in it (top) preserve an 800,000-year record of temperature & carbon dioxide. Earth has cycled between ice ages (low points, large negative anomalies) and warm interglacials (peaks). (Photograph courtesy National Snow & Ice Data Center. NASA graph by Robert Simmon, based on data from Jouzel et al., 2007.)

Using this ancient evidence, scientists have built a record of Earth’s past climates, or “paleoclimates.” The paleoclimate record combined with global models shows past ice ages as well as periods even warmer than today. But the paleoclimate record also reveals that the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events.

As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.


Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)

Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual.

Again, here is the whole article that graph is from.
Their climate models have been proven wrong. The amplifying feedbacks have been proven wrong. Then it was severe weather events. As soon as one is proven wrong you people latch onto something else. You dismiss your defeats and ignore your incongruities. Now you have latched on to "very rapid change" as your new battle cry. When that folly is shown to be false it will be something else. You are the worst kind of stupid. I disagree that as the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. Their own data shows that the initial temperature spike was 8.1C to 12,4C and the time periods ranged from 6,000 years to 12,000 years. I disagree that a valid comparison can be made to the last century because the data does not exist over the 6,000 to 12,000 year time frames to do so. There were only two data points for each of the initial pressure spikes. I suspect that they know this too. I disagree that the science is settled or that it points to man made global warming. The world we live in today is classified as an icehouse world. It is characterized by bipolar glaciation and glacial-interglacial cycles. It is geologically rare and possibly unique. For most of earth's history we have been a greenhouse world. The transition to an icehouse world began about 5 million years ago and was driven by plate tectonics/land mass distribution and atmospheric CO2 of 400 ppm. Conditions which still exist today. Radiative forcing of CO2 is not responsible for the myth of global warming. Sure there is a greenhouse effect of CO2 but there is a logarithmic relationship between CO2 level and associated temperature and the biggest impact is at very low concentrations. The geologic record and the oxygen isotope curves prove that CO2 acts as a reinforcing agent to temperature change not as a driver for climate change. We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is at least 1.4C to 2.4C below the peak temperature of three of the four last interglacials. We are well within the normal range of an interglacial cycle. The problem with their models is not the radiative forcing aspect of CO2 it is with their ridiculous feedback amplifications which have been proven to be false by satellite measurements and their timing estimate of the associated temperature from radiative forcing of CO2. The oceans have a vast storage of heat capacity. It takes centuries for the radiative forcing of CO2 to have any effect on temperature. What we are seeing today are natural variations that have always existed. Finally, our CO2 emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace it in 5 years. There isn't a problem and if it were, we are not the problem.

Do you have any basis for your belief other than they say so? Because I would love to hear why you believe what you do.
LOL Well yes. Because many other scientists from many other nations and cultures are saying the same thing. And I don't see any reputable scientists saying anything like the shit you are trying to pass off.
58 degrees today in NJ. And on the 18 th of DECEMBER

Do you need any more proof of global warming?

View attachment 102583

Global Warming : Feature Articles
How is Today’s Warming Different from the Past?

Earth has experienced climate change in the past without help from humanity. We know about past climates because of evidence left in tree rings, layers of ice in glaciers, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. For example, bubbles of air in glacial ice trap tiny samples of Earth’s atmosphere, giving scientists a history of greenhouse gases that stretches back more than 800,000 years. The chemical make-up of the ice provides clues to the average global temperature.

See the Earth Observatory’s series Paleoclimatology for details about how scientists study past climates.



Glacial ice and air bubbles trapped in it (top) preserve an 800,000-year record of temperature & carbon dioxide. Earth has cycled between ice ages (low points, large negative anomalies) and warm interglacials (peaks). (Photograph courtesy National Snow & Ice Data Center. NASA graph by Robert Simmon, based on data from Jouzel et al., 2007.)

Using this ancient evidence, scientists have built a record of Earth’s past climates, or “paleoclimates.” The paleoclimate record combined with global models shows past ice ages as well as periods even warmer than today. But the paleoclimate record also reveals that the current climatic warming is occurring much more rapidly than past warming events.

As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.


Temperature histories from paleoclimate data (green line) compared to the history based on modern instruments (blue line) suggest that global temperature is warmer now than it has been in the past 1,000 years, and possibly longer. (Graph adapted from Mann et al., 2008.)

Models predict that Earth will warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next century. When global warming has happened at various times in the past two million years, it has taken the planet about 5,000 years to warm 5 degrees. The predicted rate of warming for the next century is at least 20 times faster. This rate of change is extremely unusual.

Again, here is the whole article that graph is from.
Their climate models have been proven wrong. The amplifying feedbacks have been proven wrong. Then it was severe weather events. As soon as one is proven wrong you people latch onto something else. You dismiss your defeats and ignore your incongruities. Now you have latched on to "very rapid change" as your new battle cry. When that folly is shown to be false it will be something else. You are the worst kind of stupid. I disagree that as the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. Their own data shows that the initial temperature spike was 8.1C to 12,4C and the time periods ranged from 6,000 years to 12,000 years. I disagree that a valid comparison can be made to the last century because the data does not exist over the 6,000 to 12,000 year time frames to do so. There were only two data points for each of the initial pressure spikes. I suspect that they know this too. I disagree that the science is settled or that it points to man made global warming. The world we live in today is classified as an icehouse world. It is characterized by bipolar glaciation and glacial-interglacial cycles. It is geologically rare and possibly unique. For most of earth's history we have been a greenhouse world. The transition to an icehouse world began about 5 million years ago and was driven by plate tectonics/land mass distribution and atmospheric CO2 of 400 ppm. Conditions which still exist today. Radiative forcing of CO2 is not responsible for the myth of global warming. Sure there is a greenhouse effect of CO2 but there is a logarithmic relationship between CO2 level and associated temperature and the biggest impact is at very low concentrations. The geologic record and the oxygen isotope curves prove that CO2 acts as a reinforcing agent to temperature change not as a driver for climate change. We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is at least 1.4C to 2.4C below the peak temperature of three of the four last interglacials. We are well within the normal range of an interglacial cycle. The problem with their models is not the radiative forcing aspect of CO2 it is with their ridiculous feedback amplifications which have been proven to be false by satellite measurements and their timing estimate of the associated temperature from radiative forcing of CO2. The oceans have a vast storage of heat capacity. It takes centuries for the radiative forcing of CO2 to have any effect on temperature. What we are seeing today are natural variations that have always existed. Finally, our CO2 emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace it in 5 years. There isn't a problem and if it were, we are not the problem.

Do you have any basis for your belief other than they say so? Because I would love to hear why you believe what you do.
LOL Well yes. Because many other scientists from many other nations and cultures are saying the same thing. And I don't see any reputable scientists saying anything like the shit you are trying to pass off.
I see. So your only basis is because you have been told to think this way. Their climate models have been proven wrong. The amplifying feedbacks have been proven wrong. Then it was severe weather events. As soon as one is proven wrong you people latch onto something else. You dismiss your defeats and ignore your incongruities. Now you have latched on to "very rapid change" as your new battle cry. When that folly is shown to be false it will be something else. You are the worst kind of stupid. I disagree that as the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. Their own data shows that the initial temperature spike was 8.1C to 12,4C and the time periods ranged from 6,000 years to 12,000 years. I disagree that a valid comparison can be made to the last century because the data does not exist over the 6,000 to 12,000 year time frames to do so. There were only two data points for each of the initial pressure spikes. I suspect that they know this too. I disagree that the science is settled or that it points to man made global warming. The world we live in today is classified as an icehouse world. It is characterized by bipolar glaciation and glacial-interglacial cycles. It is geologically rare and possibly unique. For most of earth's history we have been a greenhouse world. The transition to an icehouse world began about 5 million years ago and was driven by plate tectonics/land mass distribution and atmospheric CO2 of 400 ppm. Conditions which still exist today. Radiative forcing of CO2 is not responsible for the myth of global warming. Sure there is a greenhouse effect of CO2 but there is a logarithmic relationship between CO2 level and associated temperature and the biggest impact is at very low concentrations. The geologic record and the oxygen isotope curves prove that CO2 acts as a reinforcing agent to temperature change not as a driver for climate change. We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is at least 1.4C to 2.4C below the peak temperature of three of the four last interglacials. We are well within the normal range of an interglacial cycle. The problem with their models is not the radiative forcing aspect of CO2 it is with their ridiculous feedback amplifications which have been proven to be false by satellite measurements and their timing estimate of the associated temperature from radiative forcing of CO2. The oceans have a vast storage of heat capacity. It takes centuries for the radiative forcing of CO2 to have any effect on temperature. What we are seeing today are natural variations that have always existed. Finally, our CO2 emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace it in 5 years. There isn't a problem and if it were, we are not the problem.

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